Dr Salihu Jarmajo Ahmed
Academic and research departments
Centre for Environmental Health and Engineering, School of Sustainability, Civil and Environmental Engineering.About
My research project
Evaluation of waste-to-energy (WtE) in Bauchi Metropolis (Nigeria): A key component to comprehensive solid waste managementThe social problem of treating and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) is faced by every nation nowadays. The population growth increment, rapid urbanisation, the levels of wealth growth and scarcity of resources has re-established waste-to-energy (WtE) to be an attractive technology option, within the wider waste hierarchy, that supports low carbon growth, socio-economic growth, and environmental protection alongside other renewable energy technologies. It is also a proven process that sustainably provides electricity and steam production. Nigeria is also facing a critical waste-related environmental problem.
In Nigeria, the process of using MSW as a renewable energy resource (RER) can be developed as an essential Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) strategy and at the same time generating electricity, which can reduce fossil fuels and reduce GHG emissions (pollutants). Nevertheless, in Nigeria, the major and common source of electricity is hydropower, and the most practised means of MSW Management (MSWM) is open landfill and burning.
This study explores whether MSW as a RER can be used in a way that will contribute sustainable and reliable energy in Bauchi metropolis and serve as a holistic ISWM approach. The main aim of this study will be to explore the opportunities for WtE to make a significant contribution to Bauchi Metropolis in Nigeria.
To achieve this aim, a methodological approach will be developed, which will serve as a sustainability assessment tool. The methodology will incorporate economic, environmental, social and technical assessments. The considered WtE technologies are Incineration, Pyrolysis, Gasification, Biomethanation (BM)/Anaerobic Digestion (AD) and Landfill Gas to Energy (LFGTE). The author believes that the proposed methodology will bring a solution to the MSWM and the inconsistency of electricity supply in Bauchi metropolis through granting authorities and stakeholders the need to plan and invest in providing energy that is sustainable to people.
The social problem of treating and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) is faced by every nation nowadays. The population growth increment, rapid urbanisation, the levels of wealth growth and scarcity of resources has re-established waste-to-energy (WtE) to be an attractive technology option, within the wider waste hierarchy, that supports low carbon growth, socio-economic growth, and environmental protection alongside other renewable energy technologies. It is also a proven process that sustainably provides electricity and steam production. Nigeria is also facing a critical waste-related environmental problem.
In Nigeria, the process of using MSW as a renewable energy resource (RER) can be developed as an essential Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) strategy and at the same time generating electricity, which can reduce fossil fuels and reduce GHG emissions (pollutants). Nevertheless, in Nigeria, the major and common source of electricity is hydropower, and the most practised means of MSW Management (MSWM) is open landfill and burning.
This study explores whether MSW as a RER can be used in a way that will contribute sustainable and reliable energy in Bauchi metropolis and serve as a holistic ISWM approach. The main aim of this study will be to explore the opportunities for WtE to make a significant contribution to Bauchi Metropolis in Nigeria.
To achieve this aim, a methodological approach will be developed, which will serve as a sustainability assessment tool. The methodology will incorporate economic, environmental, social and technical assessments. The considered WtE technologies are Incineration, Pyrolysis, Gasification, Biomethanation (BM)/Anaerobic Digestion (AD) and Landfill Gas to Energy (LFGTE). The author believes that the proposed methodology will bring a solution to the MSWM and the inconsistency of electricity supply in Bauchi metropolis through granting authorities and stakeholders the need to plan and invest in providing energy that is sustainable to people.