Professor Rhona Sharpe
Academic and research departments
Rhona is interested in how universities can rise to the challenge of education in a digital age in ways which are informed by learner experience research and partnerships with students. She has led projects to develop digital literacies in staff and students in further and higher education funded by Jisc, the Higher Education Academy, and the Education and Training Foundation.
Rhona joined the Department of Technology Enhanced Learning in November 2017 from Oxford Brookes University where she was Head of the Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development. While at Oxford Brookes Rhona led the embedding of graduate attributes, including digital literacy, into the curriculum and established institutional pedagogic research to inform a strategic programme of Projects to Enhance the Student Experience.
Rhona's teaching, research and consultancy are in the area of technology enhanced learning. She began using technology in her own teaching more than 20 years ago as a psychology lecturer and has continued to develop and experiment with online teaching for Oxford Brookes University, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Epigeum, and the Open University.
My qualifications
Affiliations and memberships
Business, industry and community links
ResearchResearch interests
Learners' experiences of technology enhanced learning
Rhona has led funded projects which established the rationale, methods and networks of learner experience research and contributed to building capacity in the sector to undertake such research.
Developing digital literacies
The Framework for developing learners for a digital age, created with Helen Beetham, has been adopted by the Jisc, at several institutions and is starting to be used by researchers as an analytical framework.
Learning analytics and learning gain
The interrelated issues of learning analytics and learning gain, particularly the potential for graduate attributes to promote, describe and measure learning gain.
Research projects
Partners in one of the pilot studies in the HEFCE Learning Gain Programme. Applying the Affective-Behaviour-Cognition framework at three institutions: Open University, Oxford Brookes University, University of Surrey. (2015 – 18)
Project Director, Evaluation of Participative Process Reviews, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (Jan – July 2015)
Project Director, A study of further education learners’ experiences and expectations of the digital environment as part of the JISC Digital Student CoDesign project (June 2014 – April 2015)
Project Director, Creating case studies of how institutions are supporting the development of learners for a digital age, funded by JISC (March – Nov 2010).
Project Director, project funded by the JISC supporting the projects funded under Phase 2 of the Learner Experiences of e-learning strand to synthesise and disseminate their work (2007-2009).
Project Director for a project undertaken by OCSLD for the Higher Education Academy. This involved synthesis of 300 research papers and triangulation with visits to seven institutions (2005 – 2006).
Indicators of esteem
Rhona has previously been Editor of the International Journal for Academic Development and Research in Learning Technology and regularly reviews for international journals and conferences.
Reviewer for grant awarding bodies in Cyprus, Israel, Finland, Netherlands, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic and UK.
Research interests
Learners' experiences of technology enhanced learning
Rhona has led funded projects which established the rationale, methods and networks of learner experience research and contributed to building capacity in the sector to undertake such research.
Developing digital literacies
The Framework for developing learners for a digital age, created with Helen Beetham, has been adopted by the Jisc, at several institutions and is starting to be used by researchers as an analytical framework.
Learning analytics and learning gain
The interrelated issues of learning analytics and learning gain, particularly the potential for graduate attributes to promote, describe and measure learning gain.
Research projects
Partners in one of the pilot studies in the HEFCE Learning Gain Programme. Applying the Affective-Behaviour-Cognition framework at three institutions: Open University, Oxford Brookes University, University of Surrey. (2015 – 18)
Project Director, Evaluation of Participative Process Reviews, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (Jan – July 2015)
Project Director, A study of further education learners’ experiences and expectations of the digital environment as part of the JISC Digital Student CoDesign project (June 2014 – April 2015)
Project Director, Creating case studies of how institutions are supporting the development of learners for a digital age, funded by JISC (March – Nov 2010).
Project Director, project funded by the JISC supporting the projects funded under Phase 2 of the Learner Experiences of e-learning strand to synthesise and disseminate their work (2007-2009).
Project Director for a project undertaken by OCSLD for the Higher Education Academy. This involved synthesis of 300 research papers and triangulation with visits to seven institutions (2005 – 2006).
Indicators of esteem
Rhona has previously been Editor of the International Journal for Academic Development and Research in Learning Technology and regularly reviews for international journals and conferences.
Reviewer for grant awarding bodies in Cyprus, Israel, Finland, Netherlands, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic and UK.
Postgraduate research supervision
I am available to supervise doctoral students in my areas of research interest.
I am an experienced examiner for higher degrees.
I have protected time for teaching throughout my career, specialising in teaching online and at a distance. I currently teach the following modules for the UK Open University on the MA in Open and Distance Education:
- H818 ‘The Networked Practitioner’: an innovative Masters level course which prepares distance learning professionals to work in a global, open, networked society.
- H819 ‘The Critical Researcher: Educational Technology in Practice’.
Previously I have tutored for the OU: Practice Based Research in Educational Technology (H809), Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (H850), and Learning in a Connected Economy (H806).
I am preparing to teach modules on technology enhanced learning on the University of Surrey's MA in Higher Education.
I have prepared and taught on MOOCs:
- Developing Leaders for a Digital Age, commissioned by Education and Training Foundation
Researching learners' experiences and uses of technology using action research for ELESIG
- First Steps in Learning and Teaching (2015) for Oxford Brookes University
You can see me talking about my view of openness in education at the University of Northampton (2015).
Sharpe, R. (2016) 53 Interesting Ways to Support Online Learning. Frontinus Ltd
Beetham, H. & Sharpe, R. (2013) (Eds.) Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age: designing for 21st Century Learning. 2nd Ed. RoutledgeFalmer, London and New York.
Sharpe, R., Beetham, H. & de Freitas, S. (2010) (Eds.) Rethinking learning for a digital age: how learners shape their experiences. RoutledgeFalmer, London and New York.
This chapter takes a critical approach to reviewing the use of surveys within the context of the institution, the programme and the individual lecturer. Established findings on survey responses are reviewed including biases in how students evaluate individual lecturers, institutional and disciplinary differences in programme evaluations and the rise of yea-saying in institutional surveys. Recommendations are made concerning what aspects of the student experience it is appropriate to survey, how sampling can improve the trustworthiness of the results, different types of available question styles, and alternative and complementary methods. This chapter suggests a pragmatic approach to sharing more widely what is known about survey data, so that survey findings can be interpreted more responsibly.
With recent changes in how UK higher education is funded, universities are operating in a context in which finances are uncertain. It is more important than ever that university leaders are able to manage the finances of their organisations in ways which both provide long-term security and allow for investment in strategically important initiatives. Teaching intensive universities must be able to generate income and oversee the allocation of resources in such a way that responds to student pressure to provide high-quality education and improve services. This article explores the benefits, disadvantages and challenges of aligning corporate and financial strategies in order to support delivery of their strategic aims and operational targets. Recommendations are made for well-managed, well-researched risk taking and developing autonomy within academic and professional services units, such that local resource allocation decisions are also in line with the organisation’s strategic aims.
In this chapter, we show that the Internet has precipitated a change in both research questions and data collection methods. We argue that the pervasive, integrative use of social and personal technology by learners means that the study of educational uses of technology needs to be seen within a wider, holistic context. This chapter explains how such research is being conducted and provides examples of some of the research methods
This chapter reports on a review of literature undertaken in order to interpret the attributes that learners need to learn in technology rich educational environments. The review adopts a qualitative meta-analysis, synthesising the findings from 15 key studies. Six themes are identified and explored: engaged, connected, confident, adaptable, intentional and self-aware. There are clearly a number of different ways of synthesising the findings from this emerging literature which relies heavily on qualitative research. This review was deliberately interpretative in nature. There is very little evidence of an emerging language or consensus around how to investigate learner attributes. There is a need for more sharing of language and approaches amongst researchers. The hope is that through both its findings and its method, it provokes debate on how technology is changing what it means to be a successful learner.
This paper evaluates the role of the faculty based student support coordinator (SSC) over the first two years of their roll out across all faculties in a UK university. The intention was that SSCs would provide a one-stop shop for students, handling enquiries on a broad range of issues, answering them where they can, offering support, and acting as a referral service. The benefits to students should be an accessible and responsive source of faculty based advice and information. One of the challenges of implementing this new system was expected to be ensuring that all those involved understand their roles and help students to make use of them appropriately. Data were collected as part of a wide-ranging evaluation, both from the SSCs themselves and staff they worked alongside via interview and attendance at meetings. Data were also collected from students via interviews and surveys. This paper uses these data to ask how the SSC role is working in practice, what are the realities and tensions of the role and what has been the impact to students? The evaluation was commissioned by the main university teaching and learning committee and its results have had a tangible impact. It clarified and protected the role of the SSCs and uncovered aspects of their role that had not been foreseen. The feedback from students showed an increasing awareness of the service offered by SSCs over time and a high level of satisfaction.
This study examined the policies and practices in nine UK institutions of further or higher education that had made a commitment to supporting students to develop their capabilities to learn in the digital age. Data were collected over a six-month period through multiple interactions with case study sites. Analysis of these data captures institutional practices and the results are mapped onto a developmental framework for effective learning in a digital age.
Recommendations are made to institutions considering how best to support their learners, including the need to: specify digital literacies in learning and teaching strategies; prepare students for their experience of learning with technology; reconfigure campus spaces to enhance connectivity and support a range of social learning activities; and create a culture of engaging with students to inform decision-making. These institutional practices aim to support learners to make use of their digital skills and practices. The ultimate aim is to graduate students who can creatively appropriate technology to suit their own learning environment and needs.