PhD projects
If you are thinking of applying for one of our PhD programmes and you are looking for potential supervisors, please email C.Orasan@surrey.ac.uk listing the names of the supervisors you have identified as having expertise in your chosen area, along with your CV and a short research proposal. Please do not contact the potential PhD supervisors directly because they may be unable to respond to the initial enquiry. Below you can find a list of the current and past PhD projects conducted in CTS.
Postgraduate research students
Name | Project title | Supervisors |
Arianna Carloni | The Role of Continued Dance Training in the Reception of Audio Description | Sabine Braun and Dimitris Asimakoulas |
Charlie Vickers | Resolving Puzzles: Reducing cognitive dissonance in ‘puzzle films’ for visually impaired (VI) audiences through adapted audio description (AD) | Sabine Braun and Dimitris Asimakoulas |
Eleanor Taylor-Stilgoe | Use of Machine Translation in Healthcare Settings: A Symptom of a Wider Problem? | Constantin Orasan and Félix do Carmo |
Felix Clutson | Playing between the lines and Bergkamp in Marseille: Language and identity in football’s contact zones | Dimitris Asimakoulas and Constance Bantman |
Jisue Park | Metaphors in comic books from Korean into English: A study of translation process and final product using different translation modalities | Dimitris Asimakoulas and Ana Guerberof-Arenas |
Maria Andreea Deleanu | Accessible Cues to guide narrative comprehension for audiences with diverse cognitive abilities | Sabine Braun, Constantin Orasan and Kim Starr |
Matilde Carbutto | Exploring human-AI interaction for real-time speech-to-text: a comparative process and product-oriented analysis | |
Najat Alhuthali | Using MT in Translating Saudi Laws and Regulations | Constantin Orasan and Yuan Zou |
Olga Davis | Modular Audio Description: Using the extended track to enable personalisation for diverse audiences | Sabine Braun and Dimitris Asimakoulas |
Prapaporn Sompakdee | Exploring Equivalence, Cultural, and Language Representations in the World Natural Heritage Sites Tourism Discourses of Thailand and the USA | Ana Frankenberg-Garcia and Doris Dippold |
Pratibha Joshi | Mapping India’s Audio Description Practice within an emerging Art Museum Community: The Role of Professional Training on ‘Non-Expert’ Audio Description | Dimitris Asimakoulas and Sabine Braun |
Sara Palmer | The diversification of translation services in commercial marketing translation | Félix do Carmo and Sabine Braun |
Shasha Zhang | Exporting the “Real” China: Exploring Chinese National Ideologies within China-Produced TV Documentaries and their Translations | Dimitris Asimakoulas and Sabine Braun |
Shenbin Qian | Sentiment preservation in neural machine translation | Constantin Orasan, Félix do Carmo and Diptesh Kanojia |
Shiyi Tan | The use of ASR in interpreting | Sabine Braun and Constantin Orasan |
Shaimaa Suleiman | Under Pressure: Emotion and Effort in Human vs. Machine-mediated Crisis Translation | Félix do Carmo and Joanna Gough |
Soumely Madell | Multilingual communication in maternity | Elena Davitti and Sabine Braun |
Wangyi Tang | Disrupter or enabler? Assessing the impact of using automatic speech recognition technology in interpreter-mediated legal proceedings | Sabine Braun, Constantin Orasan and Fang Wang |
Zeljko Radic | Voicing in Interlingual Subtitling | Sabine Braun and Elena Davitti |
Completed PhD projects
- Francesca Maria Frittella (2024) Developing a research-based blueprint for CAI training
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun and Elena Davitti - Gökhan Firat (2024) Translation Work in the Digital Economy: Working Conditions of Translators on Platforms and in Cooperatives
Supervisory team: Joanna Gough, Joss Mookerns (Dublin City University) and Constantin Orasan - Ahmed Saeed (2024) Exploring the visual interface in Remote Simultaneous Interpreting
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun, Elena Davitti and Tomasz Korybski - Eloy Rodriguez Gonzalez (2024) The use of automatic speech recognition in cloud-based remote simultaneous interpreting
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun, Elena Davitti and Tomasz Korybski - Cheima Bouchrara (2023) “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury” Uncovering Discursive and Linguistic Patterns in Closing Arguments in US Criminal Trials
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun and Dimitris Asimakoulas - Gustavo Zomer (2023) Supporting International Scientific Communication: The development of a Writing Assistant powered by an Intralingual Translation Engine for users of English as a Second Language
Supervisory team: Ana Frankenberg-Garcia, Felix do Carmo and Geraint Rees - Diana Madalina Singureanu (2023) Managing the demands of video-mediated court interpreting: strategies and the role of emotional intelligence
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun, Graham Heike and Joanna Gough - Yi Gu (2023) Understanding Chinese to English Translation through the Compilation and Analysis of a Chinese-English Parallel Corpus (ZHEN)
Supervisory team: Ana Frankenberg-Garcia, Joanna Gough and Fang Wang - Eleanor March (2021) Crossing the prison boundary: Prisoner writing as an act of translation
Supervisory team: Beth Palmer, Dimitris Asimakoulas and Maria Adams - Jaleh Delfani (2019) Non-Professional Subtitling in Iran: Process, Product, and Socio-Cultural Context
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun and Dimitris Asimakoulas - Marta Gabrych (2019) Quality assessment of interpreting in Polish-English police-suspect interviews
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun and Elena Davitti - Konstantina Georgiou (2019) The Translator as Reader: The case of Poetry Translations from Modern Greek into English
Supervisory team: Dimitris Asimakoulas and Stephen Mooney - Rangsima Ninrat (2019) The Translation of Allusion from English into Thai between 1960 and 2015.
Supervisory team: Ana Frankenberg-Garcia and Sabine Braun - Jing Wang (2019) Information Seeking Behaviour in Two-Way Translation: An Empirical Study
Supervisory team: Ana Frankenberg-Garcia and Sabine Braun - Demetris Bogiatzis (2018) Creative Writing Thesis: Free Spirit: A Novel on the Life of Nikos Kazantzakis
Supervisory team: Paul Vlitos and Dimitris Asimakoulas - Eleni Karvounidou (2018) The Manipulation of Children’s Literature: The Russian Translations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Supervisory team: Dimitris Asimakoulas and Marion Wynne-Davies - Khadidja Merakchi (2018) Metaphors in popular science discourse.
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers and Sabine Braun - Giacinto Palmieri (2018) Oral Self-Translation of Stand-Up Comedy: From the Mental Text to Performance and Interaction
Supervisory team: Dimitris Asimakoulas and Constance Bantman - Kim Starr (2018) Audio Description and Cognitive Diversity: A Bespoke Approach to Facilitating Access to the Emotional Content in Multimodal Narrative Texts for Autistic Audiences
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun and Emma Willians - Hanan Al-Jabri (2017) TV Simultaneous Interpreting of Arabic Presidential Speeches into English During the Arab Spring
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun and Elena Davitti - Beatrice Carpi (2017) Systematizing the Analysis of Songs in Stage Musicals for Translation: A Multimodal Model Based on Themes
Supervisory team: Ana Frankenberg-Garcia and Elena Davitti - Athil Khaleel Farhan (2017) Ideological Manipulation in the Translations of Political Discourse: A Study of Presidential Speeches After The Arab Spring Based on Corpora and Critical Discourse
Supervisory team: Ana Frankenberg-Garcia and Dimitris Asimakoulas - Daniel Wilson (2017) An investigation into the comprehensive development of L2 pragmatic competence in the EFL classroom: A case of advanced Serbian EFL learners
Supervisory team: Doris Dippold and Sabine Braun - Joanna Gough (2016) The patterns of interaction between professional translators and online resources.
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun and Margaret Rogers - Selin Kayhan (2016) A Bourdieusian Perspective On Translators In Turkey: Examining The Role Of Socio-Economic, Cultural And Political Environment
Supervisory team: Dimitris Asimakoulas and Margaret Rogers - Katerina Perdikaki (2016) Adaptation As Translation: Examining Film Adaptation as a Recontextualised Act of Communication
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun and Dimitris Asimakoulas - Sara Dicerto (2015) Multimodal Pragmatics: Building a new model for source text analysis.
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun and Dimitris Asimakoulas - Ming-Chi Wu (2015) Negotiating Culture Space and Identity: The Translation and Analysis of Tongzhi and Ku-er Fiction
Supervisory team: Dimitris Asimakoulas and Margaret Rogers - Richard Bale (2013) Spoken corpus-based resources for indergraduate initial interpreter training and lexical knowledge acquisition : empirical case studies.
Supervisory team: Sabine Braun and Margaret Rogers - Artemis Lamprinou (2013) A Study on the Cultural Variations in the Verbalisation of Near-Universal Emotions: Translating Emotions from British English into Greek in Popular Bestseller Romances
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers and Dimitris Asimakoulas - Melis Unal (2013) Coherence in Consecutive Interpreting. A Comparative Study of Short and Long Consecutive Interpretations of English Texts into Turkish
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers and Sabine Braun - Frances McGonigle (2013) Audio Description and Semiotics: The translation of films for visually-impaired audiences.
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers and Sabine Braun - Oscar Yeung (2012) An applied genre analysis of the discursive practices in insurance contexts.
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers and Sabine Braun - Davide De Leo (2011) The Translation of Judgments in Different and Similar Legal Systems and Languages/Language Varieties : An Empirical Study.
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers and Sabine Braun - María de Montserrat Rodríguez Márquez (2010) Patterns of Translation of Metaphor in Annual Reports in American English and Mexican Spanish
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers - Catherine Slater (2009) The concept of voice in English translations of Ovid’s Heroides.
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers and Fiona Doloughan - Giusepe Palumbo (2009) ‘Translating Science’: an empirical investigation of grammatical metaphor as a source of difficulty for a group of translation trainees in English-Italian translation.
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers - Gaby Thomson-Wohlgemuth (2007) Translation under State Control: The Production and Rewriting of Books for Young People in the German Democratic Republic (1961-1989)
Supervisory team: Gunilla Anderman - Panayota Georgakopoulou (2003) Reduction Levels in Subtitling. DVD Subtitling: A Compromise of Trends
Supervisory team: Gunilla Anderman - Chiew Kin Quah (2003) The Translation of English Academic texts into Malay with Special Reference to the Translation of Affixes: Issues and Recommendations
Supervisory team: Gunilla Anderman - Vilelmini Sosonis (2003) Aspects of Lexical Cohesion in EU Texts: A Critical Study of Greek Translations and English Hybrid Texts
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers - Pernilla Bergfeldt (2003) A Terminological Approach to the Investigation of Temporal Ordering Relations in English and German Aircraft Accident Reports
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers - Stephan Grosse (2001) Towards Creating and Interpreting ‘Spaces of Self-Enunciation’ for Learners in Languages and Intercultural Communication
Supervisory team: Margaret Rogers - Heather Fulford (1997) Term Acquisition: A Text-Probing Approach
Supervisory team: Khurshid Ahmad and Margaret Rogers