Student profile
Laura Dobson, BSc (Hons) Nutrition and Dietetics

Laura Dobson

"Mycoursehelps me learn and understand the physiology and science behind the headlines, so I can help individuals better understand nutrition."


Nutrition and Dietetics BSc (Hons)

Entry year


My course

I love how relevant food and nutrition has become in recent years – especially since it’s constantly on the news. My BSc (Hons) Nutrition and Dietetics course helps me learn and understand the physiology and science behind the headlines, so I can help individuals better understand nutrition. I have laboratory sessions as well as access to simulation suites where we practise our bedside manner and communication skills. We also participate in anthropometry sessions in classrooms with impedance machines.

My clinical placements

As part of my course, I completed three separate clinical placements. One was over the summer in my first year and the other two made up our third year. I went to different NHS trusts during each of my placements, where I had the opportunity to work in acute settings on hospital wards, GP surgeries, care homes and even give presentations in locations such as community halls.

Going on placement has been such a beneficial experience for me. It was confirmation that I had chosen the right course and it allowed me to put into practice what I had learnt in my first and second year and apply it to real patients and situations.

"I have laboratory sessions as well as access to simulation suites where we practise our bedside manner and communication skills."

My life at Surrey

In my first year, I lived in student accommodation at Battersea Court. The huge communal kitchen was a particular highlight, as there was always someone cooking up something delicious! It was a fun place to be and a handy five-minute walk from everything on campus. Being thrown into the deep end in a brand new place sounds scary, but it was the best way to get to know people. Some of my best friends also lived in my flat back then and we decided to live together in our second year.

I have also been a part of the Surrey Dance Squad, which really helped me keep active as well as make some amazing friends. I went on tour with the dance squad to Croatia and took part in many socials. In my second year, I was president of the University’s Nutrition Society (NutriSoc), which provided me with an excellent opportunity to network with other year groups studying the course. And we had lots of fun meet-ups, many of which were food-oriented!

One of the best things about life at Surrey has to be Surrey Sports Park – it has excellent facilities. The gym offers discounted membership for students and there’s an Olympic-sized swimming pool. You’ll also find The Bench Sports Bar and Starbucks where you can grab a coffee or some food and do some coursework in a quiet corner. When I spend the day in the Library, I like to take breaks by wandering around campus. Lakeside has the best coffee, a great range of snacks and is right by the lake. On sunny days, the grounds around the lake are full of students sitting on picnic blankets with their lunches.

My career and development

After graduation this summer, I hope to work as a dietitian in one of the NHS trusts that I completed a placement with. I am currently doing my dissertation on tube feeding and head and neck cancer, and would love to specialise in oncology in the future.

Find out more about our nutrition and dietetics course