Our team of researchers are dedicated to delivering multidisciplinary research that engages with current challenges and produces tangible outcomes.
Key objective
The key objective of the Centre for Social Innovation Management is to address the research questions:
- As scholars and educators, how can we collectively guide business leaders, policy makers and stakeholders with systematic and empirically robust mechanisms that can turn the difficulties of developing and implementing social innovations into manageable solutions?
This requires two different yet complementary areas:
- What cognitive knowledge (technical and environmental feasibility, commercial and organizational viability) is required for a proposed solution to succeed?
- And what social and cultural knowledge (ethics, law, cultural norms and political influences) is required for a proposed solution to be accepted?
Our Centre thus focuses on research and activities that lead to tangible outcomes such as collaborations on paper submissions, grant applications and impact cases development.
Research themes
Our primary research activities are focused on four global challenges.