Student profile
Kirsty Harris

Kirsty Harris

"Since starting at Surrey, I have become a hugely more confident and independent person, ready for all the challenges and opportunities that life throws at me."


Psychology BSc (Hons)

"I love how varied psychology is and the many different areas you can study within it. The academic staff on my course are fantastic! They are super friendly and easy to get in contact with if you have any difficulties. The facilities are also great – I particularly enjoyed using the Driving Simulator Lab and hearing about all the experiments which are conducted in the Baby Lab too.

One of the best things about the University of Surrey is just how close it is to London. I regularly catch the train with my friends and flatmates to see musicals, go to bars, or just have fun sightseeing around the city.

I also love spending time by the lake. It’s such a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere where you can go to take your mind off any impending deadlines. The lake is beautiful throughout the year, but it’s particularly lovely in the summer when I can have picnics and BBQs with my friends.

I have been a part of Concert Band throughout my University experience, and it’s been a great opportunity to meet people and take part in new activities. Before coming to Surrey, I had never played in a band so it seemed extra special. I have also started kayaking recently and have been introduced to the fascinating world of kayak polo – a sport I had never heard of before. Since then, I’ve attended my first tournament and even managed to score a goal in a match! 

I completed my Professional Training placement at the children’s charity - The Springboard Project.

"One of my highlights was taking the kids to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London and seeing how excited they got."

The charity provides short breaks for children and young people with disabilities and aims to develop their life skills with a focus on play. I helped support the children, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone and gain important life skills. We frequently went out into the community to give them an opportunity to learn skills such as crossing roads, shopping and communicating with others. One of my highlights was taking the kids to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London and seeing how excited they got looking at all the props.

One of my favourite things about Surrey so far has been the fact I’ve made the most amazing friends. My flatmates and I regularly cook flat dinners together and have games nights. At the moment we’re in the middle of a very competitive Monopoly tournament! 

Since starting at Surrey, I have become a hugely more confident and independent person, ready for all the challenges and opportunities that life throws at me."


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