Dr Nicholas Thomson

Postgraduate Research Student

Academic and research departments

School of Mathematics and Physics.


My research project


Nicholas Thomson, Laura Moschini, Alexis Diaz Torres (2024)Laser Assisted Deuterium-Tritium Fusion: A Quantum Dynamical Model, In: Physical review. C, Nuclear physics110(3) APC

Deuterium-Tritium (D-T) fusion is a key to generating safe, clean and limitless energy on Earth in future fusion power plants. Its understanding at low collision energies is incomplete, as D-T fusion is a quantum tunneling process affected by resonances whose origin is linked to properties of not fully understood nuclear forces. Simplified quantum dynamical calculations of laser-assisted D-T fusion are presented, suggesting that laser-nucleus interaction can enhance the average D-T fusion probability by 7 − 70% at deep subbarrier energies using laser fields of intensity 10^27 − 10^29 Wcm −2 and photon's energy of 1 eV.