Teng Zhang

Dr Teng Zhang


Academic and research departments

School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences.


My qualifications

PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
National University of Singapore
BEng(Hons) Engineering Science
National University of Singapore


Research interests

Research projects




Latest publications are updated on my Google scholars page: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=H9VcHggAAAAJ&hl=en

Xiao-Feng Zhang, Yan Zhao, Hong-Yan Liu, Teng Zhang, Wei-Ming Liu, Mu Chen, Yatish Patel, Gregory J Offer, Yue Yan, (2018) Degradation of thin-film lithium batteries characterised by improved potentiometric measurement of entropy change, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol 20.
I. Hunt, T. Zhang, Y. Patel, M. Marinescu, R. Purkayastha, P. Kovacik, S. Walus, A. Swiatek, G. J. Offer, (2018) The Effect of Current Inhomogeneity on the Performance and Degradation of Li-S Batteries, The Electrochemical Society, Vol 165.
Xiao-Feng Zhang, Yan Zhao, Yatish Patel, Teng Zhang, Wei-Ming Liu, Mu Chen, Gregory J Offer, Yue Yan (2017) Potentiometric measurement of entropy change for lithium batteries, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol 19.
Vaclav Knap, Teng Zhang, Daniel Ioan Stroe, Erik Schaltz, Remus Teodorescu, Karsten Propp (2017) Significance of the Capacity Recovery Effect in Pouch Lithium-Sulfur Battery Cells, ECS Transactions, Vol 74.
M. Wild, L. O'Neill, T. Zhang, R. Purkayastha, G. Minton, M. Marinescu, G. J. Offer (2015) Lithium sulfur batteries, a mechanistic review, Energy & Environmental Science, Vol 8.
Teng Zhang, Erik Birgersson, Krishnamoorthy Ananthanarayanan, Chian Haw Yong, LNSA Thummalakunta, Joachim Luther, (2012) Analysis of a device model for organic pseudo-bilayer solar cells, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 112.