We provide a range of open-registration events throughout the year focusing on the use of dedicated CAQDAS packages for qualitative and mixed-methods analysis, including awareness raising seminars, methodological seminars, software specific training and advanced support workshops. We also provide tailored training and support for individuals and teams.
Find a course
CPD and short courses
Training in the use of a specific CAQDAS-package is provided with regularly scheduled courses. Training combines demonstration, discussion and hands-on learning. Aimed at postgraduates, academics and professional researchers, these training courses offer a thorough overview of the tools, functions and uses of the particular qualitative software package. We are currently running all CAQDAS training online.
- One-day training courses use sample data throughout, although there is an opportunity at breaks to discuss your own project with tutors and participants
- Two-day training courses enable participants to use their own project data and they are supported with individual needs
- Three-day training workshops take a slower and more comprehensive pace, using The Five-Level QDA method - a CAQDAS pedagogy developed by Christina Silver and Nicholas Woolf.
See the full list of forthcoming training courses for more information and to book a place.
Next webinars
We run free webinars covering aspects of using digital tools and CAQDAS packages for qualitative and mixed-methods research. If you have suggestions for topics to cover in these webinars, or are interested in delivering a user webinar, please email us at caqdas@surrey.ac.uk
- 3rd March 2025 4pm GMT AI, Critical Thinking + Reflexivity in QDA: What’s the relationship? Join us to discuss how the use of Generative-AI for qualitative analysis impacts how we critically engage with data and enact reflexivity, with Dr Christina Silver. CAQDAS Networking Project. FREE registration here
- 1st April 2025 4pm BST How to Enrich Research Analysis with Interactive Documentary Design. Join us to find out how to use i-Docs to enrich analysis of topics in creative projects, with Dr Ella Harris. Bath Spa University. FREE Registration here
- 13th May 2025 4pm BST "Tinkering" with LLMs as an approach to Qualitative Analysis. Join us to hear how to experiment with and adapt language models to support qualitative workflows. With Dr Matt Wood. Northumbria University FREE Registration here
Past webinars
Awareness raising webinars
These webinars focus on raising awareness about digital tools for qualitative and mixed-methods research and analysis and their applications across disciplines and methodologies. Some cover general principles and considerations in the use of digital tools, throughout the research process or for particular tasks. Some focus on planning for the use of CAQDAS packages or demonstrate differences between products to facilitate informed choices. Awareness-raising webinars are delivered by members and associates of the CAQDAS Networking Project.
- Doing qualitative research in a digital world. Trena M Paulus, PhD, Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, USA & Jessica Nina Lester, PhD, School of Education at Indiana University, USA. 30 September 2020.
- On the hunt for quality: the role of digital tools in qualitative analysis. Sarah L Bulloch, PhD & Christina Silver, PhD, both at the CAQDAS Networking Project, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, 6 January 2021.
- Seeing the wood amongst the trees: Choosing an appropriate CAQDAS package. Christina Silver, PhD, CAQDAS Networking Project, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK. 14 May 2021.
- Open Tools for Qualitative Analysis. Vicky Rampin, New York University Libraries, USA. 9 June 2021.
- Step-change for Qualitative Research: Exchanging analysed data between CAQDAS packages. Christina Silver, PhD. CAQDAS Networking Project, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK. 15 September 2021.
- De-stress your research: gather, organize and connect literature with Scrintal. Ece Kural, PhD. Scrintal. 4pm GMT 19 November 2021.
- Power up your thematic analysis with qualitative software. Christina Silver, PhD. CAQDAS Networking Project, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK. 4 October 2022
- Best practices for Coding in Teams in Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Projects. Dr Michelle Salmona. President - Institute for Mixed Methods Research and Dr Sara Grummert, Academic Director - Institute for Mixed Methods Research. 10 July 2023
- Qualitative-AI: Hoo-Ha or Step-Change? Christina Silver, PhD. CAQDAS Networking Project, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK. 1 September 2023
Methodological webinars
These webinars focus on cutting-edge methodological advancements in the use of digital tools to facilitate the analysis of qualitative data. They may be focused on a specific tool or discuss / compare two or more. Sometimes we run methodological webinars drawing on our own work, other times we invite methodologists or CAQDAS-developers to present webinars on particular methodological advancements.
- Humans and machines learning together. Stuart W Shulman, PhD, Founder & CEO of Texifter and inventor of DiscoverText, USA. 14 October 2020.
- Facilitating collaborative analysis using CAQDAS. Daniel Turner, PhD, Founder & Developer of Quirkos Software, Scotland. 4 November 2020.
- Transcription as an analytic act. David Woods, PhD, Developer of Transana software. 2 December 2020.
- Methodological application of Dedoose: Topic modeling for social scientists. Eli Lieber, PhD. Associate Research Psychologist, UCLA & Developer of Dedoose, USA. 20 January 2021.
- The black box of sentiment analysis: What's in it, and how to do it better. Normand Péladeau, President and CEO of Provalis Research. 19 May 2021.
- Qualitative Transcription for the 21st Century: combining automated transcription with human interpretation using CAQDAS packages. Dr. Steven Wright, Learning and research technologist at Lancaster University, UK. 23 June 2021.
- ATLAS.ti for scoping reviews. Prof Brigitte Smit, University of Petoria, South Africa. 13 October 2021.
- Using visualizations for analysing qualitative data. Silvana di Gregorio, PhD & Stacy Penna, EdD. QSR International. 5 November 2021.
- Visualization of qualitative data: what CAQDAS packages provide. António Pedro Costa (webQDA) & Catarina Brandão (University of Porto, Portugal) February 4 2022.
- QCAmap: Interactive open access software for Qualitative Content Analysis. Prof. Dr. Philipp Mayring, Alps-Adria University and Association for Supporting Qualitative Research ASQ, Klagenfurt/Austria. 13 July 2022.
- Mapping patterns of meaning latent in text: the role of objective modelling. Dr Andrew Smith, developer of Leximancer, Melbourne Australia. 9 November 2022
- Automated transcription and new possibilities in qualitative research. Daniel Turner, PhD, Founder & Developer of Quirkos Software. 26 April 2023
- The Benefits of CAQDAS-packages for Reflection and Reflexivity in Qualitative Analysis. Christina Silver, PhD. CAQDAS Networking Project, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK. 26 May 2023
- Keeping your Eyes on the Prize: Coding with Interrogation in Mind. Sarah Bulloch, PhD. Teaching Fellow at the CAQDAS Networking Project. 19th October 2023
- Quantitative Ethnography: Human Science in the Age of Big Data. David Williamson Shaffer, Sears Bascom Professor of Learning Analytics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Educational Psychology. 13 November 2023
- How Qualitative Data Analysis Happens: Moving Beyond “Themes Emerged” (v2) Editors of this text book and selected authors of the chapters discuss real-world examples of how qualitative research happens, with examples using Dedoose, ATLAS.ti and Genogram Analytics software. 28th January 2025
Pedagogy webinars
These webinars focus on the teaching of qualitative methods and digital tools in face-to-face, online and blended contexts, discussing the challenges involved and innovative solutions. They are delivered by members and associates of the CAQDAS Networking Project, and invited CAQDAS instructors.
- Teaching qualitative data analysis using f4analyse. Nancy Nkirote Muriuke, PhD, Pan Africa Christian University (PAC), Nairobi, Kenya. 18 November 2020.
- Don't blame the software: Using qualitative data analysis software successfully. Michelle Salmona, PhD, President, Institute for Mixed Methods Research, USA. 17 February 2021.
- Teaching qualitative software and methods simultaneously. Anuja Cabraal, PhD, Australia. 17 March 2021.
- Teamwork makes dream work: avoiding nightmares when collaborating in CAQDAS. Sarah L. Bulloch, PhD. CAQDAS Networking Project, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK. 12 January 2022.
- QualPal - a game-based tool for teaching how to connect methods with CAQDAS. Christian Schmieder PhD & Kyrie Caldwell SM, University of Wisconsin - Madison (USA) March 4 2022.
- Tricks to Learn the Trade: Qualitative Analysis Teaching and Learning. Gerban Moerman, PhD. Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. University of Amsterdam. 17 May 2023
- Facilitating qualitative analysis and CAQDAS use outside the classroom. Jess Hagman, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA). 22nd June.
- Teaching and learning qualitative methods and tools: Integrating approaches. Christina Silver, PhD. CAQDAS Networking Project, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK. 9 March 2023
User webinars
These webinars showcase and discuss work-in-progress with undertaking qualitative and mixed-methods analysis using CAQDAS packages. They are delivered by invited users (students, academics, applied researchers) at any stage of their careers, and from any sector or disciplinary context.
- Analysing diary data in MAXQDA: Lessons learned from co-produced projects. Jacqueline Priego PhD, School of Education and Sociology, University of Portsmouth, UK. 10 February 2021.
- Using NVivo for cross-national, mixed-methods research. Prof. Rachel Brooks. Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, UK. 3 March 2021. View Recording
- Using the Five-Level QDA method to manage mixed-methods analysis in ATLAS.ti: Observations from the EDiPPPP Study. Mike Bracher, PhD. School of Health Sciences, University of Southampton, UK. 31 March 2021.
- Computer-aided thematic analysis: descending hierarchical classification. Stephen Gourlay, Kingston Business School, Kingston University, UK. 28 April 2021.
- Software-Assisted Digital Ethnography and Social Media Analysis. Caterina Fugazzola, Earl S. Johnson Instructor in Sociology, University of Chicago. 7 July 2021.
- Graduate students’ modes of engagement in CAQDAS: Findings and illustration of thematic analysis in ATLAS.ti. Amir Michalovich, PhD Candidate, University of British Columbia. 8 December 2021.
- No comment left behind: the use of computer-assisted coding in large datasets. Lucy Macintosh, Senior Research Associate, University of Hertfordshire. 29 April 2022.
- Practising rigour and reflexivity in narrative inquiry through MAXQDA. Sal Consoli, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 9 June 2022.
- Using Delve for a case-study from transcripts: Analysing what teachers know. Katherine Miller, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education. 21 September 2022
- Benefits of using CAQDAS-packages and other digital tools, beyond the usual. Oscar Alvarez-Macotela, PhD, Lawyer and Social Science Researcher. 18 January 2023
- Marginal Moments: Can Gen-AI help better understand the general election? Ipsos UK discuss how they used AI personas to explore how UK general election communications were engaging the public in July 2024. 15th January 2025
Customised support
We can also provide customised training events for individuals, groups or project teams on site. To discuss your needs and to receive a quote, please email us at caqdas@surrey.ac.uk.