Suspensions and withdrawals
The purpose of programme suspension and withdrawal is to record and monitor the life cycle of programmes, ensure that due process is being followed and maintain the quality of the students’ learning experience.
Programme suspensions need to be monitored to ensure that programmes are constantly reviewed to remain viable and where necessary the need for programme withdrawal is promptly identified. Programme withdrawals must be monitored to ensure that students are given every opportunity to finish their studies without compromising the quality of their learning experience and the academic quality of their award.
The re-suspension process allows a programme to be re-suspended for a further year, for up to three years and the re-instatement process allows a programme to be re-advertised following a period of suspension.
In order to submit, approve and/or view suspensions, re-suspensions, re-instatements, and/or withdrawals please go to Surrey Self-Service (log-in required) to access the Quality and Curriculum Management (QCM) System and navigate to the curriculum management pages. Further process guidance can be found within the Code of practice for programme lifecycle processes and the Quality and Curriculum Management SharePoint site.
Please note: If you are a student that wishes to withdraw from the University, please contact your personal tutor or student admissions.