Student profile
Joseph Meller

Joseph Meller

"I worked at Eli Lilly UK in Liverpool and the experience has made me more confident in practical techniques andgiven me a better idea of what I want to do once I graduate."


Microbiology BSc (Hons)

Placement company

Eli Lilly UK

My course

I chose Surrey for the placement opportunities on offer and its very good postgraduate employment figures. So far, I’ve enjoyed the practical work and the range of topics I’ve been able to study on BSc (Hons) Microbiology course. The teaching staff and facilities are great!

My placement

My Professional Training placement has been the highlight of the degree for me. I worked at Eli Lilly UK in Liverpool and it was an excellent experience. The staff were extremely friendly and I was quickly involved with several business projects.

I would definitely recommend a placement. My experience has made me much more confident in practical techniques and I feel more comfortable with managing deadlines, doing presentations and preparing formal write-ups. It’s helped put my degree into context and given me a much better idea of what I want to do once I graduate.

My life at Surrey

During my first year, I lived in halls. It was a good social introduction to the University - I enjoyed living with a lot of people and getting to know people on other courses.

The Surrey Sports Park and the social areas on campus are a plus. The societies run by the Students’ Union are really good and Guildford is a nice place to go out in the evenings.

My career and development

I’m very interested in a career in industry, but I plan to look into PhD opportunities before applying for jobs.

Find out more about our microbiology course