Our members have been interviewed about their research for articles in publications such as The Guardian, The Times and The New York TImes
Full publication lists can be found on individual group members' staff profiles (links below).
Group members' impact
Emily Farran - Cognition, Genes and Developmental Variability (CogDev) Lab
'What role does spatial thinking play in STEM?' - Blog on Learning and Development
'Spatial cognition and STEM success' - Psychologicall podcast, 2021
'Spatial reasoning in the Reception year' - Emily was invited by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics to talk to the 'Building Firm Mathematical Foundations in Reception' Work Groups, in December 2020. She delivered a talk, 'Spatial reasoning in the Reception year' in which she outlined the evidence for the importance of spatial reasoning for mathematics in the Early Years Foundation Stage, with a specific focus on the Reception classroom. She included examples of how teachers can ‘spatialise’ the classroom and the curriculum, and how to evaluate these changes, to determine their effects on children’s learning.
'Ten UK universities create reproducibility-focused senior roles' - The Times Higher Education, 2019
'Why Spatial ability could be the key to Stem success' - TES podagogy podcast, 2019
'Science in Primary' - The Times Education Supplement (TES) article, 2018
Debbie Gooch
TES focus on processing speed - The Times Education Supplement (TES), 2019
Norbury, C. F., Gooch, D. (2015, June). Too Much Too soon? What should we be teaching 4-year-olds, The Conversation.
Katie Gilligan-Lee - Cognition, Genes and Developmental Variability (CogDev) Lab
Katie was awarded Developmental Science Early Career Researcher Prize, 2020 for her paper: Gilligan, K. A., Thomas, M. S., & Farran, E. K. (2019). First demonstration of effective spatial training for near-transfer to spatial performance and far-transfer to a range of mathematics skills at 8 years. Developmental Science
Alexandra Grandison - Surrey Baby Lab
'The vision thing: How babies colour in the world' - the Guardian, 2017
'What can babies see?', - interviewed as a contributor for the Guardian’s award-winning science podcast “Science Weekly” for an episode exploring the development of colour vision in human babies and the neuroscience and psychology that underpins it, 2017
'Virtual Impressions: The First Year of Life' - contributed to the Guardian's virtual reality project charting the first year of life, 2017
Two television programmes have featured research conducted at the Surrey Baby Lab:
- Story House Productions, ZDF Television, Germany, 'The Magic of Colours', 2015
- BBC Horizon, 'Do You See What I See?', 2011
Surrey Baby Lab Alexandra Grandison
Jo Moss
Interview for a podcast, 2021 Word On Health (Podcast) (buzzsprout.com)
Media coverage from the Cerebra Network launch event, 2021:
Neurodevelopmental Research Lab Jo Moss
Harriet Tenenbaum
Cowie, H., Jones, F., & Tenenbaum, H. R. (2021). A School for Everyone: Stories and Lesson Plans to Teach Inclusivity & Social Issues London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Cowie, H., Jones, F., & Tenenbaum, H. R. (2018). Emily is Being Bullied, What can she do? London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Parents Tend to Doubt Girls' Math, Science Ability, Reuters Health
Do children feel moral disgust? The British Academy, 2021
The science of talking in class, The Hechinger Report, 2020
The newlywed name game: Does taking your husband's surname take away your identity?, YahooLife, 2019
Why peer learning is more effective than you think, The Times Education Supplement (TES) article, 2019
Harriet was interviewed by TheTimes, Time magazine, the Daily Mail, and The New York Times for her work on emotion and gender with Dr Ana Aznar
- Press release: 'Mothers nurture emotions in girls over boys, new study finds':
- 'The fear of having a son' The New York Times, 2016
- 'Why girls feel more emotion than boys', The Times, 2014
- 'Mothers Talk Differently to Daughters than Sons: Study', Time Magazine, 2014
- 'Mummy's chats prepare girls better for work: Study finds mothers use more emotive language when talking to their daughters than their sons', Daily Mail, 2014
Chris Askew
'How children "catch" fear' - BBC focus magazine, 2013