Dr Nicole Boyce
Academic and research departments
Centre for Britain and Europe, Politics and International Relations.About
My research project
How resilient are frames in policy discussions? Focus: The distinctive frames in Conservative MPs’ discussions on welfare policy and their resilienceThis thesis aims to enrich the understanding of the fundamental nature of Parliamentary policymaking speeches by analysing discursive dynamics within the policy cycle. My research findings matter because they highlight that welfare policymaking discussions reflect more than processes set within a context of fixed norms and procedures. Rather, these discussions form part of a continuing iterative process which involves the structuring and restructuring of ideational factors in policymaking discussions. This process is expressed in the changing salience, dominance and resilience of frames across the policy cycle. I develop a generic model of the governing party's discourse around welfare policy which captures these discursive dynamics.
This thesis aims to enrich the understanding of the fundamental nature of Parliamentary policymaking speeches by analysing discursive dynamics within the policy cycle. My research findings matter because they highlight that welfare policymaking discussions reflect more than processes set within a context of fixed norms and procedures. Rather, these discussions form part of a continuing iterative process which involves the structuring and restructuring of ideational factors in policymaking discussions. This process is expressed in the changing salience, dominance and resilience of frames across the policy cycle. I develop a generic model of the governing party's discourse around welfare policy which captures these discursive dynamics.