Student profile
Lauren Read

Lauren Read

"I'm currently placed with the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust gaining experience in antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care, out in the community and in the hospital."


Midwifery (Registered Midwife) BSc (Hons)

Why I chose Surrey

Guildford has a homely feel, and I felt very welcomed at the open day I attended. I also really liked that the University is all on one campus so everything is easily accessible. The excellent league table results impressed me, and the placement opportunities sounded perfect.

I attended an open day shortly before applying. The staff and students were helpful and friendly, and the tours and talks offered were very informative. I was able to see the halls of residence, and talk to students about their experience at Surrey. The School of Health Sciences provided a tour of the Sim Suite where we could see all of the amazing equipment provided to help student midwives prepare for placement. My first impression of Surrey was that it was a beautiful campus, with amazing architecture and a friendly and inviting atmosphere. After the open day, I could really picture myself studying at Surrey, and I would definitely recommend attending.

My course

The lecturers on my course are excellent. They impress me with their endless knowledge and skills and inspire me to do my best. They're supportive and encouraging with my theory work and placement, and will always be there for me if I have a problem.

The facilities are great, especially the Clinical Simulation Centre where we can practise our skills in a safe and comfortable environment before we go out on placement, where we spend half of our training.

My clinical placements

Clinical placements are definitely my favourite part of the degree. Hard work and challenging, but incredibly rewarding. I'm able to work with an incredible team of people, and integrate myself into the multidisciplinary team. I feel well respected, and my mentors guide me through each shift. I'm able to put my theory work into practice, and learn new skills. The learning is endless, but the best way to do it is on placement.

My placement has been ongoing since year one. I'm located at the Royal Surrey County Hospital which is a great location. The midwifery placement offers experience in antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care, both in the community and in the hospital. I've also had a nursing placement, which provided a great insight into their role and responsibilities. I follow my mentors shift pattern, and they guide me through my placement, helping me to develop the knowledge and skills required for qualification. My highlight on placement has been getting to know the women and families I've had the privilege to care for.

"I've created some incredible relationships with my patients and their families, and I’ll never forget delivering my first baby."

It's amazing looking after women at their most vulnerable, and helping them get through one of the most life changing and special moments of their lives. I've created some incredible relationships with my patients and their families, and I’ll never forget delivering my first baby.

Whilst on placement I've grown in confidence and capability, developing my interpersonal skills with the team I work with and the women I care for. I've learnt to work within a team to act in the best interest of my patient, as well as having the confidence to question something when I’m unsure.

My mentors support me a great deal. They all understand what it was once like to be a student, and are so understanding and patient. They give me confidence when I need it, and encourage me to do my best. Their knowledge is amazing, and they are always happy to teach you.

My life at Surrey

The University is in a great location, with a quick train ride to London, and not too far from my family home. In my first year, I lived at Manor Park, in halls of residence. The accommodation was faultless, and there was easy access to the laundrette, main university campus and town. Manor Park was safe and secure, with common rooms and a great cafe.

My career and development

Since starting at Surrey I've grown in confidence and learnt a lot about myself and the midwifery profession. I've achieved more than what I could have hoped for both academically and personally and I'd not have been able to achieve this without the ongoing support I’ve received at Surrey.

I've met some life long friends at Surrey, and will forever be grateful for that. It's so important to create strong bonds at university, the demanding course and living away from home is tough, and your friends will help to pull you through.

Find out more about our midwifery course