Timothy Belden

Postgraduate research student


Tim J. Belden, David J. Jesson, John F. Watts (2018)The effect of metal fixings on the fire based degradation of timber: Implications for BS EN 1995 Eurocode 5, In: Proceedings of Timber 2018 conference The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining - IOM3

Timber is one of the oldest building materials used by mankind, and its environmental and sustainable credentials are certainly more persuasive than those of concrete or brick. One only has to survey the historic building stock in the UK to see that, with good design, timber framed structures can last for many hundreds of years. However, when degradation sets in, the majority of the existing historic UK timber framed buildings receive repairs that are either resin assisted, screwed, or bolted. This is frequently required at beam ends, where the timber has traditionally been interfacing with a moisture absorbent and retaining material, such as brick, which focuses and exacerbates degradation processes.

T.J. Belden, D.A. Jesson, J.F. Watts (2018)Digital Image Correlation using the natural beauty of wood, In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics British Society for Strain Measurement

The current work examines using the natural features of wood to form a ‘speckle pattern’ for Digital Image Correlation (DIC) techniques, rather than using a spray applied paint. The work further investigates the impact of applying a spray painted speckle pattern and the impact on both the timber under investigation and the corresponding results.