Research placements

Experience life in the UK whilst doing a piece of research related to your degree under the supervision of one of Surrey's eminent academics

What is an international research placement?

The University of Surrey welcomes a number of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students every year from overseas universities to do a short piece of research or research training at Surrey as part of or related to their degree. 

Traineeships and research placements are a great way to develop your labour market skills, whilst experiencing another culture, honing your language skills, making valuable contacts and exploring new places. 

How does it work?

Two female researchers in biochemistry laboratory

A research placement (traineeship/internship) is a short period of research or research training related to your degree carried out at another institution, supervised by one of their academics in your field. The placement may be incorporated into your degree programme or it may be voluntary. 

Placements can be for up to 12 months but most students come to Surrey for 3-6 months. 

At the end of your stay, you receive a document confirming successful completion of your research placement and, if appropriate, your home institution awards you credits towards your degree.

Research placements are not paid but some sending institutions may be able to provide Erasmus+ traineeship or other funding to assist with your living and travel costs.

You do not pay tuition fees to Surrey but, in some cases, bench fees may be payable.


Finding a research placement opportunity at Surrey

Organising your placement

Preparing for Your Stay

Your Arrival at Surrey