Your offer
Explore the types of undergraduate offers we make and what to do on exam results day.
We will notify you of any offers through Surrey Self-Service and UCAS Hub.
Types of offer you can expect
Unconditional offer
An unconditional offer means that you have a place to study at the University of Surrey.
Conditional offer
A conditional offer means that you need to meet certain conditions before we can confirm your place.
If you have a conditional offer, be sure to check your conditions carefully. We’re here to help, so if you don’t understand something, please contact us at admissions@surrey.ac.uk as soon as possible so we can guide you.
Here are a few examples of the kind of conditions we might ask for. You may need to:
- Achieve certain grades in your exams
- Provide evidence of your qualifications
- Meet an English language requirement.
How to provide us with evidence of your qualifications
If we have asked you to provide evidence of your qualifications, you can expect clear instructions from us. We will show you how to upload certificates of your qualifications to Surrey Self-Service.
When we have reviewed your uploads, we will update your application status. If we need any further information, we’ll let you know. If you are unsure of what you need to provide, or have any difficulties uploading your documents, please contact the Admissions team for support.
The type of evidence we might need to see includes:
- The official qualification certificate
- A transcript or marksheet
- An official results statement, including the overall final mark awarded, may be accepted if you do not yet have the official certificate.
Accept your offers as ‘firm’ or ‘insurance’ on UCAS Hub
Once you’ve received your offers from your chosen universities, you decide which to accept as your 'firm' and 'insurance' choices. You then reply to your offers using UCAS Hub, which will guide you through the process of making ‘firm’ and ‘insurance’ acceptances.
If you meet the conditions of your offer, your place at Surrey will be confirmed.
Offer deadlines
If you receive a conditional offer to start an undergraduate course in September, you should provide evidence that you‘ve met all of the conditions outlined in your offer by 31 August, unless otherwise notified.
However, if you want to be guaranteed campus accommodation, you will need to meet the conditions a little earlier. The exact deadlines in our policy for room allocation will be further confirmed before February 2024. Please see the Accommodation website for full details.
What to do on exam results day
UCAS tells us your exam results directly if you’re taking GCE A-level, BTEC or any other qualifications on the UCAS list.
If your qualifications are not on the UCAS list, please upload your results to Surrey Self-Service as soon as they are available.
What happens if I don't meet the conditions of my offer?
If you have not met the offer requirements, it may still possible for you to secure a place at the University of Surrey. We will look at all achieved results and for some courses we may be able to accept slightly lower achieved grades. So even if you haven't achieved the grades we asked for, please make sure that any missing results are uploaded to Surrey Self-Service so we can assess your application.
Once we've made a decision about your application, you’ll receive an email confirmation and will be able to see it on UCAS Hub.
What happens if Surrey was my insurance choice?
If you meet the conditions of your firm choice, your place will be confirmed at that university and you will no longer have a provisional place at Surrey.
If you don’t meet the conditions of your offer for your firm choice university, and they can't offer you a place, Surrey will become your firm choice . We’ll check whether you have met the conditions of our offer and, if you have, we will confirm a place for you If we have requested evidence of any results that won’t be provided by UCAS (for example, GCSE results) please upload those as soon as you can.
If Surrey becomes your firm choice on Results day, you will be able to apply for campus accommodation through our Accommodation website. Provided you apply for accommodation and meet the conditions of your offer by the respective deadlines, we will guarentee you a room. The exact deadlines for this will be confirmed before February 2024.
Clearing could be for you if:
- You haven’t submitted an application to UCAS but decide that you want to start university this year
- You do better in your exams than you expected and want to apply to courses you hadn’t previously considered
- You’ve changed your mind about where you want to study
- You’ve changed your mind about the subject you want to study
- You didn’t quite achieve the grades for your original choices and want to consider other options, in which case, you can apply for a place via Adjustment and Clearing.
It is sometimes possible to transfer to a different course at the same institution. Remember though that a transfer is subject to places being available, academic approval and meeting the typical entry requirements for the new course.
If you are an international student with a student visa, making a course change could affect your immigration status and therefore the completion of your studies.
Contact us
We are here to help, so please contact our Admissions team admissions@surrey.ac.uk for all the advice you need.