Campus safety
We aim to ensure the University of Surrey remains a safe and secure place for staff, students and visitors.
We provide a 24/7, 365 days a year uniformed presence on the Stag Hill and Manor Park campuses, with regular patrols of all areas including Hazel Farm and other outlying areas associated with the University, both on foot and in vehicles.
Report an incident
If you need immediate support
Contact our emergency number +44 (0)1483 683333 if you or someone else needs urgent help on campus, and our Campus Safety team will be on hand.
If you have been a victim of a crime
If you need help or advice, or just wish to let us know something has happened, then contact us on +44 (0)1483 682002. We also suggest you report the incident to the Surrey Police, or if you've been victim of fraud you should report this to Action Fraud.
Anonymous reporting
Our SurreyWatch service is designed so that you can anonymously report safely, which will enable us to work closely with other departments and the police in managing any incident which has or may occur on campus.
Report + Support
Use the Report + Support system for bullying and harassment, hate crime, sexual harassment and assault, physical assaults, relationship abuse and stalking, concerns about mental health and wellbeing and drug/alcohol abuse and/or addiction.
Reviewing CCTV
Data protection law gives you the right to request data held about you that may be on our CCTV system. You can make a privacy request online via our website.
Meet the team
Cover is provided by four teams working shifts. Each team has its own portfolio of specific responsibility. All officers are trained in first aid, health and safety at work standards and to provide an immediate response to all reported incidents.
Get in contact
- General security enquires – +44 (0)1483 682002 or +44 (0)1483 689114
- Emergencies – +44 (0)1483 683333.

Mark Chatterton
Head of Security

Declan Baker
Deputy Head of Security
Team leads

Jon Carver
Team Leader Alpha Shift

Katie Fletcher
Team Leader Charlie Shift

Karl Hawkins
Team Leader Delta Shift

Kelly Howson
Team Leader Bravo Shift