Contact us

See our contact details for all your enquiries.

Your Surrey contact

If you have any questions about applying to Surrey get in touch with us.

Lucy Fisher

Hear from our current students

If you have any questions about life at Surrey or what it's like to be a student here, you can read our student blog. You can also get in touch with our current students by email:

Your country representatives

Our network of overseas representatives (often referred to as agents) have been appointed to help assist you with your application to Surrey.

Please note: using a representative is optional and independent applications will be considered on an equal basis.

Across the Pond - Canada

Apply board

iae Edu Net - Canada

Study in UK (SI-UK Canada Office)

SI-UK North America (Toronto)
333 Bay St, 14th Floor,
Toronto, ON, M5H 2R2
+1 (416) 998-8532

SI-UK North America (Vancouver)
Unit 2136, 1055 W Georgia St,
Vancouver, BC V6E 3N9
+1 (778) 955-2545