Summer school

We are happy to announce the commencement of our Summer School program.


Our Summer School currently consists of:

  • Foundations of DSGE Macro-Modelling: This course starts with closed economy New Keynesian (NK) DSGE model. It will then progress to the estimation of the model by Bayesian methods and finish by showing how the model can be used to study optimal monetary policy and open NK DSGE model.
  • International Trade and Gravity Models: This course introduces the theoretical background of the gravity models with its applications for economic policy and the challenges faced in the estimation of the gravity equations using international trade data. Then it investigates topics beyond the standard gravity equation approach.
  • Advanced Macro-Modelling with Applications to Numerical Methods and Heterogeneous Agents: This course covers models that are either computationally expensive to simulate, nonlinear, require additional recursive assumptions, or have infinite dimensional state-spaces. It then applies to heterogeneous agents and optimal taxation.


Further information

Should you require any further information or for enquiries please contact the CIMS team.

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School of Economics
Elizabeth Fry Building (AD)
University of Surrey
See map