The Doctoral College and the Researcher Development programme are committed to supporting excellence in supervision and building a community of practice sharing to support and develop supervisors at all levels. This is because we appreciate how important high-quality supervision is for a successful and positive doctoral experience, as well as value the complex and dynamic role that our academic staff are undertaking when they become doctoral supervisors.
Supervisor training and development
As such, we are dedicated to providing supervisors with initial training to build their skills and understanding as they begin their supervision journey, provide ongoing professional development sessions for supervisors throughout their career, as well as offering one-to-one support.
In partnership with Epigeum (OUP), the Doctoral College now offers the 'Supervising Doctoral Studies' online training programme to all new doctoral supervisors at the University of Surrey.
More experienced supervisors are also encouraged to access this programme as part of their CPD by selecting the modules in the areas they would like to develop.
For details on how to register for the Epigeum 'Supervising Doctoral Studies' programme, please follow the link to the Doctoral College Supervisors page on SurreyNet.
Please email rdp@surrey.ac.uk if you have any supervision-related questions or concerns, or suggestions about how we can better support you.
We run training workshops during the year. To register a place on a workshop please email your details to rdp@surrey.ac.uk.