Information for children
If your school has agreed to be part of the BLOCS study, find out more about what we will be asking you to do here.
What are we trying to find out in the BLOCS studies?
The aim of this study is to better understand what skills you are using when you play with LEGO®, and how this might help you with maths. We are asking you to take part in a number of tasks including a Lego task and some maths tasks, which we’ve made into fun games. You might also take part in some lunchtime clubs where you will do some Lego building or crafting activities.
What will I do if I take part in the study?
Our team will come and visit your school. A researcher from the team will work with you for three or four sessions. In the sessions you will complete a Lego construction task (either using real Lego or Lego on a computer) as well as tasks that measure other things like attention, memory, spatial and maths abilities. In our second study, you might also take part in a Lego club or a comic book writing club. If you do, we will see you again after you have finished the lunchtime clubs to repeat the tasks you completed at the start.
How long will the visit take?
You will complete four/five 30-minute sessions with a researcher. The sessions will take place on different days, while you are at school. In our second study, the clubs run for six weeks. The lunchtime clubs run for six weeks.
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