Working Paper Series: Global power competition and international order
Centre for Global Power Competition, University of Surrey
Dr. Nicholas Kitchen
International Orders Research Unit, LSE IDEAS
Dr. Aaron McKeil
How are trends in global power competition shaping the emerging international (dis)order?
How are great powers seeking to order intensifying power competition?
This paper series seek contributions exploring such questions that represent theoretical innovations or study new empirical trends. Working Papers are sought from authors seeking feedback from a scholarly research community. Contributions should be 6000-8000 words, and not already submitted for publication. New perspectives from early career scholars are encouraged.
Working papers will be circulated to registered participants in advance of an online discussion seminar. CGPC/IORU will provide a formal discussant and written comments.
Take Part
To apply, please send a 200 word abstract to Aaron Mckeil with the subject line “CGPC/IORU paper series”, including details of you institutional affiliation.