Dr Whitney Smith
My research project
Feminist analysis of gendered representation in aviationBefore accepting a post graduate research (PGR) position, I completed my undergraduate (BA Tourism Management) and postgraduate (MA International Tourism Management) at the University of Greenwich, in the grounds of the Old Royal Naval College in London. It is here I developed an interest in tourism, particularly in areas including ‘Tourism and the Self’ and ‘Ethics and Niche Tourism’. At this stage my fascination for religious tourism, dark tourism, sex tourism, and other new emerging tourism trends developed. This interest was mirrored in my BA dissertation work where I sought to gain a better understanding of sex tourism in Amsterdam and its potential impacts on tourist perceptions in the decision-making process. This interest deepened and can be reflected in my MA dissertation investigating the motivations in faith-based voluntourism applied to the European Refugee Crisis. Intrigued by these meaningful concepts, I am currently embarking on a PGR project investigating gender and tourism. Under the supervision of Prof Scott Cohen, Dr. Albert Kimbu and Dr. Anna de Jong, I intent to gain an understanding of gender performance by examining media representations within aviation, as these are crucial in the shaping of societal attitudes and perceptions.
Before accepting a post graduate research (PGR) position, I completed my undergraduate (BA Tourism Management) and postgraduate (MA International Tourism Management) at the University of Greenwich, in the grounds of the Old Royal Naval College in London. It is here I developed an interest in tourism, particularly in areas including ‘Tourism and the Self’ and ‘Ethics and Niche Tourism’. At this stage my fascination for religious tourism, dark tourism, sex tourism, and other new emerging tourism trends developed. This interest was mirrored in my BA dissertation work where I sought to gain a better understanding of sex tourism in Amsterdam and its potential impacts on tourist perceptions in the decision-making process. This interest deepened and can be reflected in my MA dissertation investigating the motivations in faith-based voluntourism applied to the European Refugee Crisis. Intrigued by these meaningful concepts, I am currently embarking on a PGR project investigating gender and tourism. Under the supervision of Prof Scott Cohen, Dr. Albert Kimbu and Dr. Anna de Jong, I intent to gain an understanding of gender performance by examining media representations within aviation, as these are crucial in the shaping of societal attitudes and perceptions.
University roles and responsibilities
- Associate Tutor
My qualifications
ResearchResearch interests
- Tourism and the Self (well-being tourism, religious/spiritual tourism)
- Ethics and Niche Tourism (sex tourism, dark tourism and voluntourism)
Research interests
- Tourism and the Self (well-being tourism, religious/spiritual tourism)
- Ethics and Niche Tourism (sex tourism, dark tourism and voluntourism)
Air transport and tourism are interdependent systems wherein representations of gender are shaped by organisational cultures. Although airlines have progressed their gender balance, cabin crew work remains archetypically feminine. Taking a feminist poststructuralist approach, this paper uses thematic document analysis to examine how gendered discourses are constituted within airline organisational narratives through text, gestures and symbolic signs. Findings reveal that while airlines work to increase gender equality in employment practices, their efforts predominantly focus on the cockpit, neglecting roles beyond the flight deck. The paper recommends airlines broaden their gender equity focus to all roles and provides a basis for reshaping airlines' gender policies and practices.