Dr Teresa Hollands
Academic and research departments
School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.About
Teresa is an internationally renowned Clinical Equine Nutritionist, with over 30 years in practice. Originally a Multi-Species Animal Nutritionist, she provided Chudleys Dog Food with nutritional support, and worked as a General Nutritionist for a farming coop, co-ordinating with large dairy farms, and numerous feed manufactures who utilised the raw material (alfalfa) in their rations across all herbivores.
Working in the feed industry, Teresa was a member of the Agricultural Industries Confederation Legal and Scientific Advisory Committee, was a founding member of the British Equine Trade Association Feed Committee, developed the original Feed Law Code of Practice, sat on the Pet Food Manufacturers Association Veterinary and Nutrition Advisory Committee, was an external industry advisor for numerous equine college undergraduate courses, and wrote a BTEC in nutrition for retailers.
Previously worked as a Senior Marketing Manager & Nutritionist for Europe’s largest manufacture of horse feed, developing close working relationships with vets, resulting in vet referrals accounting for over 50% of helpline calls. Responsible for the training of the technical sales team and Nutritional Helpline, as well as instigating and managing the successful Internal Conferences on Feeding Horses from 1997-2002, which bought international nutrition researchers to the UK to provide up to date info to clients and vets. The trust in the advice was based on the research and development and evidence base that underpinned all the advice provided. Teresa led the team that provided nutritional advice to Team GB ( horses) in the build up to and during London 2012, specifically workign with the para horses.
At Surrey, Teresa teaches animal nutrition to veterinary medicine and veterinary biosciences students, emphasising the importance of evidence-based practice, client communication, and nutrition as the fifth vital sign. The following experiences are used in the teaching of the students:
- 40 years of owning and competing with horses
- 25 years of client evenings, client yard visits and CPD provision to vets in practice
- 20 years of research
- 20 years of owning dogs
- 15 years marketing management.
Prior to Teresa's appointment at Surrey, she taught at nearly all the vet schools in the UK for over 20years, and was appointed a Visiting Lecturer in Equine Nutrition at Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery.
She also presented CPD and short courses across the world, providing training and support to vets and professional horse owners in the UK (Institute of Veterinary Science at the University of Liverpool, the USA (Western Seaboard and Kentucky Equine Research Conferences), and Europe (Czech Republic, Estonia, France and Germany).
Areas of specialism
University roles and responsibilities
- Academic Integrity Officer (2014-2019)
- Senior Lecturer Veterinary Nutrition
- Joint Programme Director for BSc (Hons) Veterinary Biosciences (2015-2022)
Affiliations and memberships
Business, industry and community links
In the media
ResearchResearch interests
- The role of nutrition in minimising the risk of disease/ as preventative medicine
- Client-vet communication and the use of evidence based nutritional practice
- The use of wearables to increase the health and welfare of equids in lower and middle income countries
Research collaborations
Delighted to be supporting Orlagh O'Reilly as part of her PhD research at the RVC https://www.rvc.ac.uk/research/projects/the-epidemiology-and-genetics-of-congenital-musculoskeletal-disorders-in-neonatal-thoroughbreds
Research interests
- The role of nutrition in minimising the risk of disease/ as preventative medicine
- Client-vet communication and the use of evidence based nutritional practice
- The use of wearables to increase the health and welfare of equids in lower and middle income countries
Research collaborations
Delighted to be supporting Orlagh O'Reilly as part of her PhD research at the RVC https://www.rvc.ac.uk/research/projects/the-epidemiology-and-genetics-of-congenital-musculoskeletal-disorders-in-neonatal-thoroughbreds
Postgraduate research supervision
I supervise undergraduate research students for Veterinary Science and Veterinary Bioscience as well as the successful completion of a PhD
- Jenny Lyndon: investigating the role communication between the farrier, vet and client in minimising the risk of laminitis (shared supervision with Professor Jane Ogden).
Nutrition is the cornerstone of health within the School of Veterinary Medicine, as every system in the body is either directly or indirectly effected by nutrition, and as such, nutrition should be part of every clinical consult in both healthy and ill animals. My goal is to equip graduates to be vets of the future, ensuring they are fully engaged with the nutrition and feeding of all species. To achieve this, nutrition is integrated into every veterinary medicine and science module.
I teach on the following courses:
- Biological Sciences BSc (Hons) (2015-2022)
- Veterinary Biosciences BSc (Hons) (2014-2022)
- Veterinary Medicine and Science BVMSci (Hons). (ongoing- VMS1001,1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008; VMS2004, 2006, VMS3008, 3010; VMS4008)
I have been module lead for the following modules:
- BMS2054: Animal Nutrition (2014- 2022)
- Joint Programme Director Veterinary Biosciences (2015-2022)
- VMS3009: Veterinary Research Project (2017-2023)
- Interim lead for 1 year for VMS1004 Structure and Function of the Integument and Alimentary Systems
Interim lead VMS3008 (2022-2023) Veterinary Research and Evidence based Veterinary Medicine
p128-13, Europaische Konferenz uber die Ernahrung des Pferdes