Stelvia Matos

Dr Stelvia Matos

Reader in Social Innovation Management and Sustainable Management
Head of the Centre for Social Innovation Management

Academic and research departments

Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences.



Research interests

Sustainable development goals

My research interests are related to the following:

No Poverty UN Sustainable Development Goal 1 logo
Zero Hunger UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 logo
Affordable and Clean Energy UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 logo
Decent Work and Economic Growth UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 logo
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure UN Sustainable Development Goal 9 logo
Reduced Inequalities UN Sustainable Development Goal 10 logo
Responsible Consumption and Production UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 logo
Climate Action UN Sustainable Development Goal 13 logo
Life on Land UN Sustainable Development Goal 15 logo



  1. Assunção, L. R., Mendes, P. A., Matos, S., & Borschiver, S. (2021). Technology roadmap of renewable natural gas: Identifying trends for research and development to improve biogas upgrading technology management. Applied Energy.
  2. Matos, S., Schleper, M., Hall, J., Gold, S (2020). The hidden side of sustainable operations and supply chain management: Unanticipated outcomes, trade-offs and tensions. International Journal of Operations and Production Management (Open access:…).
  3. Sousa-Filho, J. M, Matos, S., Trajano, S. S., Lessa, B. S. (2020). Determinants of Social Entrepreneurial Intentions in a Developing Country Context. Journal of Business Venturing Insights.
  4. Matos, S. and Hall, J. (2019). An exploratory study of entrepreneurs in impoverished communities: when institutional factors and individual characteristics result in non-productive entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.
  5. Hall, J., Matos, S. and Bachor, V. (2019).  From eco-technology development to eco-innovation: Inducing regulatory adoption of pathogen detection technology for sustainable forestry, Small Business Economics.
  6. Hall, J., Matos, S., Gold, S. and Severino, L. (2018). The paradox of sustainable innovation: The ‘Eroom’ effect (Moore’s law backwards). Journal of Cleaner Production.
  7. Hall, J., Matos, S. and Bachor, V.  (2016). The need for, and challenges of, interdisciplinary research in technology and innovation management, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management.
  8. Mendes, P., Hall, J., Matos, S. and Silvestre, B. (2014). Reforming Brazil's offshore oil and gas safety regulatory framework: Lessons from Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States, Energy Policy.
  9. Hall, J., Matos, S., Bachor, V. and Downey, R. (2014). Commercializing university research in diverse settings: Moving beyond standardized intellectual property management, Research-Technology Management.
  10. Hall, J., Bachor, V. and Matos, S. (2014).  Developing and diffusing new technologies, California Management Review.
  11. Hall, J., Matos, S. and Martin, M. (2014).  Innovation pathways at the base of the pyramid: Establishing technological legitimacy through social attributes.  The case of WLED lighting and naturally colored cotton, Technovation, 34 (5–6), pp. 265-338.
  12. Hall, J., Bachor, V. and Matos, S. (2014).  The impact of stakeholder heterogeneity on risk perceptions in technological innovation, Technovation.
  13. Matos, S. and Silvestre, B. (2013). Implementation issues of sustainable innovation: The case of the Brazilian energy sector, Journal of Cleaner Production.
  14. Hall, J., Matos, S., Sheehan, L. and Silvestre, B. (2012). Tourism entrepreneurship & innovation in emerging economies: Panacea for inclusive growth or social exclusion?, Journal of Management Studies.
  15. Hall, J., Matos, S. and Silvestre, B. (2012).  A complexity approach to the triple bottom line in sustainable supply chains, International Journal of Production Research.
  16. Hall, J., Matos, S., Silvestre, B. and Martin, M. (2011).  Managing technological and social uncertainties of innovation: The evolution of Brazilian energy and agriculture, Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
  17. Silvestre, B., Hall, J., Matos, S. and Figueira, L. (2010). The good, the bad or the ugly? The privatization of the Brazilian electricity distribution sector, Energy Policy.
  18. Hall, J. and Matos, S. (2010). Incorporating impoverished communities in sustainable supply chains, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
  19. Silvestre, B., Hall, J., Matos, S. and Figueira, L. (2010).  Privatização: Bom ou ruim? Lições do setor de distribuição de energia elétrica do nordeste Brasileiro (Privatization: Good or bad? Lessons from the electricity distribution sector in the northeast of Brazil).  RAE – Revista de Administração de Empresas, (the premier Portuguese language management journal).
  20. Hall, J., Matos, S., Severino, L. and Beltrao, N. (2009). Brazilian biofuels & social exclusion: Established & concentrated ethanol vs. emerging and dispersed bio-diesel, in press, Journal of Cleaner Production.
  21. Hall, J., Matos, S. and Langford, C. (2008).  Social exclusion and transgenic technology:  the case of Brazilian agriculture, Journal of Business Ethics.
  22. Matos, S. and Hall, J. (2007).  Integrating sustainable development in the extended value chain: The case of life cycle assessment in the oil & gas and agricultural biotechnology industries, Journal of Operations Management.
  23. Langford, C., Hall, J., Josty, P., Matos, S. and Jacobson, A. (2006). Indicators and outcomes of Canadian university research: Proxies becoming goals? Research Policy.
  24. Hall, J., Matos, S., Fergus, A. and Vredenburg, H. (2005).  Sua empresa é socialmente vulnerável? (Are You Socially Vulnerable?)  Harvard Business Review (Latin American Edition; published in Portuguese and Spanish).