Student profile
Katie Scott, BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition

Katie Scott

"Mylecturersare all specialists in their fields. They reply to emails and queries really quickly and are always happy to meet up individually which is amazing."


Food Science and Nutrition BSc (Hons)

Entry year


My course

My BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition course covers a diverse range of modules, from biochemistry and physiology to food microbiology. This is great because lecture sizes are varied, and the different topics keep things interesting! It also means I make contact with many lecturers who are all specialists in their fields. I always feel able to contact staff - they reply to emails and queries really quickly and are always happy to meet up individually which is amazing. As the course goes on you also get to choose more modules and specialise in the areas you enjoy most.

My life at Surrey

At Surrey, I have participated in the musical theatre, music and drama societies which have been great fun! I’ve always loved performing and I’m so glad I’ve been able to carry this on while at university. Societies are a brilliant way to meet like-minded people and make friends, so the wide array Surrey has to offer has been hugely beneficial for me.

The best thing about Surrey is the fact there is a place for everyone. Those who enjoy sports have access to state-of-the-art facilities at Surrey Sports Park (I love going to the gym there and I’ve also been rock climbing!). Societies cater for a huge range of interests – rugby, music and drama, snow-sports, puzzles, ballroom dance; even Harry Potter! If you like to party there are clubs nearby with brilliant student nights, as well as great events in the Students’ Union too.

"During my first year I was lucky enough to get involved with the support zone of the Students’ Union and the TEDx society. We worked together to arrange an event to highlight Mental Health Awareness Week."

The University is situated extremely close to the train station which makes travel so easy – with just 35 minutes to central London you can pop over to see the sights, watch shows and enjoy the city whenever you fancy. As well as this, the green area of campus has a large lake and a relaxed feel - perfect for de-stressing after a day of revision or lectures. 

On campus I am usually found buzzing between lectures as my course is pretty intense! I am a frequent visitor to the five-floor Library which has a fantastic range of resources and study areas too. As well as working, I spend a lot of time in Teas & Tees (my favourite coffee shop), and I’m often at the Students’ Union for student night on a Wednesday!

During my first year I was lucky enough to get involved with the support zone of the Students’ Union and the TEDx society. We worked together to arrange an event to highlight Mental Health Awareness Week, and I myself gave a speech about my experiences. The whole event was aimed at tackling the stigma around mental health and encouraging people to seek support. And all our tickets sold out which was amazing! It was great to be able to share something I feel passionate about and I was incredibly grateful to get the opportunity here at Surrey to do that.

Find out more about our food science and nutrition course