CArE-Cities: Clean air engineering for cities
Start date
January 2019End date
July 2020Overview
Air pollution causes seven million premature deaths worldwide, disproportionately affecting poor and vulnerable communities and exacerbating inequalities among the masses in official development assistance (ODA) countries. This complex problem requires a holistic understanding of the whole process from pollution to solution by building interdisciplinary interfaces.
CArE-Cities is a seed funding project, awarded by the University of Surrey under the Research England’s Global Challenge Research Funds. CArE-Cities involves 11 Development Assistance Committee (DAC) listed countries and aspires to bring cleaner air to cities by building a knowledge exchange platform. Its activities include joint workshops, researchers exchange and pilot studies to address urban development and health impact assessment agendas in ODA countries.
Aims and objectives
With a collaborative vision of ‘clean air for all’, CArE-Cities aims to establish a multidisciplinary team for understanding emissions, penetrating low-cost pollution monitoring technology and exposure reduction strategies in selected ODA cities to develop a scientific framework for managing air pollution impacts on the health of people in these cities.
CArE-Cities will assess the commuters’ exposure through collecting primary concentration data and evaluating different control scenarios to propose optimal transport emission control programs to reduce the impact on human health in Cairo and Sao Paulo; and assessing the feasibility of similar studies in countries such as Malawi, Tanzania, Iraq, Bangladesh and Ethiopia.
Consolidating on the findings of the project, the team aims to develop larger research grant proposals with involved partners in future.
Types of cities
Frontrunner cities
Frontrunner cities will carry out pilot studies.
Follower cities
Follower cities are expected to initiate pilot studies on their own; participate in CArE-Cities workshops and we will donate one low-cost pollution sensor to each of them to carry out pilot studies adopting the approach developed and used in our frontrunner cities.
Observer cities
Observer cities will be invited to workshop as participants and they will share their experiences and feedback during workshops.
CArE-Cities will make novel contributions to the air pollution problem in the transport sector of chosen cities building upon past and ongoing projects, researchers exchange, pilot studies and workshops. Our concept of frontrunner, follower and observer cities will ensure engagement and benefit to everyone involved.
Funding amount
Principal investigator

Professor Prashant Kumar
Founding Director of Global Centre for Clean Air Research
See profileCore team members

Dr Sarkawt Hama
Research Fellow

Sachit Mahajan
Research Fellow

Rana Moustafa
Postgraduate Research Student
Collaborating Surrey academics, PhD and ECRs

Professor Abigail Bristow
Transport economics

Dr Alisdair Campbell
Combustion modelling

Dr Birgitta Gatersleben

Professor Nigel Gilbert

Abhijith Kooloth Valappil
GCARE PhD Researcher, Surrey

Professor Simon Lusignan
Clinical health

Dr Marco Placidi
Environmental Fluid Mechanics

Arvind Tiwari
GCARE PhD Researcher, Surrey