Patryk Golec
Academic and research departments
My research project
A new approach to bio-inspired flexible and printed electronics - compact modelling of multimodal thin-film transistorsThe project aims to produce first MMT (multi modal transistor) compact models. A compact model is a mathematical representation of a device, which could be used in circuit simulation software such as SPICE. This would allow a theoretical MMT to be tested before fabricating it.
This has many benefits as computer simulations are faster and cheaper than real world experiments. In addition, compact models could allow for the parameters of the transistor to be tailored to a specific circuit or application.
The project aims to produce first MMT (multi modal transistor) compact models. A compact model is a mathematical representation of a device, which could be used in circuit simulation software such as SPICE. This would allow a theoretical MMT to be tested before fabricating it.
This has many benefits as computer simulations are faster and cheaper than real world experiments. In addition, compact models could allow for the parameters of the transistor to be tailored to a specific circuit or application.