Statutory bodies and committees
The governance of the University involves several statutory bodies and committees. These consist of a range of staff members, ex-officio and elected University representatives, and a number of external members.
The Council is the governing body of the University. It meets four times per year and is responsible for the finances, administration, property, management and, subject to the powers of the Senate, has general control over the affairs of the University.
Membership of the Council comprises ex-officio and elected University representatives, together with a number of external members.
University of Surrey Council terms of reference (PDF)
The Senate meets four times per year and is the statutory body responsible for governing the University's academic matters, including teaching and research, and the regulation and direction of the education and conduct of students.
The composition of the Senate is drawn from the academic staff of the University, together with a number of ex-officio, elected and co-opted members. The Chair of the Senate is the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University.
Executive Board
The Executive Board is the senior advisory body which assists the Vice-Chancellor in discharging his executive authority to manage the operations and affairs of the University.
It is responsible for advising on all matters relating to the University's strategy and for making recommendations to Council for approval. The Executive Board meets 11 times per year.
Executive Board terms of reference (PDF)
The above Bodies are supported by a series of Committees which oversee the activities of distinctive administrative and academic areas of the University:
Committee structure diagram (PDF)
Council sub-committees
- Audit and Assurance Committee - terms of reference (PDF)
- Finance Committee - terms of reference (PDF)
- Nominations and Governance Committee - terms of reference (PDF)
- Remuneration Committee - terms of reference (PDF).
- Student Experience Committee - terms of reference (PDF).
Senate sub-committees
- Honorary Degrees Committee - terms of reference
- Senate Progression and Conferment Executive - terms of reference
- University Education Committee - terms of reference
- University Promotions Committee - terms of reference
- University Research and Innovation Committee - terms of reference.
Executive Board sub-committees
- Compliance Committee (Data) - terms of reference (PDF)
- Compliance Committee (Health, Safety and Wellbeing) - terms of reference (PDF)
- Operations Committee - terms of reference (PDF)
- Partnerships and Reputation Committee - terms of reference (PDF)
- University/Students' Union Committee - terms of reference (PDF).