Cognitive Psychology research group
In the Cognitive Psychology research group we are working to answer fundamental questions in cognition as well as looking to apply our understanding to solve problems faced by individuals, organisations, and our society. We use a number of approaches to answer these questions, including neuroimaging, cognitive modelling, and a wide range of behavioural experimental techniques.
About us
There are two main strands to our work: understanding complex cognition, and perceptual processing.
Complex cognition is used to think creatively, analyse and reduce uncertainty, make decisions, form judgements, and reason. We are interested in finding the different processes that people use to think in these ways, what affects them, and how their thinking might be enhanced.
We also work on perceptual processing. One topic of interest is colour perception, where we work on answering questions such as how categories in language and thought can influence perception. Another topic of interest is to evaluate the effects of sensory perception on a person’s ability to interact with their environment.
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