Alumni FAQs
Here are the answers to frequently asked questions about alumni benefits and services which we hope you will find useful.
Common alumni queries
Certificates, transcripts and references
We can provide the following award documentation:
- Replacement certificates (including certified copies)
- Transcripts
- Letters confirming award.
Please visit the transcripts, certificates and references webpage for full details on how to request a document.
If you studied for your degree at the University of Roehampton between 1984 and 2004 or St Mary’s University between 1984 and 2006, and you were awarded by the University of Surrey, you can contact our Assessment and Awards office for replacement certificates. For transcripts and other documents, please contact Roehampton or St Mary’s directly.
If you require an academic or personal reference from faculty, please contact your tutor directly.
You can search for academic contacts on the people pages for each school or department.
If you require verification of your study, award, grade and dates of attendance for an employer, agency, university, embassy or council, please direct them to Hedd, the official degree verification hub. The University is not able to provide this information to third parties.
All reference requests and education verification requests from external third parties are managed through Higher Education Degree Datacheck (HEDD) and its online verification service.
Membership and updating your details
You are an alumnus/alumna of the University of Surrey if you studied at Surrey. If you studied at the University of Roehampton or St Mary’s and your degree was awarded by Surrey, you are considered an alumnus/alumna of those universities.
Please complete our short online form to update your details.
When you complete your studies at Surrey, your details are passed from Student Services to the Alumni office. For full details please refer to our Student Privacy Notice and Alumni Privacy Notice.
- Our alumni magazine, Forever Surrey, is produced annually. To receive this by post or by email, please update your details and choose whether you want to receive this by email or a printed copy. You will also receive a monthly e-newsletter.
- We also send invites to events we think you might be interested in, such as lectures, reunions and networking and careers opportunities.
- We will also contact you about our Forever Surrey Fund which raises money to support students that face unexpected hardship and our wide range of sports clubs and societies which offer opportunities for students to learn new experiences and compete at the highest levels.
- You can also follow us on social media via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
You can choose what type of alumni communications you receive by emailing us to let us know your preferences.
Events and staying in touch
Yes, if we have up-to-date contact details of the graduate, we can send them a message on your behalf, along with your contact details. Contact us by email or by telephone +44 (0)1483 683143.
Yes, we can provide information, guidance and help to find your old classmates. For more information, please visit our reunion page.
Our Employability and Careers team can offer you support.
Recent graduates can arrange careers appointments in-person or over the telephone with staff who can offer guidance, help with quick queries or mock interviews.
All alumni are entitled to use Surrey Pathfinder, the digital hub with 24/7 access to careers appointments, jobs, events and development tools.
You can advertise vacancies plus work with our academics, students and graduates in a range of ways. Find out how your company can help.
Thank you! There are a few different ways in which you can make a gift to Surrey:
- Our Forever Surrey Fund supports students in unexpected hardship, those taking industry placements and helps our clubs and societies to grow. You can make a one-off donation or choose to give regularly by direct debit.
- If you are a US taxpayer, you can donate through the US-based Friends of the University of Surrey, Inc. to make your gift tax deductible.
- Leave a legacy in your will to help enrich the lives of students and support ground-breaking research
- If you would like to discuss making a gift to Surrey, you can email us or telephone us on +44 (0)1483 683143.
There are many ways you can volunteer and make a difference. For example, you could become an open day ambassador, a guest speaker or offer to mentor a student.
Access to the Library and your IT account
Student email accounts close three months after you complete your studies.
If you need to reinstate access to your email and/or SurreyLearn account for a temporary period of time, you will need to seek authorisation from the Head of Faculty and send this along with your request to IT Services at usersupport@surrey.ac.uk. Please also include surreylearnhelp@surrey.ac.uk if your request concerns SurreyLearn.
Yes, alumni or retired staff members who live in the UK are eligible for free membership to our on-campus Library. Please note that this does not include online access to materials.
For more information, please visit the Library membership page.