Shona McIntyre
Shona graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2006 and has worked in small animal practice since this time. Having gained a breadth of experience from multidiscipline practices, Shona embarked on further training, and has since completed a General Practitioners Certificate and Post Graduate Certificate in Imaging.
In August 2016 she was appointed as a Post Graduate Dean by the RCVS, a role which allowed he to assist newly graduated veterinary surgeons in the completion of their Professional Development Phase.
Shona joined the University of Surrey in July 2017 as a Lecturer in Small Animal Medicine and in 2021 was appointed as Head of Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences.
Departmental duties
Head of Department
University roles and responsibilities
- Head of Department
Models and simulations are used in veterinary education to allow students to practice surgical skills in order to obtain clinical competence. Further development of models is also driven by the requirement of veterinary institutions to reduce the use of animal patients in teaching (live or cadaver). Esophagostomy tube placement is a common therapeutic procedure performed in companion animal critical care cases, and a model was developed to help teach this skill. Validity evidence was collected and analyzed to evaluate this model at the University of Surrey. Veterinarians (n = 14) provided content validity evidence on using the model, and students (n = 19) provided further construct evidence. Students were taught the skill on either a model or a cadaver. These students were then assessed on a cadaver the following week. Global rating scales were used as a measure of performance, and data were recorded on confidence ratings after both teaching and assessment. Comparisons of the global rating scales and confidence levels were evaluated for both the model and cadaver-taught groups. There were no statistical differences in the performance data or confidence levels of the two groups. Most of the veterinarians believed the model was easy to use (13/14), had realistic landmarks (11/14), and was a suitable alternative to learning the skill than in the animal patient (12/14). The esophagostomy tube model is a low-cost easy-to-make alternative to help teach aspects of this skill before performing on an animal patient.
Pregnancy diagnosis in the bitch is routinely performed using ultrasound and is therefore an important skill for veterinarians to have been exposed to during undergraduate training. Proficiency of this skill is difficult to achieve, due to limited exposure to suitable live patients, and animal welfare considerations limiting repeated performance on the same bitch. Models have been beneficial in allowing undergraduates to perform a range of ultrasound techniques without the use of live animals. Using clinical veterinarians and a model created at the University of Surrey, cognitive task analysis (CTA) was used to construct a list of instructional steps required to perform ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis. Experts were asked to evaluate the existing model then video recorded while demonstrating the skill on the model as if teaching a novice student. Anonymized and muted video footage along with transcribed audio files were used to create a draft teaching protocol. A group consensus for the final teaching protocol was developed following a semi-structured interview.The final teaching protocol had 23 steps to guide a novice to perform this skill, broken down into three stages; set-up and preparation, pregnancy identification, and estimation of gestational age. Not all steps were both performed and verbalized by all of the experts, hence the need for a panel discussion to confirm a final teaching protocol. This study demonstrated that CTA is useful in compiling a comprehensive list of steps, for a teaching protocol, including those which may have been missed if demonstrated through a lone subject matter expert.
An owner's ability to detect changes in the behavior of a dog afflicted with osteoarthritis (OA) may be a barrier to presentation, clinical diagnosis and initiation of treatment. Management of OA also relies upon an owner's ability to accurately monitor improvement following a trial period of pain relief. The changes in behavior that are associated with the onset and relief of pain from OA can be assessed to determine the dog's health-related quality of life (HRQOL). HRQOL assessments are widely used in human medicine and if developed correctly can be used in the monitoring of disease and in clinical trials. This study followed established guidelines to construct a conceptual framework of indicators of HRQOL in dogs with OA. This generated items that can be used to develop a HRQOL assessment tool specific to dogs with OA. A systematic review was conducted using Web of Science, PubMed and Scopus with search terms related to indicators of HRQOL in dogs with osteoarthritis. Eligibility and quality assessment criteria were applied. Data were extracted from eligible studies using a comprehensive data charting table. Resulting domains and items were assessed at a half-day workshop attended by experts in canine osteoarthritis and quality of life. Domains and their interactions were finalized and a visual representation of the conceptual framework was produced. A total of 1,264 unique articles were generated in the database searches and assessed for inclusion. Of these, 21 progressed to data extraction. After combining synonyms, 47 unique items were categorized across six domains. Review of the six domains by the expert panel resulted in their reduction to four: physical appearance, capability, behavior, and mood. All four categories were deemed to be influenced by pain from osteoarthritis. Capability, mood, and behavior were all hypothesized to impact on each other while physical appearance was impacted by, but did not impact upon, the other domains. The framework has potential application to inform the development of valid and reliable instruments to operationalize measurement of HRQOL in canine OA for use in general veterinary practice to guide OA management decisions and in clinical studies to evaluate treatment outcomes.
Additional publications
McIntyre S.L, Sharp P, Turner S, Stubbs A. Using Cognitive Task analysis to develop a protocol fo teaching ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis in the bitch to undergraduate veterinary students. JVME: https://doi.org/10.3138/jvme-2022-0139