Environmental Flow (EnFlo) Laboratory
Established in 1993 with funding from EPSRC, National Power, the Meteorological Office and the University of Surrey, EnFlo is an internationally recognised centre of excellence in atmospheric boundary layer flows and environmental aerodynamics.
Our main objectives
- Provide world-leading wind-tunnel facilities in support of research in fluid flow and dispersion to both academy and industry
- Undertake research on flow and pollutant dispersion processes in the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, lakes and rivers
- Provide training and promote best practice in the use of laboratory modelling techniques in environmental fluid mechanics.
Collaborative work
Health Protection Agency and the NHS
A series of projects for the HPA (now Public Health England) has been completed within the Micro- and NanoMaterials and Technologies EngD course. The first two covered health and related aspects of waste management and the third, odour, including an unusual example of long range odour transport (from Germany to the UK).
Other works were with Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital and treated the physics of short range dispersion from short, roof top stacks; the case study being emissions from the cyclotron facility at St Thomas’.
CONCAWE is based in Brussels and commissions environmental research on behalf of its members (mainly petrol-chemical industries). Projects at EnFlo have focussed on near-field dispersion at process plants and, in particular, the use of line integrated concentration measurements around a plant to estimate emission rates of hydrocarbons from leaks and similar sources.
The overall aim was to understand the uncertainties in the resulting estimates and to develop best practice for carrying out such work.
We have numerous wind tunnels, including the "EnFlo" meteorological wind tunnel, which is a NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) National Facility within the National Centre for Atmospheric Science's (NCAS) AMOF (Atmospheric Measurements & Observation Facility) and part of the EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) National Wind Tunnel Facility (NWTF). The EnFlo tunnel allows experiments to be carried out in controlled conditions simulating Earth's atmosphere and is one of few in the world capable of reproducing a wide range of temperature variations for more realistic meteorological conditions.
Who we collaborate with
UK universities
- University of Bristol
- University of Cambridge
- Imperial College London
- University of Leeds
- University of Reading
- University of Southampton
Institutions and organisations
- CONCAWE (Brussels)
- DGA (France)
- ECL (France)
- EU (Marie Curie)
- FFI (Norway)
- FOI (Sweden)
- Golder Associates (UK)
- INERIS (France)
- Owlstone
- Sandia National Labs (USA)
- Selex-Galileo
- Sellafield, HPA (PHE) and NHS
- Shell Global Solutions
Meet the team
If you have any queries or would like to get involved with our research then please get in touch.
Key people
Dr Matteo Carpentieri
EnFlo PI - Director of Facilities, Associate Professor of Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Dr Paul Hayden
Lab manager
Academic staff
Dr David Birch
Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering; Head of Centre for Aerodynamics & Environmental Flow
Dr Philip Hancock
Emeritus Reader in Fluid Mechanics
Dr Giovanni Iacobello
Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Sciences
Dr Marco Placidi
Senior Lecturer in Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Professor Alan Robins
Professor of Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Technical staff
Richard Kelly
Experimental Officer
Allan Wells
Mechanical Systems Technician
Research staff
Dr Shanshan Ding
Research Fellow
Dr Abhishek Mishra
Research Fellow
PhD researchers
Rose Foster
Postgraduate research student
Joy Schmeer
Postgraduate research student
Cam Southgate-Ash
Postgraduate Research Student