Dr Wei Xu
Senior Lecturer
BEng Materials Engineering (Tsinghua), PhD Mechanical and Manufacturing (Birmingham)
I am a Senior Lecturer at the University of Surrey.
Honours and awards
- Best Paper Award, International Conference, Recent Advances in Mechatronics, ICRAM' 95
- Henry Lester Trust Scholarship, 1993/94 and 1994/95
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefold (GKN) Scholarship, 1992/93 (Birmingham)
- IAEA fellowship, 1988/89.
ResearchResearch interests
- Finite Element Modeling and Surgical Instruments Design
- Osseointegration and biomechanics
- Medical Applications of Smart Materials / sensor/ actuator (Shape Memory Alloy and Piezoelectric).
Current research courses
- 3D FE Modelling of Implants for trans-femoral Osseointegrated Percutaneous Attachment of Prosthetic Limbs.
Research interests
- Finite Element Modeling and Surgical Instruments Design
- Osseointegration and biomechanics
- Medical Applications of Smart Materials / sensor/ actuator (Shape Memory Alloy and Piezoelectric).
Current research courses
- 3D FE Modelling of Implants for trans-femoral Osseointegrated Percutaneous Attachment of Prosthetic Limbs.
- W. Xu and T. King, "A New Type of Piezoelectric Motor Using a Roller Clutch Mechanism", Mechatronics, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 303-315, 1996.
- W. Xu, and T. King, "Flexure Hinges for Piezo Actuator Displacement Amplifiers: Flexibility Accuracy and Stress Considerations", Precision Engineering (ASPE), Vol 19, No 1, pp 4-10, July 1996
- T. King and W. Xu, "The Design and Characteristics of Piezomotors Using Flexure Hinged Displacement Amplifiers", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, No. 19, pp. 189-197, 1996
- W. Xu and T. King, "Investigation of the Characteristics of a Harmonic Piezomotor", The 3rd International Conference on Mechatroncs and Machine Vision in Practice, Sept. 18-20 1996, Guimaraes, Portugal
- T. Frank, W. Xu and A. Cuschieri, Shape Memory Applications in Minimal Access Surgery - The Dundee Experience, Second International Conference on: Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies: Engineering & Biomedical Applications, Mar. 2-6 1997, Pacific Grove, CA USA
- W. Xu, T. Frank, G. Stockham and A. Cuschieri, Application of finite element analysis to geometrically complicated SMA actuator components, 6th International Conference on New Actuator, June 17-19 1998, Bremen, Germany
- W Xu, G. Stockham, T. Frank, A. Cuschieri, Memory alloy fixator system for suturing tissue in minimal access surgery, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol.27, pp. 663-669, 1999.
- W. Xu, T. G. Frank and A. Cuschieri, Development of SMA fixation devices for minimal access surgery, First European Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, Sept. 5-9 1999, Antwerp Zoo, Belgium
- T. King and W XU, The Construction and Characteristics of A Piezoelectric Motor Using a Harmonic Drive, Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol 5, No 1, 2000.
- Wei X, Crocombe AD and Hughes S, Finite element analysis of bone stress and strain around a distal osseointegrated implant for prosthetic limb attachment, Proc ImechE pt H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 214, 595-602, 2000