Service design and information provision requirements based on proxemics
Dr Brigitte Stangl, Dr Margit Kastner (WU Vienna) and Owen Grainger-Jones are examining the change of proxemics introduced by Edward Hall in the early 60s. Potential changes of the four personal interaction zones intimate, personal, social and public distance will be revealed in the context of tourism. A picture-based survey-approach is used to compare pre and post Covid-19 perceptions and differences between segments visiting museums will be revealed.
Results of the study will allow to give suggestions concerning consequences for the design of services, such as museums, and information provision requirements post Covid-19.
Principal investigators

Dr Brigitte Stangl
Senior Lecturer in Tourism
See profile
Owen Grainger-Jones
Senior Teaching Fellow in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Programme Director for the BSc and MSc International Events Management
See profile
Dr Margit Kastner
WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Research groups and centres
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SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT Centre for Competitiveness of the Visitor Economy