Our group carries out research primarily to study quantum systems, both theoretically and experimentally, from the formal mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics to its applications in technology.
Our research
Selected publications
- T Guff and A Rocco, Time-reversal symmetry in open classical and quantum systems, arXiv:2311.08486
- L Buxton, MT Russo, J Al-Khalili, and A Rocco, Quantum Brownian motion in the Caldeira-Leggett model with a damped environment, arXiv:2303.09516
- YH Li, J Al-Khalili, and P Stevenson, A quantum simulation approach to implementing nuclear density functional theory via imaginary time evolution, arXiv:2308.15425
- L Slocombe, J Al-Khalili, and M Sacchi, Multiscale simulations reveal the role of PcrA helicase in protecting against proton transfer in DNA, ChemRxiv
- L Slocombe, M Winokan, J Al-Khalili, and M Sacchi, Quantum tunnelling effects in the Guanine-Thymine wobble misincorporation via tautomerisation, J Phys Chem Lett 14 (2023) 9
- B King, M Winokan, P Stevenson, J Al-Khalili, Louie Slocombe, and Marco Sacchi, Tautomerisation mechanisms in the Adenine-Thymine nucleobase pair during DNA strand separation, J Phys Chem B 127 (2023) 4220
- N Granchi, F Intonti, M Florescu, PD Garcia, M Gurioli, and G Arregui, Q-factor optimization of modes in ordered and disordered photonic systems using non-hermitian perturbation theory, ACS Photonics 10 (2023) 2808
- N Granchi, R Spalding, K Stokkereit, M Lodde, M Petruzzella, F Otten, R Sapienza, A Fiore, M Florescu, and F Intonti, High spatial resolution imaging of light localization in hyperuniform disordered patterns of circular air pores in a dielectric slab, Front Photon 4 (2023) 1199411
- A Burgess, M Florescu, and D Rouse, Strong coupling dynamics of driven quantum systems with permanent dipoles, AVS Quantum Sci 5 (2023) 031402
- A Burgess and M Florescu, Quantum memory effects in atomic ensembles coupled to photonic cavities, AVS Quantum Sci 5 (2023) 011402
- N Granchi, M Lodde, K Stokkereit, R Spalding, PJ van Veldhoven, R Sapienza, A Fiore, M Gurioli, M Florescu, and F Intonti, Near-field imaging of optical nanocavities in hyperuniform disordered materials, Phys Rev B 107 (2023) 064204
- SA Haver, E Ginossar, SE de Graaf, and E Grosfeld, Electromagnetic response of the surface states of a topological insulator nanowire embedded within a resonator, Commun Phys 6 (2023) 101
- NH Le, M Cykiert, and E Ginossar, Scalable and robust quantum computing on qubit arrays with fixed coupling, NPJ Quant Info 9 (2023)
- DC Brody, Quantum formalism for cognitive psychology, Sci Rep 13 (2023) 16104
- DC Brody and LP Hughston, Levy models for collapse of the wave function, J Phys A 56 (2023) 125303
- DC Brody and AJ Trewavas, Biological efficiency in processing information, Proc R Soc A 479 (2022) 0809
- S Lally, N Werren, J Al-Khalili, and A Rocco, Master equation for non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion: the emergence of lateral coherences, Phys Rev A 105 (2022) 012209
Selected PhD theses
- M Cykiert, Robust control of the transmon qubit for quantum information processing, supervisor: E Ginossar
- A Burgess, Non-Markovian dynamics of two-level systems in bosonic environments, supervisor: M Florescu
- E Lupo, Theory and design of quantum devices with superconducting circuits and topological states of matter, supervisors: E Ginossar and S Clowes
- MS Lally, Coherence dynamics in non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion, supervisors: J Al-Khalili and A Rocco
- L Buxton, Brownian motion in the Caldeira-Leggett model with a damped environment, supervisor: A Rocco
- L Slocombe, Quantum effects in DNA replication fidelity, supervisors: M Sacchi and J Al-Khalili
- R Spalding, Active hyperuniform disordered materials, supervisor: M Florescu