Sexism, gender stereotyping, and their consequences


Sexist beliefs and gender stereotypes remain prevalent globally. These gender beliefs have far- reaching consequences on young people and adults, influencing impressions of self and others on interests, characteristics, and abilities. In this line of research, we investigate how children (primary age), young people (secondary and university students) and adults understand gender stereotypes and sexism. 

Current projects include:

  • Investigating children’s gender essentialism beliefs (i.e., the belief that gender is biologically determined and unchangeable) and how these relate to the development of sexism and the acceptance of exclusion based on gender.
  • Examining young people’s understanding of power in heterosexual relationships and their endorsement of marriage traditions and surname choice.
  • Teachers’ barriers and willingness to teach about sexism and gender equality; and how people understand subtle forms of sexist behaviour which are not easily identifiable as prejudice (e.g., believing women are more gentle and in need of protection by men). 

Initial projects in this line have been funded by:

Research themes

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