Dr Sorawoot (Tang) Srisuma
Sorawoot (Tang) obtained his undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Economics and completed his graduate studies in Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Prior to the University of Surrey, he was a post-doc researcher at the Financial Markets Group (LSE) and lectured at University College London in 2010, before joining the Faculty of Economics at Cambridge as a Lecturer and Emmanuel College as a Fellow from 2011.
Sorawoot's main research interests are theoretical and applied econometrics, and empirical industrial organization. Some of his recent papers are on the identification and estimation of structural models including auctions, Euler equations, Markovian games, search, Bayesian decisions and voting problems. He is also interested in the general problem of nonparametric and semiparametric estimation.
Personal webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/tangsrisuma/
Research interests
- Econometrics
- Empirical industrial organisations
- Nonparametric and semparametric methods
Departmental Duties
Director of International Relations for School of Economics
Postgraduate research supervision
Ekaterina Oparina (in progress)
Eliza Da Silva Gomes (in progress)
ECO2010 Intermediate Econometrics (UG)
ECO3010 Topics in Applied Econometrics (UG)
ECOD022 Topics in Econometrics (PhD)
Journal of Econometrics, 2012, vol.166, pp.320-341
Quantitative Economics, 2013, vol.4, pp.549-583
Econometric Theory, 2015, vol.31, pp.521-538
- Estimating Bayesian Decision Problems with Heterogeneous Priors (with S. Hansen and M. McMahon)
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2016, vol.31, pp.762-771
- Ordinary Least Squares Estimation of a Dynamic Game Model (with F. Sanches and D. Silva Junior)
International Economic Review, 2016, vol.57, pp.623-634
- Banking Privatization and Market Structure in Brazil: a Dynamic Structural Analysis (with F. Sanches and D. Silva Junior)
RAND Journal of Economics, 2018, vol.49, pp.936-963
- Joint Analysis of the Discount Factor and Payoff Parameters in Dynamic Discrete Choice Models (with T. Komarova, F. Sanches and D. Silva Junior)
Quantitative Economics, 2018, vol.9, pp.1153-1194
- Minimum Distance Estimation of Search Costs using Price Distribution (with F. Sanches and D. Silva Junior)
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2018, vol.36, pp.658-671