Professor Simon Jones
Simon is a Research Professor in the Section of Clinical Medicine and Ageing where he advises on health outcomes research and statistical analysis. He is also a Professor of Population Health at New York University and Chief Data Scientist at MedeAnalytics, Inc.
Prior to this he has held a number of senior posts in health care including Chief Statistician at Dr Foster Intelligence and a secondment as Head of Analytics for the Centre for Workforce Intelligence for Health and Social Care.
Research interests
- Analysis of health outcomes data from large data sets such as hospital episode statistics (HES)
- Operational research in healthcare epically simulation and mathematical modelling applied to health care
- Health Geographical Information Systems and analysing spatial data.
- Data Analytics Module on the MSc Business Analytics
- Research ethics and access on the Research Methods Module
- Surrey Winter School in Statistics with R ( 7 - 9 January 2015)
- Introduction to Capacity Planning for Elective Care
Jones, S, Interview: 'No shows' cost the NHS millions, BBC Breakfast, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8195255.stm , 12 Aug 2009
Other roles
Member of the Advisory Board for Monmouth Partners
McGovern AP, de Lusignan S, van Vlymen J, Liyanage H, Tomson CR, Gallagher H, Rafiq M, Jones S (2013) Serum Phosphate as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Events in People with and without Chronic Kidney Disease: A Large Community Based Cohort Study, PlosOne (8) 9 e74996
- McGovern A, Butler L, Jones S, Vlymen Jv, Sadek K, Munro N, Carr H, de Lusignan S (In press) Diabetes screening after gestational diabetes in England: A quantitative retrospective cohort study. British Journal of General Practice,
- McGovern AP, Rusholme B, Jones S, van Vlyman JN, Liyanage H,Gallagher H, Tomson CRV,Khunti K, Harris K, de Lusignan S (2013) Association of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and failure to monitor renal function with adverse outcomes in people with diabetes: A primary care cohort study BMC Nephrology 14 198
- de Lusignan, S., Gallagher H., Jones S., Chan T., et al (In press) Using audit-based education to lower systolic blood pressure in chronic kidney disease (CKD): results of the quality improvement in CKD (QICKD) trial, Kidney International, ePrint ahead of publication
- Barker F, Mackenzie E, Elliott L, Jones S, de Lusignan de S (2013) Interventions to improve hearing aid use in adult auditory rehabilitation, The Cochrane Library,
- Griffiths, P., Jones, S. and Bottle, A. (2012) An assessment of “failure to rescue” derived from routine NHS data as a nursing sensitive patient safety indicator for surgical inpatient care. International Journal of Nursing Studies (In Press)full text
- Donaldson J, McIntosh B & Jones S (2012) The Gordian knot: provision in Scotland and England, British Journal of Healthcare Management, Vol 18, No 19
- Cookson G, McIntosh B Jones S (2012) Canceled Procedures: inequality, inequality and the NHS reforms, Health Economics, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hec.2860/abstract
- de Lusignan S, Liaw S-T, Michalakidis G, Jones S (2012) Defining datasets and creating data dictionaries for quality improvement and research in chronic disease using routinely collected data: an ontology-driven approach, Informatics in Primary Care 2011;19:127-33
- Dmitrieva O, Michalakidis G, Mason A, Jones S, Chan T, Lusignan S de (2012) Consistent Data Recording across a Health System and Web-Enablement Allow Service Quality Comparisons: Online Data for Commissioning Dermatology Services, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 174, ISBN 978-1-61499-051-2
- McIntosh B, Cookson G, Jones S (2012) 'Cancelled Surgeries and Perverse Incentives in the English National Health Service' Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 17(2)[Article in print Journal] http://jhsrp.rsmjournals.com/content/early/2012/02/07/jhsrp.2011.011053…
- Bloom N, Cooper Z, Gaynor M, Gibbons S, Jones S, McGuire A, Moreno-Serra R, Propper C, Van Reenen J, Seiler S. In defence of our research on competition in England's National Health Service. The Lancet 2011; 378(9809): 2064 - 2065
- de Lusignan S, Chan T, Jones S (2011) Editorial: Large complex terminologies: more coding choice, but harder to find data - reflections on introduction of SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms) as an NHS standard, Informatics in Primary Care 2011;19:3-5
- Cooper ZN, Gibbons S, Jones S, McGuire A (2011) Does Hospital Competition Save Lives? Economic Journal, Volume 121, Issue 554, pages F228-F260
- Jones S, Crouch, S, Carolan M, Wardlaw J, (2011) Modelling catchment areas for secondary care providers: a case study, Health Care Management Science, [Epub ahead of print]
- Griffiths, P., Dawoud, D.,Murrells, T., Jones, S, (2010) Hospital admissions for asthma, diabetes and COPD: is there an association with practice nurse staffing? A cross sectional study using routinely collected data. Biomed Health Services Research. (10) 276
- Griffiths P, Murrells T, Maben J, Jones S, Ashworth M (2010) Nurse Staffing and Quality of Care in UK General Practice: Cross sectional study using routinely collected data, British Journal of General Practice, 60 (570) pp 34-39
- Jarman B, Pieter D, Veen A A van der, Kool R B, Aylin P, Bottle A, Westert G P and Jones S (2010), The Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio: a powerful tool for Dutch hospitals to assess their quality of care? Quality and Safety in Health Care, 19 (1), pp. 9-13
- Cooper ZN, McGuire A, Jones S, Le Grand J (2009) Equity, Waiting Times and the NHS Reforms, BMJ 2009;339:b3264
- Joy, M. & Jones, SA. (2005), Transient probabilities for a queue with applications to waiting list management in the NHS, Health Care Management Science, 8, pp. 231-236
- Jones S, Duncan E, Thomas N, Walters J, Dick, MC, Height, SE, Stephens AD, Thein, SW and Rees, DC (2005), Windy weather and low humidity are associated with an increased number of hospital admissions for acute pain and sickle cell disease in an urban environment with a maritime temperate climate, British Journal of Haematology 131 (4): 530-533
- Thurlow V, Ozevlat H, Jones SA and Bailey IR (2005) Establishing a practical blood platelet threshold to avoid reporting spurious potassium results due to thrombocytosis, Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 42 (3): 196-199(4)
- Jones SA, Joy MP, Pearson J (2003) Forecasting demand of emergency care, Health Care Management Science, 5(4):297-305
Professional/ Journalist Publications
- Jones S, Forde J (2009) A look at non-attendance at outpatient appointments, Health Services Journal, 19 February, pp19
- Jones S (2008) Waiting times: cutting inequalities, Health Services Journal, 17 January pp21
- Jones S (2008) Readmission is not simply correlated with length of stay, Health Services Journal, 6 March, pp 21
- Jones S (2008) Timely Admissions reflects efficiency, Health Services Journal , 22 May, pp23
- Jones S and Davies M (2008) Elective procedures: all in a day's work, Health Services Journal, 19 June, pp25
- Jones S and Davies M (2008) Who is causing the cancellations? Health Services Journal, 17 July, pp21
- Jones S and Davies M (2008) Admissions up for treatable illness, Health Services Journal, 7 August, pp19
- Jones S and Davies M (2008) Why wait for emergency surgery, Health Services Journal, 7 October, pp19
- Jones S and Barnett N (2008) Why admission day effects outcome, Health Services Journal, 30 October, pp17
Working Papers
- de Lusignan S, Jones S, McCrae N, Cookson G, Chan T (2013) IAPT LTC/MUS Pathfinder Evaluation Project Interim report, The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme
- Cooper ZN, Gibbons S, Jones S, McGuire A (2010) Does Hospital Competition Improve Efficiency? An Analysis of the Recent Market-Based Reforms to the English NHS, LSE Centre for Economic Performance, Paper No' CEPDP0988, http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/28578/
- Cooper ZN, Gibbons S, Jones S, McGuire A (2009) Does Hospital Competition Save Lives? Evidence from the recent English NHS Reforms, December http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/28584/
- Gerova, V., Griffiths, P., Jones, S., Bick, D., (2010). The association between midwifery staffing and outcomes in maternity units in England: observational study using routinely collected data. Preliminary report and feasibility assessment, National Nursing Research Unit draft report to funder, http://www.kcl.ac.uk/content/1/c4/33/06/NNRUMidwiferyReportDec10.pdf
- Jones, S, Griffiths, P, Bottle, A,( 2010) An assessment of failure to rescue derived from routine NHS data as a nursing sensitive patient safety indicator: National Nursing Research Unit draft report to funder,
- Morrow E, Griffiths P, Maben J, Jones S, Robert G, 2010.)The Productive Ward: Releasing time to care - Learning and Impact Review. NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, Coventry http://www.institute.nhs.uk/images//documents/Quality_and_value/Productive_Ward/PW%20review%20full%20report.pdf
- Griffiths P, Jones S, Maben J, Murrells T (2009) State of the art metrics for nursing: a rapid appraisal, Working Paper from Kings College, London, http://www.kcl.ac.uk/content/1/c6/04/32/19/Metricsfinalreport.pdf
- Jones S, Interview: 'No shows' cost the NHS millions, BBC Breakfast http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8195255.stm , 12 Aug 2009