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Registration is open for the Turing Network – AI in Tax, Audit and Fintech Workshop held on campus on 22 and 23 Jun… https://t.co/2lk4jCdryK

This is the last week to apply for our 2023 EMBA scholarship competition - closing Sat 17 June! For the chance to w… https://t.co/Y8IU4mN6Mj

Congratulations to Mike Rogerson (@CSR_Michael) Lecturer in Digital Economy, Entrepreneurship & Innovation - awarde… https://t.co/zHa6l8vIe2
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Gracious growth: Managing the trade-off between corporate greening and corporate growth
With thanks to Professor Tazeeb Rajwani, Professor of International Business and Strategy and Head of...
Celebrate differences and champion the movement for a gender-equal world with Surrey Business School
Our differences are what make us unique, and therefore should be celebrated. However, there still remains...