Digital forensics: scenarios and standards

Start date

01 December 2011

End date

31 May 2012


In a wide range of law enforcement investigations, for both traditional and ‘cyber’ crimes. Law enforcement teams have developed methods of finding and extracting information from seized digital devices on an ad hoc basis, finding solutions to problems as they arise. With the move towards certification/accreditation for forensic laboratories, there is a need to formalise the techniques used in processing digital data and to develop methods of validating these processes. This work should be informed by existing international standards and best practice documents in addition to the requirements of the Forensic Regulator.

The underlying objectives of this project is to provide an understanding of existing and future international and domestic standards, best practice documents and legislation which will have an impact upon the processing of digital information for the purpose of law enforcement investigation.  

The required deliverable is a literature survey detailing existing and future standards, best practice and legislative documents related to the process of digital forensics.

Funding amount


