Student profile
Bethany Spicer, BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition

Bethany Spicer

"I really like the diversity of my course.Not only do I get to study food, but I also learn a lot about health and nutrition, and have undertaken some general science modules as well."


Food Science and Nutrition BSc (Hons)

Why I chose Surrey

There were a number of factors that influenced my decision to come to Surrey – firstly, and probably most importantly, I liked the structure of the BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition course and the modules that were on offer.

I also really liked the overall feel of the campus and Guildford, and was very impressed by the academic buildings and the accommodation. Other things such as Surrey Sports Park and the option of a Professional Training placement really made Surrey stand out and made me confident in putting it as my first choice.

I’ve always had an interest in food, health and science, however it wasn’t until I started thinking about applying to university that I discovered I could do a degree related to this. I’m really passionate about both nutrition and food science as I think they are really important in the world today and have a huge influence on people’s lives.

My course

I really like the diversity of my course – I have covered such a variety of interesting modules throughout my time here and have learnt so much. Not only do I get to study food, but I also learn a lot about health and nutrition, and have undertaken some general science modules as well. Being able to choose some of your modules gives you the opportunity to tailor your degree towards what you are most interested in.

The academic staff are really helpful and the facilities, such as the practical laboratories, are also excellent and create a really nice learning environment.

"Being able to choose some of your modules gives you the opportunity to tailor your degree towards what you are most interested in."

My life at Surrey

I’ve been a member of various societies and sports clubs during my time at Surrey – including archery, the Harry Potter Society, the Baking Society, BioSoc and Pole Fitness! Societies and clubs are a really important part of university life – not only are they really fun and a nice break from studying, but they also give you the chance to meet a huge range of new people, who have similar interests to you.

I couldn’t pick just one favourite thing about life here, as I love so much about Surrey! I would say the campus itself is one of my favourite things – being a campus university gives a close-knit and integrated feel, which I think in your first year can be really important at helping you to settle in and feel at home. It’s also really helpful that all the academic buildings and amenities are located just a few minutes’ walk from each other. Another of my favourite things about Surrey is the Sports Park, which is an amazing facility and gives you the opportunity to take part in a range of clubs, courses and classes

My career and development

My time at university has really changed who I am as a person – I came to university quite nervous about what to expect. However over the past couple of years I feel I've grown in confidence and become much more independent. I'm also comfortable with my workload and I really enjoy new challenges.

Find out more about our food science and nutrition course