Athena Swan Gold Award


Collectively, the School of Biosciences is home to around 200 staff, including close to 100 lecturers, senior lecturers, readers and professors, along with a number of teaching and senior teaching fellows.

We also have a technical team who underpin the research laboratory environment and teaching activity of the School, and a number of administrative staff.

Senior school staff

Head of School

Christine Rollier profile image

Professor Christine Rollier

Professor of Vaccinology

Associate Heads

Sarah L Trinder profile image

Dr Sarah Trinder

Associate Head of Education

Derk-Jan Dijk profile image

Professor Derk-Jan Dijk

Associate Head of Research

Discipline Heads

Susan Lanham-New profile image

Professor Susan Lanham-New

Head of Discipline of Nutrition, Exercise, Chronobiology and Sleep

Rachel Simmonds profile image

Professor Rachel Simmonds

Head of Discipline of Microbes, Infection and Immunity

Christian Heiss profile image

Professor Christian Heiss

Head of Discipline of Clinical Sciences