Dr Wenliang (Max) Li
Wenliang (Max) Li received his master's degree in tourism, hotel, and event management at the University of Queensland and his BS.c. degree in tourism business management at Macao University of Tourism. Currently, he is a PhD researcher at the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey. His research interest is social media and tourism marketing. Apart from academia, he also has work experience in planning and operating team-building events, incentive tours, and international concerts.
Li, W., Kim, Y. R., Scarles, C. (2023). What makes people so fond of food travel vlogs? A preliminary study. In: Ferrer-Rosell B., Massimo D., Berezina K. (eds). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2023. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25752-0_17
Li, W., Kim, Y. R., Scarles, C., Liu, A. (2022). Exploring the impact of travel vlogs on prospect tourists: A SOR based theoretical framework. In: Stienmetz J. L., Ferrer-Rosell B., Massimo D. (eds). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022. Springer, Cham. https://doi-org.surrey.idm.oclc.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94751-4_45
Li, W. (2018). 澳门旅游形象定位与推广研究 [The study of Macao destination image’s positioning and promotion]. China Tourism Review 2018, 4. 155-164.
Li, W. (2017). 澳珠旅遊市場一體化背景下 澳門酒店業發展的思考 [Reflections on Macao hotel industry development: Under the background of the integration of Macao’s and Zhuhai’s tourist market]. Journal of Macau Economy, 42. 48-68.