Online Summer School on Advanced Macro-Modelling

Key information

Start date:
15 September 2025
Attendance dates:

15, 16, 17, 18, 19 September 2025

Time commitment:
5 days
Distance learning
Contact details:


The Centre for International Macroeconomic Studies (CIMS) in the School of Economics, University of Surrey will a hold an online Summer course, 15 September - 19 September 2025.

The advanced course is aimed at researchers who are already fluent in Dynare and DSGE modelling or who wish to learn directly more advanced techniques. This course will be useful both for advanced PhD students, academic researchers, and central bank researchers engaged in macroeconomic modelling work. The advanced course covers models that are either computationally expensive to simulate, nonlinear, require additional recursive assumptions, or have infinite dimensional state-spaces thanks to heterogeneous agents and optimal taxation. Given the very successful experience of the previous years we have decided to keep the online format for the Summer school. This enables many participants to attend from all over the world without the need to travel. 

The course will be conducted using Team meeting platform. The University and the lecturers have extensive experience with online teaching and have state-of-the-art systems to do so as well as being able to deliver highly interactive lectures. Though we will do our best to record all the sessions, we are expecting participants to attend them live to enable them to interact with lectures and ask questions. Participants will be sent computer codes, lecture notes, and slides ahead of time. Participants will also receive direct assistance
before the Summer school starts in order to set up all the systems ahead of the online events.

Course content

The advanced course is aimed at people who are already fluent in Dynare and Matlab, but are finding that their ambition currently exceeds what they are able to do with these tools. We aim to distribute some of the numerical and computational tricks we have picked up over the course of our careers to enable people to tackle non-standard models. This course will be useful to anyone who is engaged in practical macroeconomic modelling work, especially if they are interested in working with models that are either computationally expensive to simulate, nonlinear, or infinite dimensional thanks to heterogeneous agents or optimal taxation.


Course contributors

Cristiano Cantore


Hyungseok Joo profile image

Dr Hyungseok Joo

Lecturer in Economics

Donghyun (Don) Park profile image

Dr Donghyun Park

PhD Research Student

Kirill Shakhnov profile image

Dr Kirill Shakhnov

Senior Lecturer in Economics

Hitoshi Tsujiyama profile image

Dr Hitoshi Tsujiyama

Senior Lecturer

Entry requirements

Applicants must have: 

  • a background in macroeconomics with some knowledge of macro-modelling and dynamic optimisation
  • a basic knowledge of Matlab programming (see an overview of the Matlab features our participants are expected to know)
  • a working knowledge of English.

Fees and funding

Prices per person:







How to apply

Please complete the application form to register your place. Application deadline: 31 August 2025.

Terms and conditions

When you accept an offer of a place at the University of Surrey, you are agreeing to comply with our policies and regulations and our terms and conditions. 

You are also confirming you have read and understood the University’s prospective student privacy notice

Course location and contact details

Campus location

Stag Hill

This course is based at Stag Hill campus. Stag Hill is the University's main campus and where the majority of our courses are taught. 

Centre for International Macroeconomic Studies

University of Surrey
Surrey GU2 7XH