- Law with International Relations
LLB (Hons) — 2026 entry Law with International Relations
Our LLB Law with International Relations course will help you explore law whilst considering its impact on society on a global scale.
Why choose
this course?
- The University of Surrey provides a supportive, single campus environment for you to immerse yourself in the study of law and international relations.
- Take the opportunity to get industry-ready with our award-winning Professional Training placements.
- Surrey Law School has a close-knit sense of community that schools on larger campuses struggle to match. Together with our active and enthusiastic student cohort, we have created one of the most vibrant and stimulating law schools in the country.
- Here you will be taught by experts from Surrey Law School and Politics and International Relations, with fundamentals of the discipline of international relations integrated in your course from the start of your degree, and the opportunity to take a range of optional modules related to contemporary issues in international politics and public affairs in your second and final years.
- We offer our own Professional Legal Practice (SQE Pathway) LLM so you can apply to stay at Surrey for your masters and benefit from the familiar teaching environment.
Top 5 in the UK
Politics, including International Relations, is ranked top 5 for overall student satisfaction* in the National Student Survey 2024
10th in UK/56th in world
For law by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025
95% of our Surrey Law School graduates are in employment or further education (Graduate Outcomes 2024, HESA).
*Measured by % positivity across all questions for all providers listed in the Guardian University Guide league tables.

What you will study
Our LLB (Hons) Law with International Relations course will challenge you not only to understand the law, but also to apply it and consider its impact on society on a global scale.
Our law courses are enhanced by our student-focused teaching approach, engaging tutorials and the opportunity to study legal areas that are of particular interest to you.
You’ll learn how to debate the law, analyse its application to given situations and apply your legal understanding in a national or international context.
We offer facilities such as the Court of the Future to provide practical experience. Further opportunities to develop your professional skills are provided through a series of extracurricular activities focusing on client interviewing, negotiation and mooting.
Professional recognition
LLB (Hons) - Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)
The qualifying law degree is recognised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) for the purposes of satisfying the academic stage of training.
Foundation year
If you don’t meet our entry requirements, you might still be able to apply for this degree with a Social Sciences Foundation Year. This is an extra year of study to develop your skills and make it easier for you to get started at university. On successful completion of your foundation year, you’ll be ready to progress to the first year of your degree.
To see what modules you’ll be studying, refer to the foundation tab in the 'course structure' section.
Our Court of the Future is the perfect venue to run practical workshops to demonstrate legal practice and to give you first-hand experience of advocacy in a court setting. It allows you to have mock trials and moot courts in a real adversarial setting. It is comprised of:
- A raised judicial “bench” and a layout mirroring a typical UK court
- Video-conferencing hardware (telepresence system including multiple screens, cameras, microphones, audio system)
- Video-conferencing software
- Digital court recording system with speech recognition and transcription support
- Digital case file management system
- Court interpreting equipment
- Virtual reality simulation.
Discover more about Surrey Law School facilities.
The academic year is divided into two semesters of 15 weeks each. Each semester consists of a period of teaching, revision/directed learning and assessment.
The structure of our programmes follow clear educational aims that are tailored to each programme. These are all outlined in the programme specifications which include further details such as the learning outcomes.
- Law with International Relations LLB (Hons)
- Law with International Relations LLB (Hons) with placement
- Law with International Relations LLB (Hons) with foundation year
- Law with International Relations LLB (Hons) with foundation year and placement
Please note: The full module listing for the optional Professional Training placement part of your course is available in the relevant programme specification.
Modules listed are indicative, reflecting the information available at the time of publication. Modules are subject to teaching availability, student demand and/or class size caps.
The University operates a credit framework for all taught programmes based on a 15-credit tariff.
Course options
Year 1 - LLB (Hons)
Semester 1
This module introduces the discipline of International Relations, exploring key global events and their interrelationship with the development of theoretical perspectives. Students will be introduced to both mainstream and critical perspectives, exploring both their basis in philosophy and their practical applications in analysis. They will also explore empirical case areas that present major challenges in international politics and current affairs, including developments on environment and climate change, security, human rights and globalisation.
View full module detailsIn order to study law, it is necessary to understand what the law is, where it comes from and how it operates and evolves. This three-week intensive module will equip students with a foundation of knowledge of the English legal system and its personnel, principles and policies and introduce the skills needed to study the law effectively. It will also situate the legal system of England and Wales within the context of other legal systems allowing students to understand the interrelation between English law, European law and international law. In essence, the module will provide a foundation of knowledge and skills that will enable students to embark on their study of law with confidence.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The module provides an introduction to the European Union. It asks why the European integration process began, and how the EU of today resulted. It provides an analysis of the EU institutions, and also evaluates how EU membership changes the member states themselves. The module also introduces debates about the evaluation of the integration process and assesses the potential for further European integration. Each week, there will be a lecture on a given area, followed up by a seminar. The seminars will typically be focused around a particular activity and may require the group to produce a collective output, to be posted on SurreyLearn by the seminar leader for the rest of the module’s students to see. Seminar leaders may organise each seminar group at the start of the module so that small groups of individuals take lead responsibility for the production of any such documents for particular sessions. However, it is expected that ALL students will bring new materials and ideas to the session, contribute towards the debate and thereby support their fellow-students. Further documents as handouts, summaries, and notes will be uploaded by me to help you through the module. As part of the module, there will be a process of both learning and critical reflection. This will enable students to develop your skills towards how to select and write a literature review and demonstrate their critical thinking towards the academic literature.
View full module detailsThe module is a core subject for a qualifying legal degree as required by the Bar Council to qualify as a barrister and a core subject to be examined later as part of the Solicitors’ Qualifying Exam. It introduces students to the constitutional arrangements of the UK and the key institutions and concepts inherent in its uncodified constitution such as Parliamentary Sovereignty. It then explores these against the specific situations influenced by these aspects such as EU membership, devolution, and participation within the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). This module serves as a basis for several modules that follow later in the degree. For example, it introduces the key judicial review concepts that are involved in Public Law 2 (Level 5) and the institutional aspects and domestic legal considerations arising from EU membership that are further covered in the EU Law module (Level 5). It also explains the mechanics of the Human Rights Act which, as well as being relevant to Public Law 2, is relevant to many optional subjects at Level 6 such as Family Law, Medical Law, and the Law of Evidence. Where relevant the module makes comparisons with the constitutional arrangements of other jurisdictions (e.g.US, China, South Africa) and accordingly students can expect to obtain an awareness of intercultural variations in constitutional frameworks.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
This module introduces students to the fundamental principles of criminal liability and to the social, political and economic context in which they operate. It covers a range of fatal, non-fatal, sexual and property offences as well as a selection of defences that may be available to allow a defendant either to reduce their liability or to avoid liability altogether. Interwoven throughout the module are theoretical debates about the nature and purpose of criminal law and its role in society thus providing students with an accessible introduction to complex concepts such as paternalism, liberalism and autonomy using real-world illustrations from the news media and fiction. Students are encouraged to look at their world around them and see the criminal law in action and think about the role that it plays in shaping behaviour in society. The emphasis is on developing a critical approach to the criminal law whilst ensuring that students have a firm understanding of core legal principles and their operation. The module is designed around three themes to encourage students to look at the criminal law in an evaluative way: (1) the relationship between objectivity and subjectivity and the consequences of a shift from one to the other; (2) the conflict between principle and policy and (3) the shifting boundaries of criminal liability.
View full module detailsThe module considers the role of contract law in providing a basis for commercial and individual transactions. The creation, nature and contents of a legally enforceable agreement and the issues and controversies, which arise in this regard, will be explored and discussed. The course will also cover the effects of a breach of contract and the factors which vitiate the validity and enforceability of contracts. The ethical values, philosophical principles and practical implications relating to enforceability of contracts will be explored. The course will focus on the nature of a contract in English Law and the roles of common law, equity and statute.
View full module detailsYear 2 - LLB (Hons)
Semester 1
The module examines UK administrative law and the political, legal, constitutional and historical, context in which it operates. It focuses on the principles and practice of judicial review, the legal proceedings by which the courts are asked to determine the lawfulness of decisions made in relation to the exercise of public functions. Administrative law builds on the basic principles of constitutional law that students are introduced to in year 1. Administrative law is a foundation subject for Qualifying Law Degrees and as such the knowledge and skills developed throughout the module will be essential for entering the legal profession as a practitioner.
View full module detailsOptional
This module seeks to introduce students to a range of topics and issues that has been central to key debates in the discipline of International Relations (IR). The module will cover a number of theoretical perspectives, covering not only mainstream theories such as realism, liberalism, and constructivism, but also critical approaches such as Marxism, feminism, and post-structuralism, so that students are introduced to global perspectives and resources on international relations. During the module, these approaches will be related to the analysis of topical cases ranging from humanitarian intervention and nuclear deterrence to human security and the role of women in international relations. The globalisation of world politics and the impact this has had on IR as a discipline will provide the intellectual framework for the analysis presented in the module. The module will enable students to explore examples within each theory as well as analysing empirical cases from different theoretical standpoints. Overall, the aim is to provide students with an overview of the theoretical landscape in international relations and how theory connects with empirical evidence in this domain.
View full module detailsThe module provides a more advanced understanding of the policy-making process in the EU than Level 4 POL1018. It addresses how the process of EU integration unfolds and how the EU of today works (or fails). It provides an analysis of the theories and methods of how we can understand, explain and possibly expect how this process develops. The module addresses and assesses the potential for further European integration or disintegration. Each week, I will upload a 10mn podcast on the topic of the day. I will then invite you to prepare a reading in advance and we will convene together (two-hour seminar) to examine the topic before the seminar. The lecture will consist of two parts: one virtual and one in-class. The virtual lecture will be uploaded to SurreyLearn in the week before the class sessions – you should watch and make notes, since this will be where the bulk of the substantive knowledge is located. The lecture/zoom element of the lecture will be designed to be more interactive, allowing you to ask questions about the virtual lecture and to situate it within the broader context. The seminars will typically be focused around a particular activity and may require the group to produce a collective output, to be posted on SurreyLearn for the rest of the module’s students to see. However, it is expected that ALL students will bring new materials and ideas to the session, contribute towards the debate and thereby support their fellow-students. Further documents as handouts, summaries, and notes will be uploaded by me to help you through the module. As part of the module, there will be a process of both learning and critical reflection. This will enable students to develop your skills towards how to select and write a literature review and demonstrate their critical thinking towards the academic literature.
View full module detailsSemester 2
This module introduces students to selected topics of European Union law, to complement their learning in Public Law I, and to complement engagement with other legal subjects where an understanding of EU law is beneficial. As such, the module provides an introduction to key features of EU constitutional law, the relationships between the UK and EU in the context of Brexit, and an introduction to the internal market/trade. Additional selected topics or case studies may be included to deepen students' understanding and to illustrate current developments.
View full module detailsOptional
The form of globalisation that has characterised the international system over the post-Cold War era, a phenomenon that both drives and is driven by international institutions, treaties and regimes, is seemingly reducing the capacity of nation-states to respond to pressures emanating from the international economic and security environment. Economic challenges, including the recent global recession, require intimate cross-border cooperation (at the regional and global level); climate change presents a threat that requires urgent global-cooperation (be it between local authorities and cities in different national contexts, or at the national level), and public health continues to have drastic impacts on economy, development, and wellbeing that reach beyond individual states. Furthermore, the end of the Cold War has ushered in a host of new security challenges that states are unable to tackle on an individual basis, from preventing and dealing with the consequences of state failure, international terrorism and crime, as well as the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. A key question that the module will examine is the extent to which these challenges are leading to a shift away from an international system characterized by the notion of state sovereignty and the control of policy development and implementation by the central political authority of the nation-state, to a diffusion of power and competencies, both ‘horizontally’, to private actors such as NGOs and Transnational Corporations, and ‘vertically’, downwards to the regional level and upwards to international organisations. The module will critically assess the analytical leverage that can be attained to these questions through the application of diverse perspectives within IR theories, covering not only realist, liberal, and constructivist schools of thought, but also critical approaches such as Marxism and post-structuralism. It will also focus on approaches drawn from political science theory, notably the literatures on multi-level governance, public policy theories, and the ‘new’ institutionalism. In the course students will tackle a number of contemporary debates on international organisations that are central to public debate - the meaning and forms of international organisations, issues of authority, power and legitimacy; how states and non-state actors (particularly NGOs and business) have shaped the nature and scope of international cooperation and the effects that participation in international institutions upon policy-making, styles of governance and institutional configuration at the national and sub-national levels. We will also examine not only the role of hegemonic powers, in particular the impact of the United States over the post-war and post-Cold War eras, but also the implications of the rise of new powers such as China and India upon international organisations. The module will then examine relevant case studies: environmental governance; global health governance; the WTO and the governance of international trade; the IMF, World Bank and the governance of finance and development; the United Nations and security governance. The module will conclude by assessing the implications of the growth of international organisations for the role of the state as a national and international actor.
View full module detailsThis module develops students' understanding of international security through a focus on the ways in which international relations is shaped by great powers. By studying how the United States, Russia, and China, define their interests and approach to international order, the module places its emphasis on the practice of international security in a series of flashpoints and crises in which great powers' security relations interact. Students will understand the security implications of resource scarcity and the globalisation of production. The module includes a crisis management exercise in which students are tasked with managing an evolving security crisis in real time.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
The Tort module introduces key concepts of Tort Law and then considers these in the context of current litigation, legal practice and legal academic theories. The content will introduce students to the concepts, terminology and policies relevant to modern tort law (including tort as a means of compensating victims and as a loss distribution mechanism), as well as considering its historical origins, theoretical justifications, and the potential impact on tort law of Human Rights. Students will be encouraged to consider and debate practical application of tort law principles by UK courts and practitioners. Specific doctrinal topics may include, among others: the tort of negligence, including defences and remedies; vicarious liability; discrete areas of liability such as psychiatric harm, occupiers' liability and pure economic harm; product liability; and torts protecting interests in personal integrity and land. Students will have the opportunity to develop their academic skills of legal research, legal writing, critical analysis and problem solving through the use of both real case examples and tailored case studies. The Tort module satisfies part of the Law of Obligations, as required by the qualifying law degree (QLD) and introduces students to a core component of the foundations of legal knowledge, which are relevant to the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE), Bar Training Courses and other graduate legal career pathways. It complements the other modules required by the QLD and provides a strong foundation for optional modules such as Core Issues in Private Law or Medical Law & Ethics.
View full module detailsThis module introduces learners to the principles of law regulating real property in England and Wales. It will orient learners towards understanding how legal and beneficial title to land is obtained and evidenced and how other legal and equitable rights in land are created and exercised. This module will introduce learners to the fundaments of the land registration system and explore key aspects of the mortgagor and mortgagee relationship and also that of the landlord tenant relationship in regard to the leasehold estate. This module will also consider the key general legislative and policy framework governing land planning. This module builds on and develop the following key academic and professional skills gained during Year 1 of the LLB: case reading, statutory interpretation, problem solving, critical analysis, legal research and time management.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 2 - FHEQ Level 5
Choose 1 optional module for each Semester
Year 3 - LLB (Hons)
Semester 1
This module examines a number of key aspects of individual and collective employment law. Students build upon the knowledge gained in levels 4 and 5 when considering the legal developments in the common law of contract, It is designed to provide students with an opportunity for the advanced study of the law governing the employment relationship and labour relations; to understand the legal regulation of working life and assist students to place the key issues of employment law that have shaped the development of law in this area, in their political, economic and social context. It introduces students to the legal distinction between categories of workers and the significance this has on their individuals’ rights and obligations under the statutory framework. It develops students’ understanding of collective labour law including discussion on the political tensions between governments and unions and the political dimension in the development of laws regulating industrial conflict. The module covers the legal consequences of terminating the contract of employment and will critically assess the law of wrongful, unfair and fair dismissal. Students will also consider the relationship between the employer and employee and the balance of power between these two groups. The module will examine collective labour law, in-particular collective bargaining and industrial conflict. Students will develop their legal writing skills, building on levels 4 and 5 to achieve a deeper level of critical thinking and independent learning.
View full module detailsJurisprudence is the theory or philosophy of law: the study of philosophical questions about the nature of law, its relation to morality, what determines its validity and normativity, and theories about its social significance and how it operates. Jurisprudence 1 is a survey of key jurisprudential theories and debates. It seeks to fit within the rest of the LLB syllabus by providing a reasoned and principled basis for discussions regarding the content and purpose of the law. It provides background information useful in arguments over the justification or interpretation of laws and policies. It hones skills in developing, expressing, and evaluating arguments as well as in research and digesting complex abstract subjects. Its practical value for practising lawyers cannot be understated as only lawyers with a theoretical understanding will be able to advise clients and reply to opposing arguments when dealing with areas in which the law is unclear or offers conflicting guidance. The lectures will cover the theoretical content of the course, providing an overview of the theories and the debates among them. The tutorials will be aimed at guiding students through the research and development of an argumentative paper on a more focused subject so that students can then accomplish the same on their summative assessment.
View full module detailsThis module looks at key issues in medical law and ethics throughout the life course. It begins by linking law with ethics and explaining the tensions between legal, ethical and professional approaches to healthcare-related issues. In the first two weeks, students consider the underpinning topics of medical ethical principles, the nature of medical law, the legal structure of the NHS and the challenges of healthcare allocation decisions. Students then address the issues of consent, capacity and information, with an in depth study of the Mental Capacity Act and its relevance to treatment decisions by competent adults, adults who lack capacity, adults whose capacity fluctuates and patients under the age of 18. These introductory topics underpin consideration of the topics covered in the second half of the semester. Cases and principles introduced in the first half of the module are connected with the topics covered in the second half of the module. The second half of the module looks at public health, the beginnings of life, definitions of ‘life’ and ‘death’ and at end-of-life decisions. Precise topics reflect current events, new case law and emerging areas of legal, ethical or academic debate. For example, students may consider communicable diseases, conception, contraception, abortion, euthanasia, palliative care and assisted dying. At the end of the module, students are given the opportunity to consolidate their learning and research by applying it to real life cases and created scenarios. Students are encouraged to debate and discuss so that they are exposed to a wide variety of perspectives and have the confidence to challenge their presuppositions.
View full module detailsTax Law introduces students to basic elements of tax law, explores a number of the most important questions in tax policy, and examines a range of topics in UK tax law. The module provides an overview of various kinds of taxation including income, consumption, inheritance and corporate taxation and explains basic features of the UK system of tax law and tax administration. Topics in tax policy include theories of tax fairness, debates over the tax base and progressive taxation, tax competition and international tax planning, and environmental taxes. UK tax law topics include income from employment, income from trading, income from land, capital allowances, capital gains tax, corporation tax, VAT, inheritance tax, and tax avoidance.
View full module detailsFollowing one of the most controversial administrations in recent history, this module situates the Trump presidency in the context of other executives and considers to what extent this period was a major departure for norms and strategy in US foreign policy. It considers recent history, theory and key concepts to reflect on the impact both for US power projection, and on world politics more generally.
View full module detailsThe module will cover the basic elements of negotiation, using a combination of theoretical and practical methods. The module introduces theoretical approaches to negotiation, before exploring and illustrating them through active usage in a series of games and exercises. Negotiations in class (weekly) as well as online (throughout the duration of the semester) allow students to address real-life political issues in the form of simulations. The taught theoretical insights are put to practice with tailored seminar activities. More importantly, students are required to evaluate their practice in a self-reflexive critical portfolio that will be based on the experience built throughout the semester. This will test their grasp of the topic as well as give them the opportunity to consider how it will inform their future practices as a 'negotiator' within employment.
View full module detailsThe module explores a practical context for the criminal law concepts introduced in Year 1. It also provides a means for students to consider the practical application of the Human Rights Act (and ECHR) introduced in Public Law 1 at Level 4 (in particular the right to a fair trial). Specifically, the module covers the rules of criminal evidence in the jurisdiction of England and Wales. It examines these in the context of a Not Guilty trial in the Crown Court. It begins by considering the general principles (including theoretical rationales) of admissibility and exclusion of evidence and then each week examines these in light of a particular area of regulation using the applicable statutes, case law and academic opinion. It will be of general interest for the majority of law students but will be particularly valuable for those seeking employment as solicitors and barristers as the matters learned here will stand them in good stead for similar modules when preparing for the Solicitors Qualifying Exam and Bar exams.
View full module detailsIn this module students will develop and extend their knowledge and understanding of International Relations in respect of both the discipline and the practice. The module builds on work done in previous modules, particularly POL1012 Intro to International Relations, POL1019 Contemporary International History, POL2038 International Political Economy, POL2029 Them and Us: Comparative Government and Politics and POL2030 Theorising International Relations. It is therefore expected that students will enter the module with a developed understanding of International Relations and Comparative Politics theories and approaches with the aim of connecting these to the case studies discussed. The module provides an examination of the domestic-foreign policy linkages between China and the areas of the so-called Greater China region (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau) and beyond. It thus examines China in the broader context and focuses on its role in the region and beyond building on an understanding of the PRC's societal and institutional transformation. This will develop students’ knowledge and understanding of China's growing role in the world while at the same time highlighting the linkages between the domestic and international sphere, the importance of socio-historical context and alternative approaches to analyse international relations.
View full module detailsThis module introduces students to the key legal and ethical issues associated with privacy and data governance, as well as to the methods of analysis of those issues used both in law and in ethics. The module makes use of the case study method to introduce students to legal and ethical legal questions through discussion of relevant major incidents from recent years. The module helps students develop their thinking on how to translate abstract ethical reasoning into law and business practice.
View full module detailsThis module introduces the students to the key ethical and regulatory issues associated with artificial intelligence, as well as to the methods of analysis of those issues used in ethics and in law. The focus of the module is on the current state of the art in the applications of artificial intelligence (in particular: of machine learning), with smaller emphasis on hypothetical future developments. The module makes use of the case study method to introduce students to ethical and regulatory (legal) questions through discussion of relevant major incidents from recent years. The module helps students develop their thinking on how to translate abstract ethical (and regulatory) requirements of fairness, explainability or privacy into engineering and business practice.
View full module detailsThis module is intended to introduce students to legal and policy developments on climate change, with an emphasis on international and regional levels. Students will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of international environmental law, and policy initiatives tackling climate change. Students should develop a strong, critical understanding of the basic doctrinal concepts, develop the ability to critically analyse relevant case law and engage with scholarly debates relating to the development of environmental protection. The module focuses on selected topics and case-studies. It engages with contemporary debates on issues including climate justice, the protection of rights in environmental law, and state action in addressing climate change.
View full module detailsThe limited liability company is the business structure which forms the foundation for the modern economy. Since its invention in the nineteenth century, it has provided the legal basis for the Industrial Revolution and the modern global capitalist system. It has been copied in every advanced economy in the world. England and Wales adopted a new statutory foundation for its corporate law in the Companies Act 2006, which is accordingly the main focus for this module. The principles, however, have been developed by statute and common law over more than one hundred and seventy years. In accordance with the design and ethos of the LLB, Company Law will be approached through a critical examination of the historical, political and economic background of the current law and through an emphasis on how Company Law operates in context. The aim of this module, therefore, is to enable students to acquire a sound knowledge base of the theoretical and substantive aspects of company law and to develop a practical understanding of the legal aspects of running public and private limited companies.
View full module detailsCommercial law is an intellectually stimulating subject which lies at the intersection of the foundational subjects of private law and law in practice. Commercial claims, clauses and remedies has significant practical relevance. Knowledge of the rules that form the basis of this subject is highly recommended for those who want to pursue careers in commercial law. It provides students with an opportunity to build upon their existing knowledge of contract law and introduces them to further areas such as unjust enrichment and some of the economic torts. It also provides students with the opportunity to consider the significance of commercial clauses and their impact upon liability and remedies. In this course, we consider interesting areas of law that are commercially very important. Further, the course will provide a sound basis for those students who wish to (i) study Commercial Law II: International Sales in Semester 2; (ii) pursue the next stage of study for Solicitor’s or Barrister’s courses; (iii) to study for a Commercial Law based LLM; and (iv) work in a Commercial environment.
View full module detailsDigital technology influences every aspect of daily life, shaping the way that individuals live, work and socialise (and therefore also inevitably matters of civil law, such as contract and tort) but it has a less positive aspect as it has also transformed criminal behaviour. This module considers the legal, regulatory and commercial issues relating to the internet and digitisation as well as the dark side of technology that has led to the growth of online crime. It reflects on the ensuing impact on the digital economy, platforms and the wider business community plus the legal regulation thereof taking account of the unprecedented transformation in the digitisation of the law and the way business is conducted in the 21st century. The module encourages critical engagement with the way in which the law operates in an effort to both facilitate digitisation as well as combat cybercrime. It brings together theoretical ideas about the function of law with the practical considerations of the impact of criminal behaviour on society. It also engages with the challenges of preventing online crime and policing the internet.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The module covers the law relating to the relationships that exist between the seller and buyer located in different jurisdictions in the context of international sales of goods and examines the international conventions, principles and rules that affect their relationship.
View full module detailsThe module identifies the main types of intellectual property in terms of their subject matter, conditions for protection, duration and scope of protection and will examine their impact on the protection of creative endeavours. Intellectual property law is a specialised area of law, which is set on international law by way of minimum standards (TRIPS Agreement, Paris and Berne Conventions). The UK IP laws have seen not only international regulation but also extensive harmonisation in EU law (particularly trademark law and to a certain extent copyright law). This area of law grants exclusive rights to reward and/or incentivise creation and innovation in exchange for certain societal benefits (different for specific IP rights: the disclosure of inventions; the publication of works and the correction of market inefficiencies in the case of distinctive signs indicating commercial origin). Intellectual property law is a vibrant and rapidly evolving area of law and the knowledge and skills developed throughout this module will provide a good foundation for further exploration of more specific issues either in an academic or professional setting.
View full module detailsHealthcare delivery is one of the most socially and politically sensitive issues in economically advanced societies, and the controversies which arise when it is defective, and in increasing its effectiveness, are important issues for the law. This module addresses issues where law and medical practice interact which do not necessarily involve the same issues of purely ethical controversy and human rights as in the co-requisite module Medical Law & Ethics. The principal area will be clinical negligence liability and litigation, with the connected problems of causation and risk-warning. The other main area for examination will be the development of medical treatments through biomedical research and experimentation.
View full module detailsThe module is concerned with understanding the source, practice, effect and response to terrorism in the modern world. In particular, the objective is to provide students with a clearer understanding of how and why terrorism exists and how other political actors respond to it.
View full module detailsThis module investigates the relationship between state and market in East and West by discussing views on philosophical ideas of democracy, development and justice. The module will build upon theoretical perspectives, ranging from Marxism to neo-liberalism. The students will analyse the practical policy applications of these theories as they have been manifested through neo-liberal politics, the Welfare State model and particularly the Development State model. Topical case studies will focus on East-Asia. The region allows for a critical discussion of major economic models and how they function as justification for particular regime forms and vice versa. Students will engage in debates over the socio-political consequences of economic and political transformations. It therefore builds on understanding of political and social philosophy on questions of welfare and justice acquired in POL1014 and more fundamentally on skills and knowledge obtained in POL2038 as it will deepen discussions on developmental strategies and state-market relations in political economy.
View full module detailsThis cutting-edge final year module introduces students to a range of key debates relating to European and EU security and diplomacy. Students are provided with a series of carefully scaffolded opportunities to engage in contemporary debates on Europe’s ability to operate as a security and foreign policy actor, in national, bilateral and multilateral forms. In addition, the module offers insights, feedback, and assessment forms which cumulatively provide students with opportunities to engage in five key areas: employability, global and cultural capabilities, digital capabilities, sustainability, and resourcefulness and resilience. European Security and Diplomacy will provide students with in-depth opportunities to consider, analyse, synthesize and critique a wide range of current issues in security and diplomacy in Europe. In doing so, students are presented with first-hand opportunities to engage in a diverse European and international environment, allowing them to compare various political and cultural viewpoints. Students will develop an understanding of complex issues regarding European actors, institutions, policies, diplomatic and defence structures. In learning about the unique challenges facing European security and diplomacy, students will be provided with key opportunities to develop their capability for sustainable thinking e.g. in tackling governance issues directly connected to the EU’s approach to climate change and sustainability), as well as medium and long-term options for European ‘actorness’ in relation to itself, and others. Students will be provided with a wide range of opportunities to apply relevant analytical, synthesis-based and critical thinking skills in in this module. The forms of assessment will further require students to invest in both independent and team-based work, strengthening their resourcefulness as young scholars, and deepening their forms of resilience in managing challenges. Give the wide range of conceptual, documentary, case-based and speech-related materials comprising this area, students will develop a range of research skills in tackling both classic and fast-moving contemporary political issues using a range of primary/secondary sources, including digital portals and repositories. This in turn will underwrite enhanced digital capabilities. Lastly, the sum total of various in-classroom skills, including developing debating and argumentation skills, alongside the range of soft skills connected to global awareness, digital capabilities, sustainability plus resourcefulness and resilience will cumulatively enable POL3087 students to augment their overall employability.
View full module detailsThis module builds on students’ knowledge gained at levels 4 and 5 concerning the rule of law. The module content and assessment strategy provide students with a theoretical understanding of social justice and welfare issues in the UK, while acknowledging that access to justice is central for the rule of law to operate effectively. It assesses the inadequacies of the legal system resulting from cuts to legal aid and local authority funding to the advice sector. The module examines the challenges of making legal services and the justice system more accessible, including an analysis of the wider social and economic issues impacting on sustainable development. Students will evaluate best practice across the legal and justice sectors, the role of lawyers, and ways in which access to justice can be enhanced. Students will have the opportunity to focus their studies on either environmental related or access to law and rights justice dimensions. The module enhances employability since it contains a clinical legal and policy education element. Streetlaw students design interactive presentations to raise awareness amongst non-lawyers of legal issues. ELF Students develop legal policy proposals to address current selected environmental issues. Students develop policy and/or legal writing skills, from levels 4 and 5 to achieve a deeper level of critical thinking and independent learning.
View full module detailsThis module is an introduction to two of the most important normative and moral questions that one can raise in relation to law and legal systems, and some of the most prominent philosophical attempts at answering them: whether and to what extent there is an obligation to obey the law and whether it is justifiable to punish law-breakers. Examples of the kind of topics that we shall be looking at in this module include the nature of legal obligations, authority and the duty to obey, the nature of (legal) punishment and various philosophical theories for the duty to obey and for the justification of punishment. This module seeks to fit within the rest of the LLB syllabus by providing a reasoned and principled basis for deeper critical reflections and discussions about what the law ought to be, what role it should play in our societies and in our everyday lives more generally, and how we should relate ourselves to it. It provides background information useful in arguments over the justification or interpretation of laws and policies. It also hones skills in developing, expressing, and evaluating arguments as well as in research and digesting complex abstract subjects.
View full module detailsThis module provides an overview of financial regulation including regulation of banking, capital markets, payments and digital assets. Building on prior knowledge of private and public law, it introduces the regulatory frameworks for each of these areas and the policy considerations that animate regulatory policy. The module also examines the impact of financial regulation on emerging FinTech businesses and considers the ways in which new technology challenges traditional models of financial regulation.
View full module detailsThis module explores theoretical, practical and policy issues related to how the criminal law operates in corporate contexts, both crimes perpetrated by individuals (sometimes called "white collar crime") and crimes perpetrated by organisations (corporate crimes). The module places roughly equal emphasis on doctrinal and theoretical issues. We will explore doctrinal issues related to specific offences that are central to this area, such as fraud, regulatory crimes and corporate manslaughter, and we will look at practical issues of how corporations seek to promote employee compliance with such laws. At the same time, we will investigate important theoretical and policy questions related to crime in the corporate context. These include how corporate and regulatory criminal law push traditional boundaries of criminalisation and whether some regulatory offences are so strict as to amount to improperly punishing innocent conduct. We will also explore how it might make sense to punish corporations when they are non-living entities incapable of truly experiencing penalties, as well as doctrinal and policy questions about what the best mechanism for the imposition of corporate liability might be (comparing the identification doctrine to respondeat superior and "failure to prevent" offences). Throughout the module, our focus will be not only on learning about a sampling of representative parts of law, but also (and just as importantly) on casting a critical eye on how criminal law works in corporate settings. We will consider questions about what leads actors to engage in criminal misconduct in corporate contexts, with a particular emphasis on the organisational factors that can pressure or incentivise especially mid- or lower-level employees to break the law. We will explore ways in which large amounts of everyday conduct, the wrongness of which may not always be apparent to actors on the ground, gets deemed to be criminal in corporate settings, and we will debate whether and to what extent this makes sense. In these ways and more, we will seek to cast a critical eye on the criminal law in corporate settings and ask whether and when alternatives to criminal liability might be called for in response to certain forms of misconduct by employees or managers. We will focus primarily on issues and debates relevant to English law, though the US will serve as an important comparison throughout
View full module detailsSince the US anti-Vietnam War movement, philosophical interest in armed conflict has increased considerably. Beginning with Michael Walzer's classic Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations (1977), this module looks at key thinkers, themes, and ideas from contemporary just war theory and the ethics of armed conflict, mostly from within the analytical tradition of philosophy. Topics include the paradigm of self-defense and its critics, the moral status of combatants, the normative sources (and limits) of non-combatant immunity, the moral nature of terrorism, as well as the problem of intervention. The module concludes by examining more recent ethical challenges posed by remote-warfare, cyber warfare, and the prospect of robotic weapons. In studying these topics, students will not only gain a sound understanding of contemporary just war theory; they will also be introduced to key ideas and concepts from contemporary ethical and political theory. Finally, students will be able to apply the more abstract philosophical material discussed on the module to real-life events via an assessed Ethics Case Study
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
Welcome to the exciting world of Equity! In this course we will explore the fundamental principles of Equity as well as its greatest creation - the trust. The course is an introduction to the subject but is meant to give you a comprehensive understanding of the foundations of Equity.
View full module detailsOptional
LAW3005 provides students the opportunity to engage in sustained independent research and critical writing in defence of a legal thesis, under the supervision of a member of staff.
View full module detailsThis module will require students to engage and refine key skills developed throughout the first two years of their degree and to apply those skills at an advanced level. The key skills include legal research (including using digital research tools), case reading, critical thinking and analyses, precision in the use of language, effective and accurate communication, and time management. This module provides the framework for understanding how the law recognizes and regulates intimate personal relationships and mediates relationships of affinity and consanguinity. Family law provides the legal framework for the establishment and dissolution of marriage and civil partnerships, the imposition of legal consequences within marriage, civil partnerships and cohabitation, the financial implications upon the dissolution of those relationships. Family Law also provides the framework for students to understand how the law defines, regulates and mediates the relationship between parent, child, other persons with a relationship nexus to the child and the State. The concept of a child's welfare being paramount informs and constructs the legal framework for the parenting and regulation of parenting of children and forms the core consideration in the resolution of private and public authority disputes over the upbringing of children. The study of this module will enable students to critically assess the purpose of family law and the extent to which laws should regulate and influence adult interpersonal relationships and the parent-child relationship. Students will also gain significant practical insight into how to identify and resolve potential legal problems that may arise during professional family law practice. Real world examples and contemporary trends in family demographics are explored to encourage students to relate practically to the module content and to emphasise the relevance to lived experience.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 3 - FHEQ Level 6
Choose 45 credits for each Semester (30 Law credits and 15 Politics credits), Dissertation and Family & Child Law modules count for a total of 30 credits each (15 credits in Semester 1 and 15 credits in Semester 2 as they are year-long modules).
Year 1 - LLB (Hons) with placement
Semester 1
This module introduces the discipline of International Relations, exploring key global events and their interrelationship with the development of theoretical perspectives. Students will be introduced to both mainstream and critical perspectives, exploring both their basis in philosophy and their practical applications in analysis. They will also explore empirical case areas that present major challenges in international politics and current affairs, including developments on environment and climate change, security, human rights and globalisation.
View full module detailsIn order to study law, it is necessary to understand what the law is, where it comes from and how it operates and evolves. This three-week intensive module will equip students with a foundation of knowledge of the English legal system and its personnel, principles and policies and introduce the skills needed to study the law effectively. It will also situate the legal system of England and Wales within the context of other legal systems allowing students to understand the interrelation between English law, European law and international law. In essence, the module will provide a foundation of knowledge and skills that will enable students to embark on their study of law with confidence.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The module provides an introduction to the European Union. It asks why the European integration process began, and how the EU of today resulted. It provides an analysis of the EU institutions, and also evaluates how EU membership changes the member states themselves. The module also introduces debates about the evaluation of the integration process and assesses the potential for further European integration. Each week, there will be a lecture on a given area, followed up by a seminar. The seminars will typically be focused around a particular activity and may require the group to produce a collective output, to be posted on SurreyLearn by the seminar leader for the rest of the module’s students to see. Seminar leaders may organise each seminar group at the start of the module so that small groups of individuals take lead responsibility for the production of any such documents for particular sessions. However, it is expected that ALL students will bring new materials and ideas to the session, contribute towards the debate and thereby support their fellow-students. Further documents as handouts, summaries, and notes will be uploaded by me to help you through the module. As part of the module, there will be a process of both learning and critical reflection. This will enable students to develop your skills towards how to select and write a literature review and demonstrate their critical thinking towards the academic literature.
View full module detailsThe module is a core subject for a qualifying legal degree as required by the Bar Council to qualify as a barrister and a core subject to be examined later as part of the Solicitors’ Qualifying Exam. It introduces students to the constitutional arrangements of the UK and the key institutions and concepts inherent in its uncodified constitution such as Parliamentary Sovereignty. It then explores these against the specific situations influenced by these aspects such as EU membership, devolution, and participation within the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). This module serves as a basis for several modules that follow later in the degree. For example, it introduces the key judicial review concepts that are involved in Public Law 2 (Level 5) and the institutional aspects and domestic legal considerations arising from EU membership that are further covered in the EU Law module (Level 5). It also explains the mechanics of the Human Rights Act which, as well as being relevant to Public Law 2, is relevant to many optional subjects at Level 6 such as Family Law, Medical Law, and the Law of Evidence. Where relevant the module makes comparisons with the constitutional arrangements of other jurisdictions (e.g.US, China, South Africa) and accordingly students can expect to obtain an awareness of intercultural variations in constitutional frameworks.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
This module introduces students to the fundamental principles of criminal liability and to the social, political and economic context in which they operate. It covers a range of fatal, non-fatal, sexual and property offences as well as a selection of defences that may be available to allow a defendant either to reduce their liability or to avoid liability altogether. Interwoven throughout the module are theoretical debates about the nature and purpose of criminal law and its role in society thus providing students with an accessible introduction to complex concepts such as paternalism, liberalism and autonomy using real-world illustrations from the news media and fiction. Students are encouraged to look at their world around them and see the criminal law in action and think about the role that it plays in shaping behaviour in society. The emphasis is on developing a critical approach to the criminal law whilst ensuring that students have a firm understanding of core legal principles and their operation. The module is designed around three themes to encourage students to look at the criminal law in an evaluative way: (1) the relationship between objectivity and subjectivity and the consequences of a shift from one to the other; (2) the conflict between principle and policy and (3) the shifting boundaries of criminal liability.
View full module detailsThe module considers the role of contract law in providing a basis for commercial and individual transactions. The creation, nature and contents of a legally enforceable agreement and the issues and controversies, which arise in this regard, will be explored and discussed. The course will also cover the effects of a breach of contract and the factors which vitiate the validity and enforceability of contracts. The ethical values, philosophical principles and practical implications relating to enforceability of contracts will be explored. The course will focus on the nature of a contract in English Law and the roles of common law, equity and statute.
View full module detailsYear 2 - LLB (Hons) with placement
Semester 1
The module examines UK administrative law and the political, legal, constitutional and historical, context in which it operates. It focuses on the principles and practice of judicial review, the legal proceedings by which the courts are asked to determine the lawfulness of decisions made in relation to the exercise of public functions. Administrative law builds on the basic principles of constitutional law that students are introduced to in year 1. Administrative law is a foundation subject for Qualifying Law Degrees and as such the knowledge and skills developed throughout the module will be essential for entering the legal profession as a practitioner.
View full module detailsOptional
This module seeks to introduce students to a range of topics and issues that has been central to key debates in the discipline of International Relations (IR). The module will cover a number of theoretical perspectives, covering not only mainstream theories such as realism, liberalism, and constructivism, but also critical approaches such as Marxism, feminism, and post-structuralism, so that students are introduced to global perspectives and resources on international relations. During the module, these approaches will be related to the analysis of topical cases ranging from humanitarian intervention and nuclear deterrence to human security and the role of women in international relations. The globalisation of world politics and the impact this has had on IR as a discipline will provide the intellectual framework for the analysis presented in the module. The module will enable students to explore examples within each theory as well as analysing empirical cases from different theoretical standpoints. Overall, the aim is to provide students with an overview of the theoretical landscape in international relations and how theory connects with empirical evidence in this domain.
View full module detailsThe module provides a more advanced understanding of the policy-making process in the EU than Level 4 POL1018. It addresses how the process of EU integration unfolds and how the EU of today works (or fails). It provides an analysis of the theories and methods of how we can understand, explain and possibly expect how this process develops. The module addresses and assesses the potential for further European integration or disintegration. Each week, I will upload a 10mn podcast on the topic of the day. I will then invite you to prepare a reading in advance and we will convene together (two-hour seminar) to examine the topic before the seminar. The lecture will consist of two parts: one virtual and one in-class. The virtual lecture will be uploaded to SurreyLearn in the week before the class sessions – you should watch and make notes, since this will be where the bulk of the substantive knowledge is located. The lecture/zoom element of the lecture will be designed to be more interactive, allowing you to ask questions about the virtual lecture and to situate it within the broader context. The seminars will typically be focused around a particular activity and may require the group to produce a collective output, to be posted on SurreyLearn for the rest of the module’s students to see. However, it is expected that ALL students will bring new materials and ideas to the session, contribute towards the debate and thereby support their fellow-students. Further documents as handouts, summaries, and notes will be uploaded by me to help you through the module. As part of the module, there will be a process of both learning and critical reflection. This will enable students to develop your skills towards how to select and write a literature review and demonstrate their critical thinking towards the academic literature.
View full module detailsSemester 2
This module introduces students to selected topics of European Union law, to complement their learning in Public Law I, and to complement engagement with other legal subjects where an understanding of EU law is beneficial. As such, the module provides an introduction to key features of EU constitutional law, the relationships between the UK and EU in the context of Brexit, and an introduction to the internal market/trade. Additional selected topics or case studies may be included to deepen students' understanding and to illustrate current developments.
View full module detailsOptional
The form of globalisation that has characterised the international system over the post-Cold War era, a phenomenon that both drives and is driven by international institutions, treaties and regimes, is seemingly reducing the capacity of nation-states to respond to pressures emanating from the international economic and security environment. Economic challenges, including the recent global recession, require intimate cross-border cooperation (at the regional and global level); climate change presents a threat that requires urgent global-cooperation (be it between local authorities and cities in different national contexts, or at the national level), and public health continues to have drastic impacts on economy, development, and wellbeing that reach beyond individual states. Furthermore, the end of the Cold War has ushered in a host of new security challenges that states are unable to tackle on an individual basis, from preventing and dealing with the consequences of state failure, international terrorism and crime, as well as the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. A key question that the module will examine is the extent to which these challenges are leading to a shift away from an international system characterized by the notion of state sovereignty and the control of policy development and implementation by the central political authority of the nation-state, to a diffusion of power and competencies, both ‘horizontally’, to private actors such as NGOs and Transnational Corporations, and ‘vertically’, downwards to the regional level and upwards to international organisations. The module will critically assess the analytical leverage that can be attained to these questions through the application of diverse perspectives within IR theories, covering not only realist, liberal, and constructivist schools of thought, but also critical approaches such as Marxism and post-structuralism. It will also focus on approaches drawn from political science theory, notably the literatures on multi-level governance, public policy theories, and the ‘new’ institutionalism. In the course students will tackle a number of contemporary debates on international organisations that are central to public debate - the meaning and forms of international organisations, issues of authority, power and legitimacy; how states and non-state actors (particularly NGOs and business) have shaped the nature and scope of international cooperation and the effects that participation in international institutions upon policy-making, styles of governance and institutional configuration at the national and sub-national levels. We will also examine not only the role of hegemonic powers, in particular the impact of the United States over the post-war and post-Cold War eras, but also the implications of the rise of new powers such as China and India upon international organisations. The module will then examine relevant case studies: environmental governance; global health governance; the WTO and the governance of international trade; the IMF, World Bank and the governance of finance and development; the United Nations and security governance. The module will conclude by assessing the implications of the growth of international organisations for the role of the state as a national and international actor.
View full module detailsThis module develops students' understanding of international security through a focus on the ways in which international relations is shaped by great powers. By studying how the United States, Russia, and China, define their interests and approach to international order, the module places its emphasis on the practice of international security in a series of flashpoints and crises in which great powers' security relations interact. Students will understand the security implications of resource scarcity and the globalisation of production. The module includes a crisis management exercise in which students are tasked with managing an evolving security crisis in real time.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
The Tort module introduces key concepts of Tort Law and then considers these in the context of current litigation, legal practice and legal academic theories. The content will introduce students to the concepts, terminology and policies relevant to modern tort law (including tort as a means of compensating victims and as a loss distribution mechanism), as well as considering its historical origins, theoretical justifications, and the potential impact on tort law of Human Rights. Students will be encouraged to consider and debate practical application of tort law principles by UK courts and practitioners. Specific doctrinal topics may include, among others: the tort of negligence, including defences and remedies; vicarious liability; discrete areas of liability such as psychiatric harm, occupiers' liability and pure economic harm; product liability; and torts protecting interests in personal integrity and land. Students will have the opportunity to develop their academic skills of legal research, legal writing, critical analysis and problem solving through the use of both real case examples and tailored case studies. The Tort module satisfies part of the Law of Obligations, as required by the qualifying law degree (QLD) and introduces students to a core component of the foundations of legal knowledge, which are relevant to the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE), Bar Training Courses and other graduate legal career pathways. It complements the other modules required by the QLD and provides a strong foundation for optional modules such as Core Issues in Private Law or Medical Law & Ethics.
View full module detailsThis module introduces learners to the principles of law regulating real property in England and Wales. It will orient learners towards understanding how legal and beneficial title to land is obtained and evidenced and how other legal and equitable rights in land are created and exercised. This module will introduce learners to the fundaments of the land registration system and explore key aspects of the mortgagor and mortgagee relationship and also that of the landlord tenant relationship in regard to the leasehold estate. This module will also consider the key general legislative and policy framework governing land planning. This module builds on and develop the following key academic and professional skills gained during Year 1 of the LLB: case reading, statutory interpretation, problem solving, critical analysis, legal research and time management.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 2 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 5
Choose 1 optional module for each Semester
Year 3 - LLB (Hons) with placement
Semester 1
This module examines a number of key aspects of individual and collective employment law. Students build upon the knowledge gained in levels 4 and 5 when considering the legal developments in the common law of contract, It is designed to provide students with an opportunity for the advanced study of the law governing the employment relationship and labour relations; to understand the legal regulation of working life and assist students to place the key issues of employment law that have shaped the development of law in this area, in their political, economic and social context. It introduces students to the legal distinction between categories of workers and the significance this has on their individuals’ rights and obligations under the statutory framework. It develops students’ understanding of collective labour law including discussion on the political tensions between governments and unions and the political dimension in the development of laws regulating industrial conflict. The module covers the legal consequences of terminating the contract of employment and will critically assess the law of wrongful, unfair and fair dismissal. Students will also consider the relationship between the employer and employee and the balance of power between these two groups. The module will examine collective labour law, in-particular collective bargaining and industrial conflict. Students will develop their legal writing skills, building on levels 4 and 5 to achieve a deeper level of critical thinking and independent learning.
View full module detailsJurisprudence is the theory or philosophy of law: the study of philosophical questions about the nature of law, its relation to morality, what determines its validity and normativity, and theories about its social significance and how it operates. Jurisprudence 1 is a survey of key jurisprudential theories and debates. It seeks to fit within the rest of the LLB syllabus by providing a reasoned and principled basis for discussions regarding the content and purpose of the law. It provides background information useful in arguments over the justification or interpretation of laws and policies. It hones skills in developing, expressing, and evaluating arguments as well as in research and digesting complex abstract subjects. Its practical value for practising lawyers cannot be understated as only lawyers with a theoretical understanding will be able to advise clients and reply to opposing arguments when dealing with areas in which the law is unclear or offers conflicting guidance. The lectures will cover the theoretical content of the course, providing an overview of the theories and the debates among them. The tutorials will be aimed at guiding students through the research and development of an argumentative paper on a more focused subject so that students can then accomplish the same on their summative assessment.
View full module detailsThis module looks at key issues in medical law and ethics throughout the life course. It begins by linking law with ethics and explaining the tensions between legal, ethical and professional approaches to healthcare-related issues. In the first two weeks, students consider the underpinning topics of medical ethical principles, the nature of medical law, the legal structure of the NHS and the challenges of healthcare allocation decisions. Students then address the issues of consent, capacity and information, with an in depth study of the Mental Capacity Act and its relevance to treatment decisions by competent adults, adults who lack capacity, adults whose capacity fluctuates and patients under the age of 18. These introductory topics underpin consideration of the topics covered in the second half of the semester. Cases and principles introduced in the first half of the module are connected with the topics covered in the second half of the module. The second half of the module looks at public health, the beginnings of life, definitions of ‘life’ and ‘death’ and at end-of-life decisions. Precise topics reflect current events, new case law and emerging areas of legal, ethical or academic debate. For example, students may consider communicable diseases, conception, contraception, abortion, euthanasia, palliative care and assisted dying. At the end of the module, students are given the opportunity to consolidate their learning and research by applying it to real life cases and created scenarios. Students are encouraged to debate and discuss so that they are exposed to a wide variety of perspectives and have the confidence to challenge their presuppositions.
View full module detailsTax Law introduces students to basic elements of tax law, explores a number of the most important questions in tax policy, and examines a range of topics in UK tax law. The module provides an overview of various kinds of taxation including income, consumption, inheritance and corporate taxation and explains basic features of the UK system of tax law and tax administration. Topics in tax policy include theories of tax fairness, debates over the tax base and progressive taxation, tax competition and international tax planning, and environmental taxes. UK tax law topics include income from employment, income from trading, income from land, capital allowances, capital gains tax, corporation tax, VAT, inheritance tax, and tax avoidance.
View full module detailsFollowing one of the most controversial administrations in recent history, this module situates the Trump presidency in the context of other executives and considers to what extent this period was a major departure for norms and strategy in US foreign policy. It considers recent history, theory and key concepts to reflect on the impact both for US power projection, and on world politics more generally.
View full module detailsThe module will cover the basic elements of negotiation, using a combination of theoretical and practical methods. The module introduces theoretical approaches to negotiation, before exploring and illustrating them through active usage in a series of games and exercises. Negotiations in class (weekly) as well as online (throughout the duration of the semester) allow students to address real-life political issues in the form of simulations. The taught theoretical insights are put to practice with tailored seminar activities. More importantly, students are required to evaluate their practice in a self-reflexive critical portfolio that will be based on the experience built throughout the semester. This will test their grasp of the topic as well as give them the opportunity to consider how it will inform their future practices as a 'negotiator' within employment.
View full module detailsThe module explores a practical context for the criminal law concepts introduced in Year 1. It also provides a means for students to consider the practical application of the Human Rights Act (and ECHR) introduced in Public Law 1 at Level 4 (in particular the right to a fair trial). Specifically, the module covers the rules of criminal evidence in the jurisdiction of England and Wales. It examines these in the context of a Not Guilty trial in the Crown Court. It begins by considering the general principles (including theoretical rationales) of admissibility and exclusion of evidence and then each week examines these in light of a particular area of regulation using the applicable statutes, case law and academic opinion. It will be of general interest for the majority of law students but will be particularly valuable for those seeking employment as solicitors and barristers as the matters learned here will stand them in good stead for similar modules when preparing for the Solicitors Qualifying Exam and Bar exams.
View full module detailsIn this module students will develop and extend their knowledge and understanding of International Relations in respect of both the discipline and the practice. The module builds on work done in previous modules, particularly POL1012 Intro to International Relations, POL1019 Contemporary International History, POL2038 International Political Economy, POL2029 Them and Us: Comparative Government and Politics and POL2030 Theorising International Relations. It is therefore expected that students will enter the module with a developed understanding of International Relations and Comparative Politics theories and approaches with the aim of connecting these to the case studies discussed. The module provides an examination of the domestic-foreign policy linkages between China and the areas of the so-called Greater China region (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau) and beyond. It thus examines China in the broader context and focuses on its role in the region and beyond building on an understanding of the PRC's societal and institutional transformation. This will develop students’ knowledge and understanding of China's growing role in the world while at the same time highlighting the linkages between the domestic and international sphere, the importance of socio-historical context and alternative approaches to analyse international relations.
View full module detailsThis module introduces students to the key legal and ethical issues associated with privacy and data governance, as well as to the methods of analysis of those issues used both in law and in ethics. The module makes use of the case study method to introduce students to legal and ethical legal questions through discussion of relevant major incidents from recent years. The module helps students develop their thinking on how to translate abstract ethical reasoning into law and business practice.
View full module detailsThis module introduces the students to the key ethical and regulatory issues associated with artificial intelligence, as well as to the methods of analysis of those issues used in ethics and in law. The focus of the module is on the current state of the art in the applications of artificial intelligence (in particular: of machine learning), with smaller emphasis on hypothetical future developments. The module makes use of the case study method to introduce students to ethical and regulatory (legal) questions through discussion of relevant major incidents from recent years. The module helps students develop their thinking on how to translate abstract ethical (and regulatory) requirements of fairness, explainability or privacy into engineering and business practice.
View full module detailsThis module is intended to introduce students to legal and policy developments on climate change, with an emphasis on international and regional levels. Students will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of international environmental law, and policy initiatives tackling climate change. Students should develop a strong, critical understanding of the basic doctrinal concepts, develop the ability to critically analyse relevant case law and engage with scholarly debates relating to the development of environmental protection. The module focuses on selected topics and case-studies. It engages with contemporary debates on issues including climate justice, the protection of rights in environmental law, and state action in addressing climate change.
View full module detailsThe limited liability company is the business structure which forms the foundation for the modern economy. Since its invention in the nineteenth century, it has provided the legal basis for the Industrial Revolution and the modern global capitalist system. It has been copied in every advanced economy in the world. England and Wales adopted a new statutory foundation for its corporate law in the Companies Act 2006, which is accordingly the main focus for this module. The principles, however, have been developed by statute and common law over more than one hundred and seventy years. In accordance with the design and ethos of the LLB, Company Law will be approached through a critical examination of the historical, political and economic background of the current law and through an emphasis on how Company Law operates in context. The aim of this module, therefore, is to enable students to acquire a sound knowledge base of the theoretical and substantive aspects of company law and to develop a practical understanding of the legal aspects of running public and private limited companies.
View full module detailsCommercial law is an intellectually stimulating subject which lies at the intersection of the foundational subjects of private law and law in practice. Commercial claims, clauses and remedies has significant practical relevance. Knowledge of the rules that form the basis of this subject is highly recommended for those who want to pursue careers in commercial law. It provides students with an opportunity to build upon their existing knowledge of contract law and introduces them to further areas such as unjust enrichment and some of the economic torts. It also provides students with the opportunity to consider the significance of commercial clauses and their impact upon liability and remedies. In this course, we consider interesting areas of law that are commercially very important. Further, the course will provide a sound basis for those students who wish to (i) study Commercial Law II: International Sales in Semester 2; (ii) pursue the next stage of study for Solicitor’s or Barrister’s courses; (iii) to study for a Commercial Law based LLM; and (iv) work in a Commercial environment.
View full module detailsDigital technology influences every aspect of daily life, shaping the way that individuals live, work and socialise (and therefore also inevitably matters of civil law, such as contract and tort) but it has a less positive aspect as it has also transformed criminal behaviour. This module considers the legal, regulatory and commercial issues relating to the internet and digitisation as well as the dark side of technology that has led to the growth of online crime. It reflects on the ensuing impact on the digital economy, platforms and the wider business community plus the legal regulation thereof taking account of the unprecedented transformation in the digitisation of the law and the way business is conducted in the 21st century. The module encourages critical engagement with the way in which the law operates in an effort to both facilitate digitisation as well as combat cybercrime. It brings together theoretical ideas about the function of law with the practical considerations of the impact of criminal behaviour on society. It also engages with the challenges of preventing online crime and policing the internet.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The module covers the law relating to the relationships that exist between the seller and buyer located in different jurisdictions in the context of international sales of goods and examines the international conventions, principles and rules that affect their relationship.
View full module detailsThe module identifies the main types of intellectual property in terms of their subject matter, conditions for protection, duration and scope of protection and will examine their impact on the protection of creative endeavours. Intellectual property law is a specialised area of law, which is set on international law by way of minimum standards (TRIPS Agreement, Paris and Berne Conventions). The UK IP laws have seen not only international regulation but also extensive harmonisation in EU law (particularly trademark law and to a certain extent copyright law). This area of law grants exclusive rights to reward and/or incentivise creation and innovation in exchange for certain societal benefits (different for specific IP rights: the disclosure of inventions; the publication of works and the correction of market inefficiencies in the case of distinctive signs indicating commercial origin). Intellectual property law is a vibrant and rapidly evolving area of law and the knowledge and skills developed throughout this module will provide a good foundation for further exploration of more specific issues either in an academic or professional setting.
View full module detailsHealthcare delivery is one of the most socially and politically sensitive issues in economically advanced societies, and the controversies which arise when it is defective, and in increasing its effectiveness, are important issues for the law. This module addresses issues where law and medical practice interact which do not necessarily involve the same issues of purely ethical controversy and human rights as in the co-requisite module Medical Law & Ethics. The principal area will be clinical negligence liability and litigation, with the connected problems of causation and risk-warning. The other main area for examination will be the development of medical treatments through biomedical research and experimentation.
View full module detailsThe module is concerned with understanding the source, practice, effect and response to terrorism in the modern world. In particular, the objective is to provide students with a clearer understanding of how and why terrorism exists and how other political actors respond to it.
View full module detailsThis module investigates the relationship between state and market in East and West by discussing views on philosophical ideas of democracy, development and justice. The module will build upon theoretical perspectives, ranging from Marxism to neo-liberalism. The students will analyse the practical policy applications of these theories as they have been manifested through neo-liberal politics, the Welfare State model and particularly the Development State model. Topical case studies will focus on East-Asia. The region allows for a critical discussion of major economic models and how they function as justification for particular regime forms and vice versa. Students will engage in debates over the socio-political consequences of economic and political transformations. It therefore builds on understanding of political and social philosophy on questions of welfare and justice acquired in POL1014 and more fundamentally on skills and knowledge obtained in POL2038 as it will deepen discussions on developmental strategies and state-market relations in political economy.
View full module detailsThis cutting-edge final year module introduces students to a range of key debates relating to European and EU security and diplomacy. Students are provided with a series of carefully scaffolded opportunities to engage in contemporary debates on Europe’s ability to operate as a security and foreign policy actor, in national, bilateral and multilateral forms. In addition, the module offers insights, feedback, and assessment forms which cumulatively provide students with opportunities to engage in five key areas: employability, global and cultural capabilities, digital capabilities, sustainability, and resourcefulness and resilience. European Security and Diplomacy will provide students with in-depth opportunities to consider, analyse, synthesize and critique a wide range of current issues in security and diplomacy in Europe. In doing so, students are presented with first-hand opportunities to engage in a diverse European and international environment, allowing them to compare various political and cultural viewpoints. Students will develop an understanding of complex issues regarding European actors, institutions, policies, diplomatic and defence structures. In learning about the unique challenges facing European security and diplomacy, students will be provided with key opportunities to develop their capability for sustainable thinking e.g. in tackling governance issues directly connected to the EU’s approach to climate change and sustainability), as well as medium and long-term options for European ‘actorness’ in relation to itself, and others. Students will be provided with a wide range of opportunities to apply relevant analytical, synthesis-based and critical thinking skills in in this module. The forms of assessment will further require students to invest in both independent and team-based work, strengthening their resourcefulness as young scholars, and deepening their forms of resilience in managing challenges. Give the wide range of conceptual, documentary, case-based and speech-related materials comprising this area, students will develop a range of research skills in tackling both classic and fast-moving contemporary political issues using a range of primary/secondary sources, including digital portals and repositories. This in turn will underwrite enhanced digital capabilities. Lastly, the sum total of various in-classroom skills, including developing debating and argumentation skills, alongside the range of soft skills connected to global awareness, digital capabilities, sustainability plus resourcefulness and resilience will cumulatively enable POL3087 students to augment their overall employability.
View full module detailsThis module builds on students’ knowledge gained at levels 4 and 5 concerning the rule of law. The module content and assessment strategy provide students with a theoretical understanding of social justice and welfare issues in the UK, while acknowledging that access to justice is central for the rule of law to operate effectively. It assesses the inadequacies of the legal system resulting from cuts to legal aid and local authority funding to the advice sector. The module examines the challenges of making legal services and the justice system more accessible, including an analysis of the wider social and economic issues impacting on sustainable development. Students will evaluate best practice across the legal and justice sectors, the role of lawyers, and ways in which access to justice can be enhanced. Students will have the opportunity to focus their studies on either environmental related or access to law and rights justice dimensions. The module enhances employability since it contains a clinical legal and policy education element. Streetlaw students design interactive presentations to raise awareness amongst non-lawyers of legal issues. ELF Students develop legal policy proposals to address current selected environmental issues. Students develop policy and/or legal writing skills, from levels 4 and 5 to achieve a deeper level of critical thinking and independent learning.
View full module detailsThis module is an introduction to two of the most important normative and moral questions that one can raise in relation to law and legal systems, and some of the most prominent philosophical attempts at answering them: whether and to what extent there is an obligation to obey the law and whether it is justifiable to punish law-breakers. Examples of the kind of topics that we shall be looking at in this module include the nature of legal obligations, authority and the duty to obey, the nature of (legal) punishment and various philosophical theories for the duty to obey and for the justification of punishment. This module seeks to fit within the rest of the LLB syllabus by providing a reasoned and principled basis for deeper critical reflections and discussions about what the law ought to be, what role it should play in our societies and in our everyday lives more generally, and how we should relate ourselves to it. It provides background information useful in arguments over the justification or interpretation of laws and policies. It also hones skills in developing, expressing, and evaluating arguments as well as in research and digesting complex abstract subjects.
View full module detailsThis module provides an overview of financial regulation including regulation of banking, capital markets, payments and digital assets. Building on prior knowledge of private and public law, it introduces the regulatory frameworks for each of these areas and the policy considerations that animate regulatory policy. The module also examines the impact of financial regulation on emerging FinTech businesses and considers the ways in which new technology challenges traditional models of financial regulation.
View full module detailsThis module explores theoretical, practical and policy issues related to how the criminal law operates in corporate contexts, both crimes perpetrated by individuals (sometimes called "white collar crime") and crimes perpetrated by organisations (corporate crimes). The module places roughly equal emphasis on doctrinal and theoretical issues. We will explore doctrinal issues related to specific offences that are central to this area, such as fraud, regulatory crimes and corporate manslaughter, and we will look at practical issues of how corporations seek to promote employee compliance with such laws. At the same time, we will investigate important theoretical and policy questions related to crime in the corporate context. These include how corporate and regulatory criminal law push traditional boundaries of criminalisation and whether some regulatory offences are so strict as to amount to improperly punishing innocent conduct. We will also explore how it might make sense to punish corporations when they are non-living entities incapable of truly experiencing penalties, as well as doctrinal and policy questions about what the best mechanism for the imposition of corporate liability might be (comparing the identification doctrine to respondeat superior and "failure to prevent" offences). Throughout the module, our focus will be not only on learning about a sampling of representative parts of law, but also (and just as importantly) on casting a critical eye on how criminal law works in corporate settings. We will consider questions about what leads actors to engage in criminal misconduct in corporate contexts, with a particular emphasis on the organisational factors that can pressure or incentivise especially mid- or lower-level employees to break the law. We will explore ways in which large amounts of everyday conduct, the wrongness of which may not always be apparent to actors on the ground, gets deemed to be criminal in corporate settings, and we will debate whether and to what extent this makes sense. In these ways and more, we will seek to cast a critical eye on the criminal law in corporate settings and ask whether and when alternatives to criminal liability might be called for in response to certain forms of misconduct by employees or managers. We will focus primarily on issues and debates relevant to English law, though the US will serve as an important comparison throughout
View full module detailsSince the US anti-Vietnam War movement, philosophical interest in armed conflict has increased considerably. Beginning with Michael Walzer's classic Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations (1977), this module looks at key thinkers, themes, and ideas from contemporary just war theory and the ethics of armed conflict, mostly from within the analytical tradition of philosophy. Topics include the paradigm of self-defense and its critics, the moral status of combatants, the normative sources (and limits) of non-combatant immunity, the moral nature of terrorism, as well as the problem of intervention. The module concludes by examining more recent ethical challenges posed by remote-warfare, cyber warfare, and the prospect of robotic weapons. In studying these topics, students will not only gain a sound understanding of contemporary just war theory; they will also be introduced to key ideas and concepts from contemporary ethical and political theory. Finally, students will be able to apply the more abstract philosophical material discussed on the module to real-life events via an assessed Ethics Case Study
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
Welcome to the exciting world of Equity! In this course we will explore the fundamental principles of Equity as well as its greatest creation - the trust. The course is an introduction to the subject but is meant to give you a comprehensive understanding of the foundations of Equity.
View full module detailsOptional
LAW3005 provides students the opportunity to engage in sustained independent research and critical writing in defence of a legal thesis, under the supervision of a member of staff.
View full module detailsThis module will require students to engage and refine key skills developed throughout the first two years of their degree and to apply those skills at an advanced level. The key skills include legal research (including using digital research tools), case reading, critical thinking and analyses, precision in the use of language, effective and accurate communication, and time management. This module provides the framework for understanding how the law recognizes and regulates intimate personal relationships and mediates relationships of affinity and consanguinity. Family law provides the legal framework for the establishment and dissolution of marriage and civil partnerships, the imposition of legal consequences within marriage, civil partnerships and cohabitation, the financial implications upon the dissolution of those relationships. Family Law also provides the framework for students to understand how the law defines, regulates and mediates the relationship between parent, child, other persons with a relationship nexus to the child and the State. The concept of a child's welfare being paramount informs and constructs the legal framework for the parenting and regulation of parenting of children and forms the core consideration in the resolution of private and public authority disputes over the upbringing of children. The study of this module will enable students to critically assess the purpose of family law and the extent to which laws should regulate and influence adult interpersonal relationships and the parent-child relationship. Students will also gain significant practical insight into how to identify and resolve potential legal problems that may arise during professional family law practice. Real world examples and contemporary trends in family demographics are explored to encourage students to relate practically to the module content and to emphasise the relevance to lived experience.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Year 3 (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 6
Choose 45 credits for each Semester (30 Law credits and 15 Politics credits), Dissertation and Family & Child Law modules count for a total of 30 credits each (15 credits in Semester 1 and 15 credits in Semester 2 as they are year-long modules).
Professional Training Year (PTY)
Semester 1 & 2
This module supports students’ development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written and presentation skills.
View full module detailsThis module supports students’ development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning, and is a process that involves self-reflection, documented via the creation of a personal record, planning and monitoring progress towards the achievement of personal objectives. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written skills.
View full module detailsThis module supports students’ development of personal and professional attitudes and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement. It supports and facilitates self-reflection and transfer of learning from their Professional Training placement experiences to their final year of study and their future employment. The PTY module is concerned with Personal and Professional Development towards holistic academic and non-academic learning and is a process that involves self-reflection. Development and learning may occur before and during the placement, and this is reflected in the assessment model as a progressive process. However, the graded assessment takes place primarily towards the end of the placement. Additionally, the module aims to enable students to evidence and evaluate their placement experiences and transfer that learning to other situations through written skills.
View full module detailsLLB (Hons) with foundation year
Semester 1
The module examines law in a social, ethical, political, historical, and international context. Students will be introduced to the English Legal System and analyse how laws in England and Wales are implemented. The focus will be on contemporary issues, to illustrate how academic studies relate to law in practice and the impact it has on society. It requires students to examine how public opinion, politics and the media influence lawmakers and provides students with a variety of transferable employability skills including group work and self-reflection.
View full module detailsThis module introduces students to key contemporary issues in sociology, media and communication, and criminology. Students will build foundational knowledge across these three disciplines by exploring a range of core concepts, themes, and approaches. In sociology, students will engage in topics such as social inequality, globalization, and identity. In media and communication, key debates around the impact of digital media, representation, and media ownership will be explored. Criminology will introduce students to issues such as criminal justice, deviance, and the role of the state in maintaining social order. The focus of the module is to encourage students to think critically about the social world and the structures they reside in, applying interdisciplinary perspectives to understand and address contemporary issues. Through examining real-world case studies, students will learn how research in these fields can offer valuable insights into the functioning of society and contribute to solving pressing social challenges, such as inequality, crime, and media influence.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The module: Provides an overview of the core characteristics of contemporary political issues Introduces distinctions between and demonstrate interactivity between empirical and conceptual frameworks for understanding those issues Introduces key domestic and international political institutions Introduces students to key research and concepts on domestic and international politics Introduces problem areas such as Ideology, Brexit, Populism, Representation, Security.
View full module detailsThis module will involve students collaborating on a week-long group project, with a primary emphasis on addressing issues within their respective subject areas that serve the public interest and promote the common good. After participating in a series of preparatory workshops, student groups will actively engage in identifying a societal need, scoping out the problem, defining a solution, executing the plan, and measuring its impact. Subsequently, they will present their solution to an academic panel and then the relevant social stakeholders. In addition to their group efforts, each student will compose a reflective project report to encapsulate their individual learning and growth throughout this experience.
View full module detailsThis module will be based around an innovative assignment: a student-led broadcast - The Weekly Social - devised, researched, delivered and reviewed by groups of students who will take on the roles of producers, researchers and presenters on a rolling basis. Underpinned by specialist lectures in the relationship between the law, politics and sociology with the media, and supported by media theory and broadcast practice, the module will allow students to apply key learnings across real-world situations in the social sciences through innovative learning practices that will build skills in social science research, written and oral communication, team working and presentation.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
The module creates opportunities for students to draw on their learning from other modules and apply them to social issues, enabling them to recognize the interplay between social science subjects. The module will ensure topical social issues are raised and analysed from the political, sociological, and legal perspectives. Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of how the policy landscape and other interventions may tackle social issues. They will also complete activities that help them to understand their own aptitudes and learning preferences.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Foundation - FHEQ Level 3
For further information on FHEQ levels 4, 5 and 6 please view the programme specification for the full-time LLB (Hons) Law with International Relations programme.
LLB (Hons) with foundation year and placement
Semester 1
The module examines law in a social, ethical, political, historical, and international context. Students will be introduced to the English Legal System and analyse how laws in England and Wales are implemented. The focus will be on contemporary issues, to illustrate how academic studies relate to law in practice and the impact it has on society. It requires students to examine how public opinion, politics and the media influence lawmakers and provides students with a variety of transferable employability skills including group work and self-reflection.
View full module detailsThis module introduces students to key contemporary issues in sociology, media and communication, and criminology. Students will build foundational knowledge across these three disciplines by exploring a range of core concepts, themes, and approaches. In sociology, students will engage in topics such as social inequality, globalization, and identity. In media and communication, key debates around the impact of digital media, representation, and media ownership will be explored. Criminology will introduce students to issues such as criminal justice, deviance, and the role of the state in maintaining social order. The focus of the module is to encourage students to think critically about the social world and the structures they reside in, applying interdisciplinary perspectives to understand and address contemporary issues. Through examining real-world case studies, students will learn how research in these fields can offer valuable insights into the functioning of society and contribute to solving pressing social challenges, such as inequality, crime, and media influence.
View full module detailsSemester 2
The module: Provides an overview of the core characteristics of contemporary political issues Introduces distinctions between and demonstrate interactivity between empirical and conceptual frameworks for understanding those issues Introduces key domestic and international political institutions Introduces students to key research and concepts on domestic and international politics Introduces problem areas such as Ideology, Brexit, Populism, Representation, Security.
View full module detailsThis module will involve students collaborating on a week-long group project, with a primary emphasis on addressing issues within their respective subject areas that serve the public interest and promote the common good. After participating in a series of preparatory workshops, student groups will actively engage in identifying a societal need, scoping out the problem, defining a solution, executing the plan, and measuring its impact. Subsequently, they will present their solution to an academic panel and then the relevant social stakeholders. In addition to their group efforts, each student will compose a reflective project report to encapsulate their individual learning and growth throughout this experience.
View full module detailsThis module will be based around an innovative assignment: a student-led broadcast - The Weekly Social - devised, researched, delivered and reviewed by groups of students who will take on the roles of producers, researchers and presenters on a rolling basis. Underpinned by specialist lectures in the relationship between the law, politics and sociology with the media, and supported by media theory and broadcast practice, the module will allow students to apply key learnings across real-world situations in the social sciences through innovative learning practices that will build skills in social science research, written and oral communication, team working and presentation.
View full module detailsSemester 1 & 2
The module creates opportunities for students to draw on their learning from other modules and apply them to social issues, enabling them to recognize the interplay between social science subjects. The module will ensure topical social issues are raised and analysed from the political, sociological, and legal perspectives. Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of how the policy landscape and other interventions may tackle social issues. They will also complete activities that help them to understand their own aptitudes and learning preferences.
View full module detailsOptional modules for Foundation (with PTY) - FHEQ Level 3
For further information on FHEQ levels 4, 5 and 6 and professional training year please view the programme specification for the full-time with PTY LLB (Hons) Law with International Relations programme.
Teaching and learning
On our Law with International Relations undergraduate degree, you will be taught by experts from Surrey Law School and Politics and International Relations. For our core law subjects, teaching consists of weekly lectures and tutorials. On all your modules, you will carry out extensive research into law and international relations in preparation for tutorials, using lecture content as guidance.
During tutorials you will engage with varied teaching methods, drawing upon material covered in lectures and your own independent reading. Tutorials may involve traditional seminars and inquiry-based learning, with opportunities to debate contentious issues, and to work in teams on presentations and mooting.
We offer a dynamic and inclusive teaching environment, where every student is supported in building their skills and pursuing their academic interests.
- Group work
- Independent study
- Lectures
- Research work
- Seminars
- Tutorials
- Role play
We assess modules individually and award credits for the successful completion of each one. Assessment takes place through a combination of examination and/or coursework, practical examinations, and reports.
General course information
Contact hours
Contact hours can vary across our modules. Full details of the contact hours for each module are available from the University of Surrey's module catalogue. See the modules section for more information.
New students will receive their personalised timetable in Welcome Week. In later semesters, two weeks before the start of semester.
Scheduled teaching can take place on any day of the week (Monday – Friday), with part-time classes normally scheduled on one or two days. Wednesday afternoons tend to be for sports and cultural activities.
View our code of practice for the scheduling of teaching and assessment (PDF) for more information.
This course is based at Stag Hill campus. Stag Hill is the University's main campus and where the majority of our courses are taught.
We offer careers information, advice and guidance to all students whilst studying with us, which is extended to our alumni for three years after leaving the University.
In the Graduate Outcomes survey 2024, results show that 95 per cent of our Surrey Law School students go on to employment or further study.
Each year, many of our graduates take up permanent employment with prestigious employers. These have included Clifford Chance, Eversheds, 1 Chancery Lane, Electricité de France, among many other firms of solicitors, sets of barristers’ chambers and legal departments of large companies.
We offer a varied programme of careers sessions, which provide advice and guidance on what you should do to develop a suitable career path.
In combination with our student Law Society, we run a variety of events, competitions and activities, such as mooting and client interviewing. These are not only enjoyable and rewarding, but they will also enhance your employability and introduce you to local and regional solicitors, barristers and other legal professionals.
Surrey Law School has close links with Guildford courts, law firms and chambers and collaborates with them in a number of career-development activities.
Recent law graduates have secured roles such as:
- Compliance Associate, Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
- HR Case Manager, Ministry of Justice
- Graduate Scheme Trainee (Banking), Lloyds Bank
- Paralegal, Shoosmiths
- Tax Analyst, Deloitte
- Corporate Paralegal, Meade King LLP
- Claims Handler, Arthur J Gallagher.
Learn more about the qualifications we typically accept to study this course at Surrey.
Typical offer
- LLB (Hons):
- LLB (Hons) with foundation year:
Please note: A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking are not accepted for either route. Applicants taking an A-level science subject with the Science Practical Endorsement are expected to pass the practical element.
GCSE or equivalent: English Language at Grade 4 (C) and Mathematics at Grade 4 (C).
- LLB (Hons):
- 33.
- LLB (Hons) with foundation year:
- 29.
GCSE or equivalent: English A HL4/SL4 or English B HL5/SL6 and Maths (either course) HL4/SL4.
- LLB (Hons):
- 78%.
- LLB (Hons) with foundation year:
- 68%
GCSE or equivalent: Maths 6 and either English Language (1/2) 6 or English Language (3)7.
- LLB (Hons):
- QAA-recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma with 45 Level 3 Credits including 30 at Distinction and 15 Credits at Merit.
- LLB (Hons) with foundation year:
- QAA-recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma with 45 Level 3 Credits including 21 at Distinction, 3 at Merit and 21 at Pass.
GCSE or equivalent: English Language at Grade 4 (C) and Mathematics at Grade 4 (C).
- LLB (Hons):
- LLB (Hons) with foundation year:
GCSE or equivalent: English Language - Scottish National 5 - C Maths - Scottish National 5 - C.
- LLB (Hons):
- Pass overall with ABB from a combination of the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales and two A-levels.
- LLB (Hons) with foundation year:
- Pass overall with CCC from a combination of the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales and two A-levels.
Please note: A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking are not accepted for either route. Applicants taking an A-level science subject with the Science Practical Endorsement are expected to pass the practical element.
GCSE or equivalent: Please check the A-level drop down for the required GCSE levels.
- LLB (Hons):
- Applicants taking BTEC Extended Diploma will only be consider for Law with International Relations LLB with Foundation Year
- LLB (Hons) with foundation year:
GCSE or equivalent: English Language at Grade 4 (C) and Mathematics at Grade 4 (C).
Applicants taking the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) will receive our standard A-level offer for this programme, plus an alternate offer of one A-level grade lower, subject to achieving an A grade in the EPQ. The one grade reduction will not apply to any required subjects.
Applicants can only receive one grade reduction from the published grades, an EPQ grade reduction can’t be applied in addition to other grade reductions made through other schemes such as Contextual Admissions or In2Surrey.
English language requirements
IELTS Academic: 6.5 overall with 6.0 in writing and 5.5 in each other element.
View the other English language qualifications that we accept.
If you do not currently meet the level required for your programme, we offer intensive pre-sessional English language courses, designed to take you to the level of English ability and skill required for your studies here.

International Foundation Year
If you are an international student and you don’t meet the entry requirements for this degree, we offer the International Foundation Year at the Surrey International Study Centre. Upon successful completion, you can progress to this degree course.
Selection process
We normally make offers in terms of grades.
If you are a suitable candidate you will be invited to an offer holder event. During your visit to the University you can find out more about the course and meet staff and students.
Recognition of prior learning
We recognise that many students enter their higher education course with valuable knowledge and skills developed through a range of professional, vocational and community contexts.
If this applies to you, the recognition of prior learning (RPL) process may allow you to join a course without the formal entry requirements or enter your course at a point appropriate to your previous learning and experience.
There are restrictions on RPL for some courses and fees may be payable for certain claims. Please see the code of practice for recognition of prior learning and prior credit: taught programmes (PDF) for further information.
Contextual offers
Did you know eligible students receive support through their application to Surrey, which could include a grade reduction on offer?
Explore UKCISA’s website for more information if you are unsure whether you are a UK or overseas student. View the list of fees for all undergraduate courses.
Payment schedule
- Students with Tuition Fee Loan: the Student Loans Company pay fees in line with their schedule.
- Students without a Tuition Fee Loan: pay their fees either in full at the beginning of the programme or in two instalments as follows:
- 50% payable 10 days after the invoice date (expected to be early October of each academic year)
- 50% in January of the same academic year.
The exact date(s) will be on invoices. Students on part-time programmes where fees are paid on a modular basis, cannot pay fees by instalment.
- Sponsored students: must provide us with valid sponsorship information that covers the period of study.
Professional training placement fees
Professional Training placement year fees are approximately 20% of the full-time fee for the academic year in which you undertake your placement.
Our award-winning Professional Training placement scheme gives you the chance to spend a year in industry, either in the UK or abroad.
We have thousands of placement providers to choose from, most of which offer pay. So, become one of our many students who have had their lives and career choices transformed.
Law with international relations placements
Our law courses all offer optional Professional Training placements.
You could work for the full year, either in the UK or abroad, or spend half the year on a work placement and the other half studying at one of our partner universities in countries such as the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Singapore and Australia.
Many Professional Training placements are paid, with the opportunity to experience a variety of contexts. These include solicitors’ offices, local authority legal departments, non-governmental organisations and corporations.
Some examples of organisations that participate in this scheme include:
- Bail for Immigration Detainees
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- GLD Legal Services Ltd
- MCI Group (Brussels)
- National Centre for Domestic Violence
- Shoosmiths
- Thompson and Co Solicitors.
Applying for placements
Students are generally not placed by the University. But we offer support and guidance throughout the process, with access to a vacancy site of placement opportunities.
Find out more about the application process.

Discover, develop and dive in
Find out how students at Surrey developed their skills in industry by undertaking a placement year.
Discover, develop and dive in
Find out how students at Surrey developed their skills in industry by undertaking a placement year.
Study and work abroad
Studying at Surrey opens a world of opportunity. Take advantage of our study and work abroad partnerships, explore the world, and expand your skills for the graduate job market.
The opportunities abroad vary depending on the course, but options include study exchanges, work/research placements, summer programmes, and recent graduate internships. Financial support is available through various grants and bursaries, as well as Student Finance.
Perhaps you would like to volunteer in India or learn about Brazilian business and culture in São Paulo during your summer holidays? With 140+ opportunities in 36+ different countries worldwide, there is something for everyone. Explore your options via our search tool and find out more about our current partner universities and organisations.
Apply for your chosen course online through UCAS, with the following course and institution codes.
About the University of Surrey
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Contact our Admissions team or talk to a current University of Surrey student online.
- LLB (Hons)View ULA22F0010U
- LLB (Hons) with placementView ULA22S0010U
- LLB (Hons) with foundation yearView ULA22F0013U
- LLB (Hons) with foundation year and placementView ULA22S0013U
Terms and conditions
When you accept an offer to study at the University of Surrey, you are agreeing to follow our policies and procedures, student regulations, and terms and conditions.
We provide these terms and conditions in two stages:
- First when we make an offer.
- Second when students accept their offer and register to study with us (registration terms and conditions will vary depending on your course and academic year).
View our generic registration terms and conditions (PDF) for the 2024/25 academic year, as a guide on what to expect.
This online prospectus has been published in advance of the academic year to which it applies.
Whilst we have done everything possible to ensure this information is accurate, some changes may happen between publishing and the start of the course.
It is important to check this website for any updates before you apply for a course with us. Read our full disclaimer.