Shahriar Behboudi

Dr Shahriar Behboudi

Senior Lecturer in Immunology and Virology


Areas of specialism

Avian Immunology, Viral Immunology, lipid metabolism, Vaccine development, Cancer immunotherapy


Research interests





  1. Boodhoo N. and Behboudi S. Differential virus-specific IFN-gamma producing T cell responses to Marek's disease virus in chickens with B19 and B21 MHC haplotypesFrontiers in Immunology, 13 January 2022, DOI: 
  2. Kamble N, Gurung A, Kaufer BB, Pathan A and Behboudi S. Marek’s disease virus modulates T cell proliferation via activation of Cyclooxygenase 2-dependent prostaglandin E2. Frontiers in Immunology, 22 December 2021. DOI:
  3. Boodhoo N, Kamble N., Behboudi S. De novo cholesterol biosynthesis and its trafficking in LAMP-1 positive vesicles are involved in replication and spread of Marek’s disease virusJournal of Virology, 2020 Nov 23;94(24):e01001-20. DOI:

  4. Boodhoo N, Kamble N., Sharif S., Behboudi S.  Glutaminolysis and glycolysis are essential for optimal replication of Marek’s disease virus. Journal of Virology, 2020 Jan 31;94(4). DOI: 

  5. Boodhoo N, Kamble N, Kaufer BB, Behboudi S. Replication of Marek's Disease Virus is dependent on synthesis of de novo Fatty Acid and Prostaglandin E2Journal of Virology, 2019, Jun 14;93(13). DOI:

  6. Gurung A, Kamble N, Kaufer BB, Pathan A, Behboudi S. Association of Marek’s Disease induced immunosuppression with activation of a novel regulatory T cells in chickens, PLoS Pathogen, 2017, Dec 21;13 (12):e1006745. DOI:

  7. Chen Y, Behboudi S, Mohammad GH, Pereira SP, Morris EC.  Ex vivo PDL1/PD1 pathway blockade reverse dysfunction of circulating CEA specific T cells in pancreatic cancer patients. Clinical Cancer Research, July 2017, CCR-17-1185. DOI:

  8. Akeel Alisa, Sandra Boswell, Lakshmana Ayaru, Ansar Pathan, Roger Williams and Behboudi S. Human CD4+ T cells recognize an epitope within AFP sequence and develop into TGF-beta producing CD4+ T cells. The Journal of Immunology, 2008 Apr 1;180(7):5109-17.  DOI:

  9. Lakshmana Ayaru , Stephen P Pereira, Akeel Alisa, Ansar Pathan, Roger Williams, Brian Davidson, Andrew K Burroughs , Tim Meyer,  and Behboudi S. Unmasking AFP-specific CD4 T cell response in HCC Patients undergoing Embolisation.The Journal of Immunology, 2007 (178) 1914-1922. DOI:

  10. Akeel Alisa, Annette Ives, Ansar Pathan, Citrina Novarette, Roger Williams, Antonio Bertoletti and Behboudi S. Analysis of CD4+ T cell responses to a novel AFP-derived epitope in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Clinical Cancer Research, 2005 Sep 15;11(18):6686-94. DOI:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-05-0382

  11. Soon Um, Catherine Mulhall, Akeel Alisa, Annette Ives, John Karani, Roger Williams, Antonio Bertoletti and Behboudi S. Alpha-fetoprotein impairs APC function and induces their apoptosis. The Journal of Immunology, 2004, 173, 3, 1772. DOI:

Additional publications