Dr Satish Kumar
Research Fellow
Academic and research departments
Dr Satish Kumar is a Research Fellow at the 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC), University of Surrey (UoS). He joined the centre in May 2018. He has expertise in NFV, Management and Orchestration, Multimedia Communication, satellite and terrestrial integrated 5G network. Dr Kumar obtained his PhD degree from the Department of Computer science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in March 2018.
Areas of specialism
NFV Management and Orchestration; Multimedia Communication; Resource Allocation Strategies
University roles and responsibilities
- Research Fellow
- S. Kumar, R. Devaraj, A. Sarkar, A. Sur. "Client-side QoE Management for SVC Video Streaming: An FSM Supported Design Approach", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM, IF: 4.6). Vol. 16, pp. 1113 - 1126, 2019.
- S. Kumar, A. Sarkar, A. Sur. "A Resource Allocation Framework for Adaptive Video Streaming Over LTE". Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier (JNCA, IF: 3.5), Vol. 97, pp. 126-139, 2017.
- S. Kumar, R. Devaraj, A. Sarkar. "A Hybrid Offline-Online Approach to Adaptive Downlink Resource Allocation Over LTE". IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (JAS, CiteScore: 2.16), June, 2017.
- S. Kumar, A. Sarkar, S. Sriram, A. Sur. "A Three Level LTE Downlink Scheduling Framework for RT VBR Traffic". Computer Networks, Elsevier (COMNET, IF: 2.5), vol 91, pp. 654-674, 2015.
- S. Kumar, Ning Wang, Chang Ge, and Barry Evans. "Optimising Layered Video Content Delivery Based on Satellite and Terrestrial Integrated 5G Networks". IEEE European Conference on Networking and Communication (EuCNC), pp. 161-166. IEEE, 2019. .
- S. Kumar, P. Vishnoi, A. Sarkar, A. Sur. "QoE Aware Resource Allocation for Multi-View Video Flows in LTE". IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), pp. 526-532, Jun 2018.
- B.Deepakraj, S.Kumar, S.Padhi, A.Sarkar, A. Mondal, K. Ramamritham. "Brownout Based Blackout Avoidance Strategies in Smart Grids". ACM e-Energy, pp. 456-458, Jun 2018.
- A. Lekharu, S. Kumar, A. Sur, A. Sarkar. "A QoE Aware LSTM based Bit-Rate Prediction Model for DASH Video." IEEE International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), pp. 392-395, Jan, 2018.
- A. Lekharu, S. Kumar, A. Sur, A. Sarkar. "A QoE Aware SVC Based Client-side Video Adaptation Algorithm for Cellular Networks." ACM International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN). Jan, 2018.
- S. Kumar, D. P. Goswami, A. Sarkar, A. Sur. "Buffer Aware Three Level Scheduler for Video Streaming over LTE". IEEE International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Jan, 2017.
- S. Kumar, S. Sriram, A. Sarkar, A. Sur. "A Three Level Adaptive Video Streaming Framework Over LTE". IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Oct, 2016.