
My research project


Jing Zhang, Xian-Gang Hu, Kangyu Ji, Songru Zhao, Dongtao Liu, Bowei Li, Peng-Xiang Hou, Chang Liu, Lirong Liu, Samuel D. Stranks, Hui-Ming Cheng, S. Ravi P. Silva, Wei Zhang (2024)High-performance bifacial perovskite solar cells enabled by single-walled carbon nanotubes, In: Nature communications15(1)2245 NATURE PORTFOLIO

Bifacial perovskite solar cells have shown great promise for increasing power output by capturing light from both sides. However, the suboptimal optical transmittance of back metal electrodes together with the complex fabrication process associated with front transparent conducting oxides have hindered the development of efficient bifacial PSCs. Here, we present a novel approach for bifacial perovskite devices using single-walled carbon nanotubes as both front and back electrodes. single-walled carbon nanotubes offer high transparency, conductivity, and stability, enabling bifacial PSCs with a bifaciality factor of over 98% and a power generation density of over 36%. We also fabricate flexible, all-carbon-electrode-based devices with a high power-per-weight value of 73.75 W g-1 and excellent mechanical durability. Furthermore, we show that our bifacial devices have a much lower material cost than conventional monofacial PSCs. Our work demonstrates the potential of SWCNT electrodes for efficient, stable, and low-cost bifacial perovskite photovoltaics. The suboptimal optical transmittance of back electrodes and complex fabrication process hindered development of bifacial perovskite solar cells. Here, authors apply single-walled carbon nanotubes as front and back electrodes, achieving power generation density of 36% and bifaciality factor of 98%.